Status: Completed!

The Way I Loved You

"Russian Roulette is not the same without a gun."

We pulled into the next venue. They'd be playing here for tonight and then we are back on the road again. We had to get up at 5 to get on the bus and leave in order to make it here by 11.

I sat at the little kitchen table after getting ready and waited for someone to talk to. Alex then walked out of the back and was rubbing his eyes. He noticed me.


"Hola." I replied.

"Did you get any breakfast?"

"No, I'm not really hungry."

He grabbed bread and put it in the toaster and then got peanut butter and a knife.

"You and your peanut butter." I mumbled.

He smiled at me with a toothy grin. It caused me to smile back.

He got all of his ingredients and sat down next to me.

"So what time do you guys perform tonight?"

"Umm I think at like 8? I'm not to sure. I just go where the bus goes and do what they tell me."

"Fair enough."

Then I felt it. I felt his lips hit my cheeks causing my cheeks to go red.

He then huskily whispered in my ear, "You want to go on a walk?"

I nodded my head, biting my lip. We got up and went outside. I just noticed that all he had on was a pair of plaid pajama pants. No shirt. But I'm not gonna complain. He held my hand as we walked around the area.

"What's your favorite color?" He asked me.

"Blue. I prefer lighter blue though. What's yours?"

"Probably red. Who's your favorite actress?"

"Hmm...I don't know. I guess Sandra Bullock. You?"

"Angelina Jolie."

"Of course. I'm surprised you didn't say Megan Fox."

"She's hot."

He then looked to make sure I wasn't offended. I just laughed.

"Yeah. She's really pretty. But she's slutty."

"Which actress isn't?"


We continued to walk around and talk about random things for about an hour. Then he had to go get ready for the show.

I went ahead and helped Vinny put all of the merchandise out and got everything set up. Kara helped and then we went back on the bus to eat a quick dinner. The boys were all backstage getting ready so Kara and I walked back there to see what they were doing.

As soon as we walked in, I heard Jack scream like a little girl.

"What the hell is your problem, Jack?" Zack asked.

"There are girls in here," he said in fake shock.

We all rolled our eyes and Rian smacked the back of his head.


I busted up laughing. The way he said it sounded just like a baby. And now he was pouting because I was laughing.

"Shut up, Brynn. I will lay all of your shit out."

"Like what? Everyone already knows all of my shit."

"Not that one time when you were in junior high and you had a major.."

"Okay. Well, let's just keep that one to ourselves."

"No. Now I wanna now." said Alex.

"You really don't. It's not even that great of a story."

"Well she had this major crush on her math teacher and when she told this girl in her class the girl told the teacher and the teacher in turn had to get her switched out of his class."

By now, I was sitting on the couch and burying my head in my hands. My face was sooo red right now. I must have looked like a tomato.

"Awww...Brynn. That's so mean. Jack why do you have to be such a jerk?" Kara teasingly asked.

"Hey, I warned her."

I laughed and then we waited until it was time for the show to start.
♠ ♠ ♠
Notice the LOVELY banner that Unknown S made for this story. It's absolutely amazing and made me really happy:)

Brynn's outfit:

Title Credit: Poker Face by Lady Gaga