Higher, Faster, Stronger

Cartoon Heroes

I stared at the list in shock.

"Team postings will be delayed until after Thursday's meeting of the School Council."

Ok, let me give you a picture of where I was. It was after school on Tuesday and my stomach had been in knots all day. I fell into a sit position and groaned. It wasn't supposed to be up for discussion for the whole WORLD TO SEE!?

The coach saw me staring at the list.

"Hall!" he barked. At that point, I must admit he startled me so I jumped. I got off the floor as he approached and tried not to look too miffed/ disappointed. It wasn't working so well.

"Can we talk for a second?" Coach's face seemed unusually lucid. I think he was trying hard for me which was sweet but not really necessary. He motioned to the gym doors, recently abandoned. I nodded and opened the door.

"Listen. You're the main focus on this meeting. I had no control over it. Once some parents found out, they complained to Jared, so Miss Hicks decided to call a meeting deciding whether or not you can play on my team. You have some parental and student opposition and the administrators didn't want a war of the sexes being fought." He sighed.

"Listen, if it was up to me, I still wouldn't know what to do. Some parents are threatening to pull their boys out if a girl plays. You're good Hall, but I also can't lose half my team for one player. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, here. I'll say one thing," he said, his face breaking into a smile, "I ain't seen no girl play like you do. Few boys either. Be at the meeting in 2 days."

"Yes coach." I smiled on the inside for the compliment but was still bristling.

"They'll need your input, otherwise I'm sad to say, you've got not chance."

He turned to exit the gym doors when he turned.

"I'll be there and Derek Thompson might be."

Coach walked away oblivious to my disgusted face. I've seen warmer blizzards than that kid. There had to be more to him though. I hope…
I was exceedingly annoying the next day in school. None of the boys were happy with the coach's decision to postpone the results.

I found murderous glances on some of the boys and a few point and snickers. People came up to 'talk' to me in the hallway, nicely advising me to back out and not cause a war. I did have some supporters; I mean, not all the boys hated me. Those who could see what I could really do on the field tried their best to protect me, as far as I could tell. You don't mess with someone that's twice your weight and 3 times your muscle status.

Still, some of the boys didn't go for me. The anti-estrogen I dubbed them- go figure. Some of the girls didn't like me for the sheer fact that I was closer to all the hot sweaty boys than they would ever come.

Some girls fully supported the 'feminist' cause on this one. Roughly half of the jock girls supported me. Teachers seemed about split or rather- they didn't get involved because of professional responsibility.

This was going to be a long night, I decided.
"Mom!" I called. "I REFUSE TO WEAR A SKIRT!"

"Sweetheart, if you want to make a good impression, you'll wear it." She called back.

"Dressing up in a skirt will just disprove my point. If I go in that, they can't get a clear picture of who I am. I won't look like I'm ready to play!"

She sighed, stopping in my room.

"Fine, but please look presentable?" she pleaded.

I know Mom was kind of at her wits end with this but I refused to wear something girly. It would disprove my entire point if I showed up looked like Prom Day Barbie. I eventually decided on a black pair of pants and a red ¾ length v neck shirt. Nice enough to show I cared but still showed some biceps too.

I was ready for battle.
The meeting was run like a court with bystanders able to participate.

Me, I sat off to the side of the panel of "judges".

Jared, Miss Hicks, Coach, a few teachers and an administrator I didn't know all made up my jury. Taylor and Coach smiled warmly at me- though I think it was just a sign of reassurance. Didn't work though, I was so nervous I was sweating.

Come on, a bunch of strangers were basically deciding my future about my favorite thing in the world.

Oh perfect.

I saw Neil and Keegan slip into the rows at the beginning. Nate would slip in later.

Taylor Hicks rose.

"We're here to discuss Sarah Hall's petition to join Kelowna High's boy's football team. In lieu of fairness, I'll ask Miss Hall to state her case and then we'll open it up for discussion. Miss Hall?" asked Taylor.

My heart was racing as I stood where I was.

"First of all I want to tell you the reasons I'm not here. I don't want to make a political statement or change the structure of the system. I'm not here for a girl's football team to be instated. Basically," I shrugged. "I just want to play football. A bit of background knowledge now. I'm a recent transfer here from a school that provided a girl's football team. If they hadn't, I'd have probably done the same thing there as here. I've a strong foundation in the sport, it's not like I'm going in blind. I was taught by my father well. I played in a junior league and progressed to middle school. I've earned my varsity letter from freshman to junior year. Honestly? I'm physically well enough to play, as well as any of those boys. I'm no stranger to hard work. You'll find me down on the ground doing crunches like all of them. I'll wrap this up now. I'm not here about girl's rights and I don't have alternate reasons for joining. Just let me do what I love. Thanks."

