I Can Tell

The Pick- Up

Adie’s POV:

After our little romp, I jumped back into the shower to clean myself off again. I walked back into our bedroom wearing my torn camo-green mini skirt and black mini-leggings along with my black crinkled spaghetti strap shirt. I picked up my black and pink Adeline shoulder bag, threw it over my shoulder, slipped on my pink and black Converse fold downs, and headed downstairs.

“Let’s go Billie! I want to get to the store before 2 o’clock.”

“Coming!” he said, as he turned the TV off and came walking into the front entrance.


“Ready,” I smiled, as I grabbed my car keys and opened the door.

After the store we were unloading the grocery bags in the kitchen and talking about the party we were having the tomorrow, when the phone rang. We are hosting a party for the guys in Green Day, at our house, because they just finished recording their newest album, American Idiot. Billie says that this is the best and most personal album they have wrote yet and he is really hoping it is successful.

“Hello?” I said, as I picked up the phone, reading the name of Joey and Jakob’s school on the caller ID.

“Hello, Adrienne?” said the voice on the other end of the phone.


“This is Mrs. Baron, Jakob’s teacher.”

“Oh hello, is everything alright?” I asked in a worried tone.

“Well, it’s Jakob, he seems to have come down with the flu and has been throwing up all morning,” she said, as I heard Jakob sobbing in the background.

“Oh no. Can I speak with him?”

“Certainly,” she said and handed the phone over to Jakob.

“Mommy! My tummy hurts,” he cried in a desperate voice.

“Hey Jake. Mommy and daddy are coming to get you okay?”

“Okay,” he said, as I heard him drop the phone and throw up.

“Adrienne?” said the lady I was assuming to be Mrs. Baron again.

“Okay. We’ll be right over.”

With that I hung up the phone and turned to Billie.

“Jakob's sick. We have to go pick him up at school,” I said, walking out of the kitchen towards the front door.

“Sick? He seemed fine when he got on the bus this morning?” said Billie, as he hurried behind me to keep up.

“His teacher said he has been throwing up all morning. I don’t see why she didn’t call us earlier,” I said in an irritated voice.