I Can Tell

The Wake Up

Adie’s P.O.V:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock buzzing in my ear. Which means I have to get up now, wake the boys up and get them ready and off for school. After about two minutes of just laying there with my eyes closed listening to the alarm clock beep, I felt the bed move, and then pressure on my stomach. I opened my eyes to the sight of a naked Billie trying to reach over me to turn off my alarm. Boom!

“Haha! Are you okay babe?" I said in a small laughter.

“Shit! Ya I think so. Why don’t you ever turn the alarm off? It is on your side of the bed?" he said, as he rubbed his head.

“Because, I enjoy watching you try to do it.”

“Ohh? is that so?” he whispered, as he jumped on top of me and pinned me down.

“Get off of me…you dirty old man! I have to get the boys up or they’ll be late for school!” I screamed in a whisper.

“Okay, so now I’m the old one? Last time I checked you were born---,” he started to say, but I quickly whipped a hand over his mouth.

“Fine. Just get off of me. I need to wake Joey and Jakob up.”

“Alright,” he said in a huffy tone, as he rolled off of me and back onto his side of the bed. “If you must,” he added.

I quickly crawled out of bed and went over to our closet and threw on my knee length, silk bed robe. As I walked out of our bedroom, I could faintly hear Billie’s soft snoring, and giggled at how easily he fell back asleep.

I slowly made my way down the hallway to Joey’s room. I opened the door a slight crack and was overwhelmed with the sound of snoring. I peered into the room to see my 9-year- old son wrapped up in about ten blankets snoring loudly on the floor beside his bed. “Just like your father” I thought to myself as I walked into his room trying to contain my fits of laughter.

“Joey! Joey, sweety, it’s time to get up! You have to get ready for school,” I said in a louder voice than I had expected.

With that his head popped out from under the blankets and he screamed, “NOOOO!!Not the purple one! He looked around his room until his eyes fell on me.

“Awwwww…do I have to mom?” he said in a small voice.

“Yes you do have to. Now get up, I’ll make you breakfast.”

I turned to leave the room after only receiving a small grunt in response. I made my way back in the other direction down the hallway, past my room, where Billie was also snoring loudly, and towards Jakobs. His door was already wide open and I could see his little six-year-old face peering out of his blankets.

“Can I get up yet mommy?” he said in a surprisingly awake voice.

“Why are you still in bed Jakey? You could have gotten up when you woke up buddy,” I said, as I made my way to his window to open his blinds.

Yay!” he screeched, jumped out of bed and bolted down the hall towards the stairs, fully dressed for school.

Unlike his father, Jakob loved getting up early and unlike Joey, Jakob loved going to school.

“Slow down Jakob! You’re going to fall!” I said in a warning tone.
“Go watch some cartoons and I’ll be down there soon to make breakfast.”

I heard the pitter-patter of his little feet disappear downstairs while I leaned over to pick up a small red race car he had left laying in the middle of his room. I set the car back in it's place above his bed and pulled the comforter and sheets up on his red race car bed, smoothing out any wrinkles.

I thought about how excited he was on Christmas morning when he saw the big red bed that Santa had strategically placed under the Christmas tree. Later Christmas day he had told me he would need a new room and when I asked why he said it was because he was worried that he couldn't drive his new bed up the stairs. It took two more weeks to convince him that his new bed would not be driving anywhere.