My Last Regret


I wanted to spend every waking moment indoors. I didn't want to go outside where I would have to face people. Especially happy people, enjoying the warm air. They didn't’t know what it was like to have a broken heart. Clearly, if they could still frolic around in their short shorts and flip flops. My happy days of bouncing in the sun were officially over the moment he told me “We need to break up,”
Who is he? He is the man of my dreams. My perfect boyfriend. Good looking, relaxed, smart (Harvard student starting this Fall.), muscular (six pack since he was 14.), and compassionate. He knew how to love someone the right way. He knew how to make a girl fall head over heels for him the very first date. And he was all mine. At least for a few years.
He didn't’t even give me an explanation. Well, not a very good one. He told me that since we were both headed off to different colleges, we should split up now so that the pain isn’t so bad when he finally leaves. What a lame excuse to tell me that he wanted to be free for the Summer. I didn't. I never went chasing after guys. Hal, my best friend, on the other hand was a pro with the guys.
I’m sure she didn't want to be, since when she talked to them she seemed effortless. I guess charm runs in her family whether she wanted it or not. She knew exactly what to say to a guy to get him to want her; but the thing was that she never tried. I would give her props for playing the guy at the gas station so smoothly, and she would look at me like I had four legs. She said she had no clue what I was talking about. I guess her charm just came naturally.
But anyways, back to him. He was perfect. His name? Not important. The only thing that is important here is that he tore me apart after three years of me thinking everything was perfect. And may be that’s because it was perfect. Until he decided one day that he was going to break my heart.
So there I was for the last month of high school; a total wreck. Some rumors went around that I was on heroin and crack, as an explanation for my round the clock sadness.
And that whole month I was utterly depressed, there was Hal, always nagging on me that I needed to get out and do stuff. She said I would go crazy if I spent my days sitting at home alone all summer. Her solution to my depression?
Road trip.
Not just any road trip, she told me. One with her magnificent ‘brothers’. It was really only her brother and his best friends/band mates. They were in a Blink182 rip off punk band, and they had just gotten home from tour; ready for some summer fun.
I gave in to Hal when she threatened to throw out all my Cd's into her pool. That scared me enough. So I ran packing everything I could find, including my Cd's just in case she decided to hold them hostage herself. So here we are, on the road, on our way to ‘surf USA’ as the kid with light brown hair said.

“All aboard the van of wonder!” Jack cooed as we all went up to the van. There were two of them. One for our stuff and a few people, the other for the rest of the people.
“Jack, no one wants to get in a van that you call the ‘Van Of Wonder’,” Rian chuckled as he walked past Jack. I only stared at Rian. I had seen him in the band’s music video for a song about Maria, and every since I saw him in a blue afro and clown suit, I couldn't’t look at him the same. I just couldn't’t. He was no longer the same Rian who was whipped harder than cream cheese and as sweet as honey.
“You all ready?” Alex asked. Alex was Hal’s older brother. He’s kind of a player and since he’s been adorable his whole life, he’s grown used to girls following him all the time, therefore he imagines that he can win over every girl with a simple smile. That is why I wasn't’t very fond of him.
“I can’t believe I’m driving you around the country,” Matt shook his head. Matt was the band’s tour manager, and they practically forced him to be one of the drivers. Matt was kind of a pushover and went ahead and did it. The only thing was that they weren't’t on tour.
“Then why’d you say yes?” Hal scoffed as she headed towards one of the cars with her bags. Jack followed right after with the rest of them.
“I bribed him with sex,” Jack said proudly.
Matt stared wide-eyed at Jack, trying to pretend he did not just say that. “Jack, you being anywhere near me without clothes would only make me want to reject the offer even more,”
“Whatever,” Jack grinned as he tossed a backpack into the truck.
“Are we ready yet?!” Alex growled as he pulled Hal over to him by her waist. He set his elbows around her, hugging her by the neck crookedly.
“If you stop strangling your poor sister, may be we will get ready,” Zack said.
Alex only mimicked him with exaggerated lips and pushed Hal away.
“Do I really have to go?” I pouted to her.
“Yes. It will be good for you,” She said. She sounded so sure of it. I doubted this trip would be good for me.
“Yea, you get to spend a whole month with me,” Alex grinned putting his arm around my shoulder.
My face remained expressionless. “That’s not something I look forward to,” I muttered, pushing his arm off of me.
“Oh don’t be like that,” He said, lightly punching my arm.
I bit my lip and walked away. This was only a small start to all the crap I would be getting from Alex on this trip. It only made me regret agreeing to go even more.
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