I Can Tell

Chicken Soup

Billie's P.O.V.:

I must have fallen asleep because when I opened my eyes Adie was no longer reading, but had her eyes closed and the book laying open on her chest. I was about to sit up when I looked down and saw that Jakob had both of his arms wrapped around my stomach and his face smooshed into my chest. I smiled and laid my head back on my pillow and closed my eyes, as the phone rang. The only way I could get up was if I woke Jakob up, but after remembering how long it takes for him to fall asleep, I decided against it and crawled out of bed with him still clinging onto me. I ran into the hallway quickly where the phone lay on the ground and picked it up.

“Hello?” I asked in a whisper, seeing as Jakob was still sleeping.

“Hey Bill! Why are you whispering?” came Tre’s voice from the other end of the phone.

“Because Jakob’s sleeping. What’s up?”

“I was just wondering if you and Adie wanted to join me and Claudia at the bar tonight? Mike’s coming with Brittany.”

“No, sorry we can’t. Both the boys have the flu.”

“Ohhh…well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at the party then? What time is it at again? Two or three?”

“It starts at four, Tre.”

“Ohhh, then I’ll see you at four?”

“Yup. See you then.”

“Mhmmm…good luck with your barf boys!" he said laughing.

“Shut up!” I said in a whisper, as I clicked the phone off.

I started to walk back into my bedroom, when I felt Jakob stir awake.

“Daddy, can I go watch cartoons?” he said in a half-asleep mumble.

“Sure, buddy.”

With that I headed downstairs to the living room. Jakob watched TV while I made a pot of chicken noodle soup in the kitchen. About fifteen minutes later I saw Jakob enter the kitchen, in the corner of my eye, and slowly make his way to the table.

“Hungry?” I asked, while pouring a bowl of hot chicken noodle soup.

“Yes!” he said, closing the newspaper he had been looking through and setting it on the floor beside his chair.I threw two ice cubes into the bowl, knowing that if I didn't he would burn his mouth.

“Careful, it’s hot.” I warned him, as I set the steaming bowl of soup down in front of him.

“I take it your feeling better?” I said, as I watched him shove a big spoonful of soup in his mouth.

“Mhmmmmm..” he replied, too concentrated on fitting his spoon in his mouth to give a real answer.

I puttered around the kitchen while Jakob sat there eating his soup. I went into the pantry and noticed that Tre had left his pants in there, for some strange reason. Come to think of it, the last time Tre was here was last week when we had people over. So it wasn’t all that strange to be finding his clothes around the house. I picked them up and was about to carry them into the kitchen, so I wouldn’t forget to give them to him, when a small bag fell out of the pocket. I bent down to pick up the small bag of weed. Adie wouldn’t be very pleased to find that in the house so I put it in my pocket. “His loss.” I thought with a smile as I walked back into the kitchen. I looked up at the clock on the oven that read 6:37 p.m.