I Can Tell


His eyes opened slowly from a long, much needed rest. He squinted in pain when the rays of sun that seeped through his bedroom window hit his tired eyes. As he looked at the pillow next to him a small smile crept across his face.

Lying there, in only a red bra and underwear, was his beautiful wife, Adrienne. Her face only inches from his and her arm draped around his waist. Their legs intertwined under the warm, fluffy duvet. Although they had been married for ten years, he still loved his wife with every bit of his being. He loved to wake up in the morning to see only her long, chocolate brown mess of curls and dread locks on the pillow next to him, and to hear the sound of her sweet voice after a long, tiring day with the guys at the studio. Even after all the stupid shit he had done in the past, she was still there. Sometimes it amazed even himself that he wasn’t waking up on the sofa downstairs in the living room every morning.

He lay there and stared at her until the buzzing of her alarm clock slowly made her stir awake.