Love Games

Part 1

Love games( Nick Jonas is not famous)

Me, Bridget Hall, or Brie, and Nick Jonas were supposed to be in love forever. Never to leave each others warm embrace for one second. But I'm getting much too much ahead of myself. Let's start from the point that that love started. 

It was a warm summer day and I was sitting outside in my backyard waiting for Nick to get here. I was laying out on a beach chair in white shorts, a white tanktop, and a blue, white, and green, plaid three-quarter shirt. My hair was crimpy from having my hair in french braids so I let it fall down my beck in curls. My favorite pair of black Ray-bans were placed on the top on my head, and they slipped down everytime I moved me head. 
I had been meaning to tell Nick something very important since last week but couldn't find the nerve to do it. But today I looked good and hadn't seen him for two day which made me want to tell him more. I think u can all guess what I have to say but for those of u who don't, ur just going to have to find out later. 
"Briiiieee?" I heard. It was him. I could tell by his velvety voice.
"Im back here"I yelled. I stood up and placed my glasses in my face. I saw him round the corner to my backyard and I rocketed toward him. When close enough to him I jumped into him open arms, wrapping my legs around his torso. My forhead fell against him and I could feel the warm tickle of his breathe against my lips. 
He smiled lightly and I returned it to him. He bent down and pecked the base of my neck, successfully making me burst out in giggles.
"I have to tell u something important today." I whispered. 
"Go ahead."
"No. I have it all planned out. Were gonna play a game." I jumped off him and took his hand.  I dragged him across the street to the forest at the the end of the block. 
"why r we going to the forest?" he asked cutely. 
"cause it's part of the game silly!"I chuckled. I led him to the first tree that had a note on it. 
"Okay you have to close ur eyes. You can't open them until u r done counting to one hundred. Okay?" he nodded and closed his eyes. I ran into the forest, past all of my other notes, and stopped behind the last tree. Now it was time to wait. 

Nicks POV

I opened my eyes and saw a pink sticky not attached to a tree. I plucked it off and read it. It said ' remember our first date? If I was wearing my hair down take two steps forward. Shows how well you love me.' I sighed and took two steps forward. 
For our first date I took her to a secluded Forest just like this one where I had a picnic all set up, and yes her hair was down and beautiful. 
I stepped onto the next one and it said' remember how our lips touched for the first time? If u felt sparks take two steps forward. Shows how much u love me.' I took two steps forward again.
 She had it all planned out, she knew whether or not I knew the answers or not. And so I played on taking steps forward and back, hopefully getting nearer to the end.

Then I saw it. A huge tree with a large pink heart on it. I looked closer and saw that it said ' I love'.
"I love what?" I asked confused. And then Bridget stepped out from behind the tree and said " l love you."

Bridget POV

I was getting nervous. I didn't see him yet and was wondering where he was. I didn't know if this was the right way to do this. I wasn't sure if he felt the same way. I began feeling regret for doing this, thinking that maybe I should have waited longer. 
I peeked out from behind the tree and saw him. He was walking towards the second to last tree. He was wearing his blue, slightly baggy jeans and a red plaid shirt over a tightly fitting t-shirt. The light came from behind the trees shining perfectly on his beautiful face. His black curls bouncing with every step he took, falling over his forhead. I turned around so that my back was pressed up against the tree. I heard the leaves crunching as footsteps grew closer to me. 
"I love what?" I heard him question. I took a deep breathe, and stepped out from behind the tree. I looked at him and said "I love you." his face filled with awe and I moved closer to him pulling him in for a kiss. Our lips moved in synch for a moment before I pulled away. I looked at his face and and his mouth parted. I waited for him to say something, not knowing what was to come, and then he said it. 
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First chapter!! Did my best hope u like it!