I Can Tell

Right. Or Wrong?

Adie’s POV:

I opened the bathroom door and slowly carried Joey back into the room and laid him in bed. I laid down next to him and he quickly crawled under the blankets and rested his head on my stomach.

“Try to sleep bud,” I said, as I slowly ran my hand through his hair.

His exhausted figure fell asleep instantly and I was left in quiet once again. The last time I was left in quiet was when Billie and I separated for a few weeks last year, and I brought the boys to my mothers because I couldn’t look after them. I was a complete mess. I don’t like quiet rooms because they give me too much time to think. Time to think about all the things I should or shouldn’t have done. This time it was weather or not we were raising our children the right way. I try to bring the boys to see Billie as much as possible when he’s touring, but with both of them in school it’s hard to just take them away. It was easier when Joey was a baby and we would just tag along on Billie’s tour bus the entire time. But when Jakob came along and Joey started nursery school, things changed. I’m starting to wonder if they realize who Billie actually is? Joey is just starting to understand that when Billie says he’s going on tour it means he won’t be coming home late at night to tuck him in for a long, long time. That’s when the water works start. And I don’t even think Jakob knows.

I quickly looked up when I heard the bedroom door open. Billie popped his head in and smiled.

“Oh, hey,” I said faintly, still caught up in my thoughts.

“Hey, I made soup but I guess he’s asleep so…” he said, while walking towards me.

“Where’s Jake?”

“In the kitchen. He seems to be feeling better.”

“That’s good, but this one on the other hand,” I said, looking down at Joey’s head laying on my stomach, “ hasn’t stopped throwing up. I just got him back to sleep.”

I heard Billie say something about the party so I answered with a simple “ya”.
I slowly got out of bed, grabbed Billie’s hand and led him into the hallway.

Billie’s POV:

“I’ll be right back Jake,” I said, receiving only a small grunt in response.

I slowly made my way up the stairs and opened my bedroom door. I smiled. Adie was lying on top of the covers with Joey’s head on her stomach. She was lightly stroking Joey’s head while he slept. The book she had been reading was now laying on the night table beside the bed and her full attention was on our sleeping son. Her head jerked up when I opened the door.

“Oh, hey,” she said in a calm whisper.

“Hey, I made some soup, but I guess he’s sleeping so…” I said, as I walked over towards her on the bed.

“Where’s Jake?”

“He’s in the kitchen eating soup. He seems to be feeling better.”

“That’s good, but this one on the other hand,” she said, referring to Joey, “hasn’t stopped throwing up. I just got him to go back to sleep.”

“I hope he’s feeling better tomorrow or else the party is gonna have to be postponed,” I said, as I sat down on the end of the bed.

“Ya,” she said, getting up slowly trying not to disturb Joey. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the hallway and towards the stairs.

We made our way downstairs to find Jakob back in the living room watching a movie. We quietly slipped into the kitchen and I poured two bowls of soup for Adie and I. I set the bowls down on the table as Adie reached up to give me a small, but loving kiss on the lips.