I Can Tell

Barf- Boys

Billie’s POV:

Adie ran out the front door to the car.

If he’s throwing up, I don’t want him to make a mess in the car, I thought and ran to the laundry room and picked up a large white bucket. I ran out to the car and jumped in. The entire drive there Adie had a worried look on her face.

“He’s fine babe, it’s just the flu,” I said, trying to calm her.

“I know. I just want to get there so I can get him home and in his own bed. He doesn’t like being alone when he’s sick,” she said, as she sped through a yellow light.

I picked up Jakob’s favorite stuffed dinosaur out of the backseat, that he left in there last night, and jumped back out of the car and up to the front doors of the school. I walked into the main office holding Adie’s hand tightly and saw Joey sitting on the side of the sick bed reading a story to a very pale, tired looking Jakob. The look on Joey’s face made me smile as he focused on reading the right words. A big red bucket sat on the floor next to them with a glass of water.

“Hey buddy," I said sympathetically. "You not feeling very good?” I asked, as I walked over to them interrupting Joey’s story.

“Daddy! Mommy! I throwded up lots,” Jakob said in a very tired voice.

“Yes you did...” said Joey in a disgusted voice, as he got up and put the book back on the shelf sitting across the room.

“Hey Jake,” Adie said softly, as she sat on the edge of the bed feeling Jakob’s head.

“Let’s get you home and into bed.”

“Okay,” said the half asleep little boy.

Just as Adie was about to bend down and pick him up his eyes widened and he sat up quickly. I grabbed the bucket and held it to his mouth as he threw up loudly. Joey turned his head and a faint “gross” escaped his mouth. When Jakob was finished Adie started to put his coat and boots on him. Just as we were about to leave Joey moaned loudly from behind us and bent over the garbage can throwing up. I ran back over to where he was and rubbed his back.

“I guess you’re coming home too, Joe,” I said as, he laid back onto the bed.

“Arrrggg ….. thanks a lot Jakob, I read you a story and you get me sick,” he mumbled, as he sat in my arms while I carried him out the front doors of the school.

On the way home I sat in the back of the car between Joey and Jakob, holding a bucket in front of each of their faces to make sure they didn’t miss. By the time Adie pulled into the driveway twenty-five minutes later, both the boys were fast asleep. Adie crawled out of the front seat and opened Jakob’s door, gently picking the six-year-old up and carrying him into the house. I jumped out Jake’s door and ran around to the other side of the car and opened Joey’s door. I picked him up and quietly carried him into the house and up to his bed.

“Daddy, can I sleep in your bed?” he said tiredly.

"Sure bud, but first let’s get you into your pajamas,” I said, as I helped him slip his shirt over his head while he sat on his bed.

I opened the door to my room, with Joey silently hanging in my arms, to see Adie tucking Jakob in on her side of the bed.

“Hey,” she said in a whisper.

“Looks like we’re sleeping on the couch,” I whispered back, as I laid Joey down and tucked the covers up around his small face.

She slowly tore her gaze from Jakob’s sleeping figure and looked me in the eyes, as her lips curled into a slight smile. Her hair was up with a red scrunchy and her blonde and brown dreads stuck out in every direction. Her bangs were perfect ringlets that lay on her forehead just above her glistening brown eyes. Her eyes were rimmed with a thick layer of back eyeliner, and her lips were a subtle red. She was perfect. I watched her as she leaned down and kissed Jakob’s forehead. She quietly stood up and came around to the side of the bed where Joey was sleeping.

She bent down to eye level and whispered, “Go to sleep baby. It’ll help you feel better,” she said, as she slid her hand down the side of Joey’s face. He nodded and closed his eyes.

“Have a good sleep boys, me and mommy will be downstairs if you need us,” I said, as I grabbed Adie’s hand and walked out into the hallway, leaving the door to our room open a crack.