My Last Regret


Later On The Night

The door squeaked open, making my heart race. I got more under the covers, putting some of it over my eye. I was scared. My palms were sweaty. Lexi was sleeping and so was Kara and Rian and I had no clue where Jack was. I then heard snoring in my ear.

I rolled my eyes and turned over to see Jack, with his mouth open and his arm was around my waist.

I groaned lightly and threw his arm off of me.

I got up as the floorboards made noises underneath me.

Alex's baggy shirt swayed all around my body as I looked around at my friends and made my way toward the door.

Lexi was asleep. So I didn't want to wake her.

I felt bad for her. I'm seriously curious to find out what her and my brother talked about? Probably about the break-up no doubt.

I opened the door and suddenly realized no one was outside of it. I looked down the dark hallway as I heard whispers.

I heard little kids laughing and some little girl whispering...


I gulped as my eyes got wide.

I panicked I had to find my brother...and Matt.

They haven't came back for a whole hour and I was getting extremely worried about them. Not so much Matt but my brother...I couldn't lose another one.

"Alex?" I whispered walking down the hallway, running my palm against the side of the hallway wall. I suddenly got a splinter and grimaced at my palm.

"Fuck." I whispered.

I continued to walk down the long dark hallway that made noises on the floorboards every time you took a step.

I made my way to the stairs and walked down them slowly. The whole Inn was dark and I couldn't barely concentrate on the one thing I wanted the brother.

I shouldn't have even left the room. Lexi is going to be worried sick and so is everyone else...

I should just go back...

I turned around getting ready to head back up the stairs but then I heard my name...


My eyes popped out of my sockets an I turned around no one was there...


Maybe it was Alex or Matt...but it sure as hell didn't sound like either one of them.

"Hallie..." Someone whispered in a shaky voice. My mouth parted slightly as I felt someone breathing on me.

I turned around fast but no one was there.

Suddenly my name surrounded me in echos from all over the Inn.

I was scared. I was shaking. I needed someone. Where was Alex? Lexi? Matt? Anyone?

I panicked and ran down the stairs, stepping on a sharp nail.

I screamed out and tripped, landing flat on my stomach. I raised up and looked at my foot that was bleeding like crazy.

"Damn it!" I whisper-yelled, rocking back and fourth in pain.

I grabbed a hold of the side of the staircase railing and helped myself up. The bottom of my foot was bleeding severely and I had to limp my way back up the stairs.

I didn't want to though. I should just stay down here.

I looked around the creepy dark second floor.

I looked back up the stairs.

I gulped as soon as I heard laughter...

I limped down the hallway and tried to make my way to the other staircase to try and get to the lobby.

"Alex?" I whispered when I made my way there.

The pain from my foot was unbearable. I had to sit down or something...

"Alex..." Was all I could say. I wanted him. I was scared. Okay, so, maybe I was acting like a baby right now but we're in a scary weird Inn and two hours ago I seen a woman hanging in some house...and a guy in a mask.

I tried to shake his image from my mind but he just kept coming back like a magnet.

I made my way to the other staircase and limped down it as fast as I could without looking back at the second floor.

"Alex?" I called, as my voice echoed down the long dark hallway.

"Alex?" I said his name a little bit louder but I still got no answer.

I bit my lip as my heart started to race. I seen a dark figure down the hallway. I panicked and limped as fast as I could to some door with stains on it and a long scratch down the middle.

I gulped and shut it behind me.

I faced the door and locked it.

"Alex?" I breathed heavily as I heard noises echo all around me.

I squeezed my eyes shut as my foot continued to throb.

"Lexi..." I whispered, making my voice echo.

Where was I? Where was the lights?

I felt around in complete darkness.

I heard chains rattled as I panicked.

"Hello?" I said and then I heard footsteps coming toward me up the stairs. I'm guessing I was on stairs 'cause obviously that's what it sounded and felt like.

"Hello?" I repeated as I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Alex..." I cried as I felt the presence getting closer to me. I felt around on the doorknob and tried to unlock it but I couldn't keep my hand steady.

"Alex!" I screeched but got no answer.

"Hello?...Who are you?" I whispered as I felt breath on my face.

"Alex, stop playing around...I'm serious." I sobbed.

Then all of a sudden I felt the most awful pain hit me on the top of my head.

I cried out for help as I felt a big strong arm go tightly around my thin waist.

"Alex..." I muttered. "Lexi..."

The person continued to drag me down the stairs by my waist as I continued to shake out of fear and coldness.

I then felt my feet sliding on a cold cement floor.

All of a sudden a small light turned on over a rusty stained metal table.

My eyes popped out of my sockets as soon as I seen a sheet over it and feet sticking out.

The person dropped me hard on the cement floor, making me hit my head again. I felt it bleeding as the whole room...actually basement began to spin.

My lips were dry and my foot still ached.

I looked at the tall man with the white mask go over to the table...the same man I seen two hours ago...

My heart thumped up against my chest as I seen him pull off the sheet and there I seen it the woman who was hung in that house.

I cupped my mouth to try and keep from screaming...

Tears streamed down my cheeks as the man with long brown hair and the white mask look over at me with dagger eyes.

I bit my lip and tried not to scream.

How was I suppose to get out of here?

I had to get up...I had to limp as fast as I could.

Oh. My. God.

What is he doing to her?

I watched him as he used some weird tool and slid it down her middle as she laid there pale and dead.

The man didn't say anything he was silent the whole time...that's what scared me the most.

I eased my way up and limped for the stairs as fast as I could and then I felt it my back...

"My back." I wailed out in pain, placing my hand to stop the bleeding. I collapsed onto the hard cold cement floor.

I heard something drop and make a sound as I looked behind me to see him staring me down with bloody knife by his black boots.

"Help! Help! Alex! Help!" I screamed bloody murder as the man picked me up by my arms and dragged me all over the basement until we came to a dark corner where there was stained heavy looking chains connected to the wall. I screamed as loud as I could as my screams echoed all over the basement

"Oh my god! Please don't hurt me! Please!" I begged in between sobs as he threw me down hard up against the wall and chained me up tight, making the metal dig into my wrists having them bleed.

I tried to break free but I couldn't. He stuck the key in his pocket as I gulped.

"Let me go! Please! I'm begging you I'll do anything!" I screamed.

He stared at me for a moment while I cried like crazy.

He walked over to the table with the woman on it as I watched him. He came back over to me as my heart pounded fast up against my chest making me cry even harder.

"Wh-what are you doing?" I stuttered as he knelt down to me at eye level. I looked in his brown eyes that seemed familiar.

I gulped as he grabbed onto my neck making me scream.

He then took super glue and took my cheeks and squished them together.

"No! Ummmm! Stop!" I tried screaming as he placed super glue on my bottom lip and made me squish my lips together as they stuck together.

"Mmmm!" I screamed and rattled the chains as he slapped me hard, making my head bang hard up against the concrete wall.

"Mmm." I whimpered as tears slid down my cheeks and he walked back over to the dead woman and came back with some kind of stick...he then broke it in half as it started to spread smoke all over my area of the basement. I tried not to inhale but that seemed impossible.

I then drifted off...
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so, yeah, a bit violent. If any of you have ever seen the wax museum then you'll know i used something in there from it ;)
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WE LOVE FEEDBACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Faith (Faye) <3