Status: Completed!

The Way I Loved You

"Look for the girl with a broken smile. Ask her if she wants to stay a while."

We got to the ice rink and it was about seven at night. We went in and paid while renting ice skates. I walked over to a bench and sat down to start putting them on. Connor came and sat on the right of me. He kept trying to kiss me while I was putting on my skates.

"Would you please stop? You're really getting on my last nerve," I said, rolling my eyes.

"What's wrong with you? You've been really cranky all day."

"I'm sorry. I just have a lot on my mind. Plus, I'm just not that big on PDA. I'm sorry," I said, lacing up my right skate.

"It's fine. You just got to tell me these things, babe," he said, putting on his own skates.

"No pet names either. Sorry. I just don't like them."

"Okay. Any other rules?"

"Nope. That should cover it," I said with a laugh. He smiled and continued to put on his skates. Once everyone had their skates on, we all walked, well stumbled, to the ice rink. Jack, Matt, and Rian took off on the ice. They used to go ice skating all the time in high school. It was their place to take girls on second dates. Every time. Lisa and Cassadee then went out. They went slower than the other three but still managed to keep up. Zack then started to help explain it to Connor while I took my first step onto the ice. I started to slip and fall until I felt somene's arms catch me.

"Careful, Brynn. We wouldn't want you to smash your pretty little face on the ice," Alex said, with a laugh.

"Umm thanks," I said, reaching for the wall to try and steady myself.

"Here. Let me teach you how to skate," he said, putting his hands on my hips from behind.

"Umm, no. I got it. I don't want to slow you down."

"Oh, please. I'm going to help you," he said, squeezing my sides gently.

I started to barely pick my skate up and step forward. I almost fell twice, but Alex managed to catch me both times. It took me almost ten minutes to make it around the rink once.

"Come on, Brynn! Pick it up!" Jack yelled, speeding by us.

"Shut up!" I yelled back, laughing.

He smiled before continuing to skate. I then heard one of my favorite songs start to play.

"Beauty queen of only eighteen. She had some trouble with herself." Adam Levine's voice gently floated out of the sound system only to be interrupted by Alex.

"Brynn, why can't you just tell me you still have feelings for me?" Alex said, now standing beside me as I gripped the wall tightly.

"Alex, what part of moving on don't you understand?" I said, agitated.

"Why? Why the hell do you want to move on? I'm not over this relationship and neither are you. I know you're not, Brynn. I can see the way you want Connor to treat you. You want him to treat you the exact opposite of how I did. I love you, Brynn. So much," He said, grabbing me as I started to fall, but this time I wasn't falling from the ice. My knees were giving out.

"I can't handle this right now, Alex. I'm so sorry," I said, watching his reaction. His face immediately fell. I watched as he took off skating.

"Hey, Brynn. What the hell just happened?" Connor asked, gliding up next to me.

"Nothing," I said, starting to skate again.

"It sure as hell wasn't nothing. I heard everything that he said. I can't believe this!" he yelled.

I exited the ice as I got back to the entrance.

"No, turn around, bitch!" Connor yelled, yanking my arm to get me to face him. I yelped as I felt something pop in my left shoulder.

He then looked at me with such a deranged look in his eyes I didn't know what to think. I felt a stinging pain on my face as he hand met my cheek. I then immediately pulled my right arm back and socked him right in the nose.

"You don't touch me! Ever!" I yelled. "We are through, Connor. I never want to see your stupid ass again!" I screamed, walking past him. Jack and Matt then came flying out of the rink.

"Are you okay?" Jack yelled as he ran past me and toward Connor. I then noticed that all of our group was leaving the rink and running towards us. Jack had grabbed Connor and was holding him up by the collar of his shirt. Who would have known that Jack had been so strong? Zack then ran over to back him up while Cassadee grabbed me into a hug.

"Jack. Jack! Leave him. He's not worth your time," I said, walking out to the main lobby area. I grabbed my shoes from the locker area and started to take off my skates.

"Ow," I muttered as I tried to move my left arm.

"Here. Let me help you," Alex said, grabbing my foot and pulling off my skates, replacing them by my shoes.

"Are you okay?" he asked with concern laced in every word.

"Yeah. My shoulder just hurts," I said.

"Here. Take of your jacket. Let me see," he said, helping me out of my jacket.

"Oh, shit. You need to get this looked at," he said, barely touching my shoulder. It made me cringe. He left me and went up to the counter to get a bag of ice. He laid it on my shoulder gently and slid my jacket back on over top. Everyone else then came walking out of the arena. Jack looked absolutely livid as he took off his skates and put on his shoes. Once everyone had turned in their skates, we walked out of the arena and towards our cars.

"Hey, I'm taking Brynn to the hospital," Alex said, holding my purse even though I told him I could hold it with my right shoulder. He grabbed the keys out of my purse and helped me into the passenger side of the car.

"Okay, well I'm going too since I'm her brother," Jack said, climbing in the back.

"I'm going!" I heard Cass yell also sliding in the back.

"Okay. Well I'm going to go back to the house and you guys keep us updated," Rian said, while Zack, Matt, and Lisa followed him back to his car.

Alex started the car and we were on our way.

"Are you okay, Brynn?" Jack asked.


"You got quite the punch in there. I'm pretty sure you broke his nose," Cass said, looking out the window.

"Bastard deserved it. No one fucking touches me," I said, glaring out the windshield.

"He deserved a lot worse. I'm glad you didn't take his shit," Jack said.

We got to the hospital and had about five hours to kill because they were so fucking slow. When we finally got back there, they x-rayed my shoulder and told me it was out of place. They gave me some vicodin and waited for about a half an hour.

"Okay, Brynn. We're going to pop your shoulder back into place now," the doctor said.

"Don't tell me when. Just do it," I said, wincing and turning my head in the other direction. Alex grabbed my hand and let me squeeze it. I felt a sharp pain shoot through my shoulder. I screamed and felt tears start to run down my face.

"It's done," the doctor said. He prescribed me some painkillers then gave me a sling. He then left while I sat there dazed.

"Shh. It's okay, Brynn," Alex said, brushing the tears away with his thumbs.

"Thanks for being here, Alex. I appreciate it," I said, standing up with his help.

"Anytime, babe."

I didn't even have the energy to correct him so I just let it slide.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: She will be loved by Maroon 5.

Please go read my new story called We were barely seventeen, and we were barely dressed. It's not about Alex Gaskarth unfortunately but I think it's going to be good. I would really appreciate it. Also commenting and adding me as a friend. Thanks so much!