Status: Completed!

The Way I Loved You

"Oh the clever things I should say to you. They got stuck somewhere. Stuck between me and you."

We pulled up to the hotel and got our suitcases. Flyzik went into the hotel and checked everyone in while we got off the bus. He handed all of us our keys and told us our room numbers. When we got off the elevator, we all parted our separate ways. Alex followed behind me silently and it made me nervous that he was going to pounce once we got into the room.

I opened the door and threw all of my stuff beside the bed closest to the window, claiming it as mine.

"I'm going to go take a shower and get ready for the mall." Alex announced.

I nodded my head in response and didn't look him in the eyes. I think I heard him sigh before grabbing clothes and walking into the bathroom.

I picked out an outfit for the mall and placed it on the bed while waiting for Alex to get done. The TV remote was laying beside the bed so I sat down and flipped it on, searching for a movie to watch.

Hmm...American Pie...No. Breakfast Club...No. Sweeney Todd...Hells yeah.

I quickly went to the movie and started to sing along with all the music. Alex walked out when the movie was almost over. I watched the rest of the movie and walked into the bathroom with my clothes without looking at Alex.

As soon as I stepped into the steaming hot shower, my entire body relaxed. The hot water just poured down my back and got rid of all my worries. Once I was done I got dressed and did all my hair and makeup. And I did it faster than Alex did. Ha. I win.

I left the bathroom and Alex was watching TV.

"Matt called while you were getting ready. He said to meet down in the lobby in ten minutes."


I went and sat down on my bed.

"Hey, Brynn?"


"You look beautiful."

I felt the blood rush up to my cheeks.

"Thank you."

I tried my hardest not to look at Alex but I couldn't just ignore him.

"I see you looking at me, Brynn."

I blushed even more and quickly began to stare at the TV. This is sooo awkward.

"Why?" He asked me.

"Why what?"

"Why will you not date me? I can change. I really can."

"One, you are my brother's best friend and two...two..."

He stood up so fast and was instantly sitting beside me holding my hands.

"See! You can't even think of a reason except your brother. And i love Jack, but fuck him. He can adapt and get used to it! I really really like you. Will you please be my girlfriend?"

He looked so damn adorable. His eyes were wide and he had the cutest serious face on. I smiled and nodded.

"Brynn you better not be fucking with me right now!"

"I'm not! I promise...but can we just wait to tell Jack until later?"

He nodded his head and then I felt his lips softly yet urgently against my own. And then they were gone.

"Come on. We better get going."

I stood up and grabbed my purse and hotel card and followed Alex to the elevator. We were the last ones to show up downstairs.

"Sorry. We were watching a movie and weren't paying attention to the time." Alex lied through his teeth.

"It's alright. Let's just get going." Flyzik said.

We walked outside and got into the two taxi's that Flyzik had called before we came downstairs. We got to the mall and everyone split off into different groups. Kara, Rian, and Jack went together. Alex, Zack, Flyzik, and I went off to hot topic. We shopped around for a few hours and then met at the food court to get dinner. I got Panda Express along with Zack and Kara. We went back and sat at the table and joined in on the conversation.

"Kara, what's the first thing you notice about a guy?" Jack asked her.

"Truthfully? Their ass."

I busted up laughing along with everyone at the table.

"What? Why do you think I chose Rian? What about you, Brynn?"

"Umm...Teeth. Has to have nice teeth for sure."

"Well personally, I'm a boobs guy." said Jack.

"Of course you are." said Alex. "That's why you always play with your nipples in the back of the bus."

"Of course. I wish I had big tits. What about you Alex?" Jack asked.


"That's because you spend more time on your hair than any girl I've ever met!!" I yelled, laughing.

Our conversation kind of died down and we soon left. When we got into the hotel room, Alex basically attacked me. He pushed me onto his bed and started kissing me.

"Give me time to breath!" I yelled out.

He then started tickling my stomach which made me laugh like crazy."

"I'!!!" I screamed in between laughs.

He stopped immediately.

"Fine. But everyone wants to go swimming. So we should go."

"Fine. I'll go change."
♠ ♠ ♠
So I just realized that it's kind of an unwritten rule on this site to personally thank all the people who comment. So sorry that I never say anything but I promise I will start.

Thanks to Unknown S who comments on almost every chapter. It's very much appreciated:D

Brynn's outfit:

Title Credit: I like you so much better when you're naked by Ida Marie.