I Can Tell

The Pay Back

The Next Day:

Adie’s P.O.V.

I opened my eyes once again to see a big black nothing. I lay there for a moment before I realized that the big black nothing was actually my hair covering my face. After struggling to get all of my hair out of my eyes I was greeted with the bright summer sunshine. I rolled over to check the time. 9:13 a.m. Wow. I actually slept in for once. I lay on my back and turned my head towards the source of an overwhelmingly muffled snore. I laughed at what I saw.

Billie had his head under his pillow, while the rest of his body dangled off the side of the bed. Just as I was about to sit up and go downstairs, Billie’s head shot up, pushing his pillow into the lamp on his bedside table, and a loud moan escaped his lips.

He slowly turned his head towards me.

Fuck, was all he said. How nice.

“That’s what you get for the way you acted last night,” I said with a cheeky grin, as I watched him put his head in his hands.

He slowly pulled his body back up onto the bed, so he was laying on his back. He put his head back on his pillow and covered his eyes with his arms.

“Ughh..why did I drink so much last night? What was I thinking?” he asked, as if expecting me to become Dr. Phil and know the answer.

The next thing I know, he jumped out of bed holding a hand to his mouth. He bolted out the door, down the hall and slammed the bathroom door shut.

“Great,” I said in a sigh and rolled out of bed, grabbing an old sweatshirt of Billie’s that had been laying on the chair in the corner for who knows how long.

I slipped it over my head as I slowly made my way down the hallway to check on Billie. I cracked the bathroom door open, only to be greeted with the sound of vomit entering the toilet.

“Oh babe...” I cooed, kneeling down behind him rubbing his back and closing the door behind me. One, two more times was I greeted with the unpleasant sound of a grown man vomiting. I stood up and ran a cloth under cold water and handed it to him.

“Here, I’m gonna go clean up in the kitchen. Call me if you need anything,” I whispered in his ear, then planted a soft kiss on his clammy forehead before making my exit.

I walked down the hall, past the guest room that was previously occupied by myself and Billie, and into the kitchen. It was a disaster. The counters were covered in dirty dishes, the island was littered with empty bottles, the table was coated with a thick layer of sticky pop, which I clearly remember telling Tre to clean up. I sighed loudly before engaging in the task at hand. I took all the dishes out of the sink and filler it with hot, soapy water, and began to wash dishes.