I sat down, heart still racing, as if I'd run the mile in tryouts all over again. I couldn't believe I just did that. But, I took Mom's advice and clearly stated why I was there.

Taylor cleared her throat.

"We'll open it up for discussion."

Coach stood up in my defense, I hoped.

"Talent wise she's one of the better players I've seen this year. Gender shouldn't be a problem but I still have my doubts. She'd be alone at away games and I'll try not to discriminate. Some of the boy's expressed doubt. But as for those who want to pull their boys out, there's no one guaranteed a spot on my team boy or girl. Don't make them lose their starting spot over stupidity. I want what's best for the team. As we all do I hope?"

Coach gave a piercing glare around the room as if challenging to defy him.

A dad stood up in the back, "But she's a girl on a guy's football team. It's not natural. We don't want a girl to distract our boy's in a game."

"With respect," I stood up, "I'm not here to distract. I'll be wearing pads same as everyone else. Besides, distraction is the cheerleader's job." I sat down as a ripple of laughter echoed the room. I hadn't meant for sarcasm but I couldn't take it back now.

A woman stood up. "Is it so wrong for a girl to be on a guy's team? If a boy wanted to join cheerleading would we deny him that?" more whispers erupted.

"It's not the point," another female said. "It's a tough sport and she could get hurt."

I looked rather miffed at this. With good reason too a might add. She had a greater chance of breaking her hip than I had of suffering anything more than a possible broken bone.

"Were you missing the fact that she said she's been playing for years?" a dad called. "I say let her on if she'll make the team better. If she misbehaves throw her off, like any other guy."

I nodded approvingly.

I decided to stand up after more back and forth banter. It was bordering on an hour now.

"If you're so worried about my physical health then put me to the test. A Physical. See if I'm able. If not then I'll back down.

A murmur of agreement ruptured into the room. I was sick of all the discussions and the hypothetical situations. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a dark pair of eyes with spiky chicken hair go out the door.

Taylor stood up. "The council will take a 10 minute deliberation."

As they left I ran down to where my mom was sitting and sat next her. I needed a hug. It wasn't very tough but who doesn't hug their mom once in a while?

"Do I have a good chance?" I asked. She smiled, seeing my worried face.

"Yes sweetie, I think you put up a good case. I don't think they'll deny you because you're a girl."

I sat in agony for the rest of the time, waiting, watching and worrying. The council soon filed in.

"I light of all that's been said, we've decided to grant Miss Hall's suggestion of a field physical, performed by myself." It was common knowledge Taylor Hicks had extensive medical background. "In addition, she'll run a series of tests headed up by Coach Morino with help from the boy's team if needed. That shall be performed tomorrow after school. I'll use her last period class for the physical examination. This meeting is adjourned."

I sighed in relief.
The physical she put me through was relatively easy. It was the same as a physical from the doctor's office. Flexibility and else included.

During the middle I commented, "Miss Hicks?"


"I don't want to cause a war, just play football."

"I know. Right now the odds are in your favor."

After that let out I headed down to the field.

Nate ran up to me and started squeezing the life out of me. It was his version of a hug.

"Sarah! Me and Neil and Keegan and Glacier Boy are going to help you!"

I winced and whispered in his ear, "Don't call him Glacier Boy in public. He'll kill you. And most likely me too."

I saw Steve sitting on the sidelines with his computer as always. I ran into the girl's locker room with my gear. As I suited up I saw Isabelle enter.

"Hey," she started.

I returned a smile as I finished up lacing up.

"I just wanted to let you know, most of the cheerleaders support you and I think it's a good idea. The best player should play right?"

She extended her hand and I shook it.

"After this, I'm probably going to go to get something to eat with some of the boys. Want to come?"

Isabelle smiled and nodded. She followed me out of the locker room and headed for the bleachers.

"Good luck! I'll be watching!"

For once it felt good to have some people on my side. Boy was that a self confidence booster.
I ran as a warm up while Coach clocked me.

It was almost a repeat of tryout days.

They tried me with a few positions, including quarterback (Derek's job) and more. They tried me as kicker and we ran some small drills. I got hit and tackled like every other boy but at the end of practice coach called me over.

"Welcome to the team Hall."
♠ ♠ ♠
omg i am so tired
i'm going to just go die for like twelve hours straight
why did i run all over town from three till ten
fuck my life

also, if anybody has noticed there are a lot of K names or the names of nouns in general aren't very creative...well neither am I