Status: Completed!

The Way I Loved You

"I've got a crush on you."

I walked back outside and helped Kara sell some more of the merchandise. Halfway through the show, Vinny told us to pack up all of the merchandise and put it under the tour bus in the storage component. Once we were done, I went backstage to see the boys.

"Hey guys. You all did really great tonight!" I said, entering the locker room area.

"Brynn!! I missed you so much!!"

"Jack, I was gone for like two hours. What would you do if I hadn't come on tour?"

"I honestly have no idea. You're like my favorite person in the world!"

"I know."

I saw him mumble something under his breath, but I ignored it and let it go. I looked around and saw Kara sitting on Rian's lap, Zack messing with his guitar, and Jack annoying the shit out of people. I didn't see Alex anywhere but didn't really care at this point. I don't want to deal with him when he's acting like such an ass.

I left and went back to the bus to get situated before everyone else got on. They got on and immediately started passing out drinks.

"Brynn, do you want any?" Jack asked me.

"Well what all are you making?"

"I was thinking of making just mixed drinks. Nothing fancy tonight."

"Eh, I'm not really in the mood to drink. I'm just kind of tired. I think all the driving is starting to take a toll on me. I'm just going to go lay down and probably sleep."

"Okay. G'night."


I noticed someone else was sitting in the back as I passed by to go to the bathroom- or so called bathroom- to change.

"Hey, Brynn. Why aren't you out enjoying yourself?"

"Well, Alex, I have morals, unlike you."

"What does that mean? It's not like I'm out there getting wasted off my ass."

"For one, you are most times. And for two, I don't go around fucking anything that moves."

"So it's about that girl earlier?"

"No, it's about the way you treated me when she was around. You always get like this! You'll be all sweet and nice and then as soon as your next lay comes around you turn into a complete dick and I'm sick and tired of it!"

"How long have you been thinking this?!?"

"I've been thinking about it since the first hit stardom. Since I saw what an arrogant, cocky, conceited person you are. You treat girls like shit and they still continue to come back to you. I just don't get it. I don't understand how you can be two people at one time. There's the Alex we all know and the Alex that goes around screwing a new whore every night."

"Y-you actually t-think that?"

"Sometimes, yes."

He sighed and started to run his fingers through his lovely brown locks.

"I'm sorry, Brynn, if I have ever made you think that of me."

"The saddest part is that we've all just adapted and gotten used to your ways. I'm tired though. So let me go to sleep."

"Can I talk to you about this tomorrow?"

"That depends on my mood. We'll see."


I watched him walk away. Can he not take a hint that I actually like him? It's probably for the best that he doesn't know. Because I know somehow Jack would find out and he would kill me. I'm sure it's just a crush. It'll pass over in time. Right?
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter Title: Crush by Mandy Moore

I know it's super short. Sorry. I know where I want this story to go I'm just trying to figure out how to get to that point. I know you are probably all getting whiplash from the constant mood swings but it should slow down soon.