I Can Tell


No One’s P.O.V.:

The rest of the night went smoothly. At around midnight Billie and Tre made up. After a few too many, Mike, Tre and Billie got on top of the pool shed and started to play what was supposed to be Blitzkreig Bop by The Ramones, but it ended up sounding like a whole lot of noise. Since Tre couldn’t get his drum kit up on the roof, he ended up being a backup dancer while Billie and Mike struggled to remember the chords.

At this point Joey and Jakob came bounding down the stairs and into the back yard to watch their dad play. They got onto the trampoline and started to jump around like crazy to the music. At the end of the song Billie, Mike and Tre all jumped off of the roof of the shed into the pool followed by Joey and Jakob, and then Adie because Jakob can’t swim without his floaties and Billie was obviously way to drunk to realize it.

Adie’s P.O.V.

“Bye guys. Thanks for coming!” I yelled out the front door, as everyone got into their cars to drive home.

I saw Billie running around the front lawn in his boxers with Tre.

“Guys get in here! Someone’s gonna call the cops on you!” I yelled, while trying hard not to laugh.

Billie stopped and put his arms out to help steady himself. He looked at me then raised his arm, smiled and waved. Not realizing that Billie had stopped running, Tre came running behind Billie and slammed straight into him, knocking then both over.

“Owwwwwww! Billie! Why would you stop there?” said Tre, as he rolled around on the ground holding his head.

Billie didn’t reply, but instead he stumbled to his feet and walked towards me.

“Come on, you too Tre! Let’s go!” yelled Claudia, sticking her head out the window of her car.

“Jesus woman! I’m coming!” yelled Tre in a southern accent, as he ran drunkenly towards their car.

I put my arm around Billie’s waist and he put his arm over my shoulder. I helped him walk inside and then I shut the door.

“Come on baby, Joey and Jakob are sleeping in our bed, so we’re down here in the guest room,” I said quietly.

“Ooooooo...you know what we can do in the guest room?” he said, while practically molesting me.

“Yes, I do know what we can do. Sleep, and that’s all we’re doing.”

“Damn...” he said disappointedly.

I finally managed to get him into the bedroom and into bed. By this point he had passed out. His leg was hanging off the side of the bed and I noticed that his arm was stretched out onto the night table, where he had a death grip on the lamp.

After lifting his leg back onto the bed and trying hopelessly to remove the lamp from his grasp, I pulled the covers up around his face like I do with Joey and Jakob, and kissed his forehead.

“Goodnight Billie,” I whispered to him, as I snuggled under the covers and wrapped my arm around his waist.

Times like this make me wish he never had to go on tour.