Status: Completed!

The Way I Loved You

"Put your little hand in mine and look into my eyes, baby, eyes."


Who the hell was up yelling at nine in the morning?!?

We all slowly started to get out of bed and walked out to a very hyper-looking Jack.

"Jack, what the hell?" I asked sleepily.

"Come on!! It's time to get up and celebrate life!! Get up and smell the roses!"

"I would rather be smelling my bed sheets." I heard Alex mutter under his breath.

"Jack, come on! Is this really necessary?" Rian questioned.

"Yeah, Jack. We were up until like three in the morning. Why do you hate us?" asked Kara.

"I'm doing this because I love you. And Kara and Brynn, you can go back to bed. You're not really who I need to talk to. It's these three that I need to talk to."

"Ummk. G'night, Jackybear."

"G'night, Brynnypoo."

I laughed and walked back to my make shift bed. As soon as I plopped down I was out like a light.


When I woke back up, it was nearly two in the afternoon. I got a quick shower and got completely ready before walking into the living room/kitchen. I grabbed a granola bar out of the cabinet and went outside to see where the boys were performing today.

I walked around until I saw Alex leaning up against the stage looking troubled.

"What's wrong, Alex?" I asked with slight annoyance.

"Can we take a walk?"

"Umm, Sure."

He quickly started walking away and I had to jog to catch up with him and let him lead the way. I wasn't really paying attention so I failed to see him stop and slammed straight into his back.

"Oof! Sorry. I wasn't watching were I was going."

"It's okay."

There was an awkward long pause.

"A gay baby was just born," I stated.


"A gay baby was just born." He looked at me completely baffled. "You've never heard the saying that every time there is an awkward silence a gay baby was born?" He shook his head. "Well now you have."

He laughed before he started to talk.

"So about yesterday..." He trailed off.

"Let's just drop it. I made a big deal out of nothing and I want to apologize for those things I said to you."

"No, don't apologize. You were completely right. I'm a rock star and I've even taken on the role of being one. I just hope no one's lost my trust."

"Everyone trusts you still, Alex. It's just annoying to get kicked out of my temporary home so you can get some."

"Yeah, and I'm sorry about that."

"Okay, So it's over. So let's just pretend it never happened? Sound good?"

"Sounds great."

I started to walk away when he pulled me into a tight hug. My body melted into his and as corny as it sounds I could feel the sparks between us. It was the most amazing feeling I've ever felt.

"You sure are cool for being Jack's little sister," He stated, pulling away. I laughed. And not my forced laugh I've been using for the past couple of years. An actual laugh.

We walked back towards the bus in a comfortable silence.

"What time do you guys perform today?"

"Umm, not positive. I think it's at like six-ish."

"Okay. I'm going to go chill on the bus for a while then."

"Alright. I'll probably be by the stage if you need me. Or you can text me."

"I don't think I have your number."

"Yes you do."

"How do you know that?" I scrolled through my contacts and sure enough he was in there.

"Because I put it in there this morning once you went back to sleep."

"You sneaky little bastard!"

"Hey! I don't want to hear that fucking language from my little sister!" I heard as Jack approached us.

"You are such a nerd, Jack. Stop trying to play the "big brother" role. It's never really worked for you," I stated matter-of-factly.

He immediately started chasing me around the venue. Somehow, I got away from him and made my way to the bus before he could find me.

As soon as I stepped on the bus, Alex started laughing at my hard breathing and disheveled expression.

"Shut up, Gaskarth." I said in between gasps of air. I really need to start running again.

This just caused him to laugh more at my state. I grabbed a water from the fridge and plopped down on the inviting couch just as Jack was coming through the door.

"Brynn! How the hell did you get back here?"

"I honestly don't know. I just ran in circles and voila."

He grabbed a water for himself and sat down on the couch next to me. After about thirty minutes of mind numbing television I excused myself to go and clean up before the show. I really don't want to sell anything tonight.
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Chapter Title: Music Again by Adam Lambert.