Status: Completed!

The Way I Loved You

"I'm gonna rain on your parade."

I woke up the next morning and ate some cereal for breakfast. Nobody else was up yet, so I just sat and waited. Jack then walked out and sat down to eat some breakfast.

"Brynn, what happened to you last night? You just disappeared."

"I wasn't feeling very well, so I left."

"Well you should have told me. I would have had Alex take you home," he said, trying to hide his anger.


He looked pretty pissed, so I left and went and got ready for the day.

Once we got to the venue, I got out and went for a walk. I didn't want to be inside the bus when Alex woke up. I sat in the empty seats that were there for the concert tomorrow night while I watched the crew people set up all the stage crap.

I don't know why we can't just go to the hotel. Why do we have to sit here and do nothing?

I got distracted from my thoughts as Kara walked up.

"Hey, Kara. What's up?"

"Don't play all that 'what's up' shit. You know what's up. I know what happened between you and Alex last night. Why did you run away?"

"I-I-I got scared. I don't know if Alex was just in the heat of the moment or if he actually likes me. I'm not going to be played and broken by him. Jack won't allow it anyway. It was just easier to run then face what happened." I took a deep breath from talking so fast.

"You just need to talk to him."

"Who? Jack? Or Alex?"

"Both of them. I know Jack's super pissed that you went off walking around in a town you don't know very well."

"Well, if I tell him what happened, he's going to be more than pissed."

"You don't need to give him the dirty details. Just explain that you like Alex."

"But I don't know if I like Alex. That's part of the problem."

"Trust me. You like him. It's written all over your face."

"I think I just need to be alone for a little while."

"Okay. I'll see you later then."

I got up and started to walk around. I just need to think things through. I started walking around. I saw Alex up on the stage setting up. He looked more distracted than usually. It was weird. He couldn't be acting like this because of me could he? Surely there is something else that's making him like this. Oh shit. He noticed me. Now he's going to want to talk to me. I'm just going to walk away and pretend I didn't see him.

I walked around and was almost to the bus when I felt him grab my arm and pull me behind the bus.

"Oh fuck." I muttered.

"Brynn, we need to talk." Alex said.

"I know."

"Why did you run off on me?"

"Because...because...because I know you Alex. I know how you use girls and then drop them like your pants. I don't want to be one of your 'women'. I just don't see how it could possibly work. You use girls and I'm Jack's sister. Jack would kill you."

"I know. I can change though. I can change for you, Brynn. I could never use you. I like you too much to do that. Please just give me a chance."

"Alex, my trust has to be earned."

And with that being said I walked away. If I would have stayed for ten more seconds, I know I'd be packing into his arms.

I got onto the bus and got a quick lunch. Then everyone walked on the bus, followed by Flyzik, who started to talk.

"Okay. We are going to the hotel. Kara and Rian, you two are rooming together. Alex and Zack will be together and Brynn and Jack." He told us.

"Flyzik, do I really have to share with my sister? I get enough of her as it is." Jack complained.

"Fine. Brynn will be rooming with Alex. And Zack and Jack will be together."

Why does everyone hate me? Can they not see that I am trying to avoid Alex because it's what's best for the band? Damn. If Jack found out, he would destroy Alex which would make a huge impact on this band.

"So are we going back to the hotel now then?" Kara asked.

"Yep. Then after you are all ready we are going to the mall for a while." Flyzik informed everyone.

This is going to be one long ass night...
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's short, but I needed a filler. Thanks for reading.

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Title Credit: Rain on your parade by Duffy.