Status: Completed!

The Way I Loved You

"I'm looking for a cutie, a real big ole ghetto booty."

Kara and I ran backstage after helping pack up all the merchandise and putting it back on the bus. The boys had finished their set about half an hour ago and were backstage meeting fans and what not. I spotted Alex and Jack and ran and jumped on Alex's back. He caught my legs and held me in place.


"Hey, Brynn. OH!! Brynn this is Emily and Taylor. They are a couple of fans. Emily and Taylor, this is my younger sister Brynn." explained Jack.

"By only one year. Hi. Nice to meet you guys." I said hopping off of Alex's back and shaking their hands.

We sat around for a few more minutes talking to them when they decided they needed to go or their ride might leave.

"So what are the plans for the night?" I asked.

"Well, I think Flyzik said that we are traveling again," Alex said, frowning.

I sighed.

"Well I think we need to take a break and go clubbing or something."

"Dude!! That would be sooo much fun," Jack exclaimed, hugging me.

"Alex, you need to talk to Flyzik then. He likes you the best."

"Jack, that is so not true. It's probably Rian."

"That's true, but Rian's not here. And you are. So off you go." Jack gave Alex a little push back towards the bus. I laughed lightly.

"Brynn, I'm glad you came with us on tour."

"Jack, we've been on tour for about two weeks." I chuckled.

"I know...but I'm still glad."

"You're a dork, Jack...but I love you, anyway."

"Aww thanks, puddin'."

I walked away and back towards the bus when I saw Alex emerging from it with a smug look on his face.

"I'm going to assume he said yes?" I asked.

"How could anyone deny this look?" He said as he stuck out his bottom lip and his brown eyes got huge.

"I don't know, Alex. I don't know."

I walked onto the bus and went to my slash Kara's dresser. It was just easier to put all of our shit together since we shared clothes all the time anyway. I found my black skinny jeans and my amazing pink top. I ran to the bathroom with all my toiletries. I had to get in there before the boys did. They take forever!!

After I was done in the bathroom, I went out and did smokey eyed makeup and put on a clear lip gloss. I then straightened my long, mid back length hair and put a bump for my bangs. I slipped on my "hooker" heels and went out to walk around while everyone else got ready.

After about half an hour, I went back to the bus and noticed everyone was ready except for Jack. I also noticed Alex stared at me for an unusual amount of time. Longer than any guy has every stared at me before. I let it slide and went outside once Jack appeared.

Flyzik had rented us a car to use for the night. It was awesome.

"Okay. Who is going to be the DD? Because I wanna get fucked up." I heard Merrick say.

"Does it really matter? I know Kara or I will get stuck doing it anyway so what's the use?" I said.

"You don't have to DD if you don't want to, Brynn. I can do it." Alex said.

"Alex, who do you think you're fooling?" I said.

"No, seriously. I can DD if you want to drink."

"That'd be...nice. Thanks, Alex." I replied, shocked.

After about twenty minutes jamming out to random songs on the radio, we got to the club: Hot Ice. (A/N: Made up the name.) It was awesome. I walked in and there was a massive dance floor that the DJ overlooked. Right across from the dance floor was the bar that had so many bartenders, I got confused just trying to count them. It was amazing.

I saw Jack wander off towards the bar as the rest of the group went to find a table.

"Hey, Jack. Can you get me a strawberry daiquiri?" I asked him.

"Sure. I'll meet you at the table."

I walked over towards where I saw the group headed and quickly found them in a secluded corner. I slid in the booth and was sitting right next to Alex.

"Ello puppet." I said in a fake British accent.

"That was probably the worst British accent I have ever heard." Alex stated, chuckling.

"Well, I'm sorry I'm not from England like some people." I laughed quietly.

"You're excused." My mouth dropped and he just smirked at my response.

I turned away from him and started talking to everyone else. Jack walked up and handed me my drink which I accepted gladly. I started drinking it and damn was it good. By that point, everyone had left to the dance floor except for Flyzik, Alex, and I.

"Hey, Brynn? You wanna go dance?" Alex whispered in my ear. I just nodded my head simply and stood up. He followed me to the middle of the floor. Bulletproof by La Roux started playing and I just started dancing like no other. I'm actually quite a terrible dancer so I just wing it. Alex was laughing at me though so I guess it worked.

We danced to a few more songs and then a slow song came on. Just as I was about to leave he pulled me back into him and held me close. It was kind of awkward at first but I eventually eased into him and just let him lead me. When the song was close to being over, He whispered, "You're beautiful." in my ear and sent shivers up and down my spine.

And then he did it. He kissed me gently. It was such a sweet kiss that I forgot about who it was and just went with it. I then realized what happened and quickly pushed away from him and ran back to the table to grab my purse. I had to get back to the bus. Jack could never know about this.

Alex POV:

I let instinct take over and I kissed her!! I finally did it! What I've been longing for for so long and I did it!! It was better than I ever imagined it would be. But then suddenly she pulled away. She took off and I tried to follow her but I got lost in the massive amount of people. Was she scared that I would break her heart? I know I sure as hell was. I didn't want to do that to Jack's little sister, but I had to have her. I would go crazy if I didn't get her soon. I was already starting to loose my mind. This girl has me wrapped around her finger and she doesn't ever know it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Brynn's outfit (I made it:D):

Title Credit: Lil Freak by Usher featuring Nikki Minaj

Dear beautiful reader,
Thank you for reading my update. I know that the story has been boring so far but it should be getting better soon. I'm so sorry for not posting sooner. I have been crazy busy with everything going on around my house. Please, please comment and let me know how I'm doing. ILY.