Whale's Cove

The Discussion

I stormed into the Captain’s office, slamming the solid wood door. The man looked up from his large desk, the coins and gold he was counting in neat piles.

“Yes? Is there a reason why you’re breaking my door?”

“I need somewhere to sleep.”

He raised his eyebrows, than looked to the rather large bed that was bolted to the ship.

I smiled, “That’ll work. You’ll have to find someplace to sleep-”

“I’m not sleeping anywhere, but my own bed.”

My eyes widened, “Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. I will not be sleeping in the same bed with you.”

He shrugged, “Alright, no problem. I’m sure one of the other’s will just love to have you warm their beds.”

I glared at him, “There’s no way that’s happening either.”

He leaned back in his chair, a smirk stretching across his lips, “I guess you have a decision to make, don’t’cha legs.”

I frowned, “Legs?”

He gestured to my legs, causing me to look down. My khaki shorts ended several inches above my knees, showing off lots of tanned skin. My Lady’s Love t-shirt wasn’t even long enough to cover the pockets. This might be an appropriate outfit for my time, but women in this time aren’t even allowed to show their ankles. No wonder all the men have been leering at me every second.

“I must say,” the Captain’s deep voice resonated, “it’s been pretty hard keeping the men in line every time they see you. The only reason they’ve listened to me is because you’re mine anyways.”

I narrowed my eyes, “Yours? I belong to no one, but myself.”

He chuckled, “Honey, you’re on my ship, and on my ship I get to keep the most valuable merchandise we find,” he leaned forward, his elbows on his desk, “And guess what, the crew on my ship found you. I don’t know how you do things on your ship, but my ship and crew follow my rules.”

I glared at him, practically growling, “I don’t care what century this is, you do not own me!”

He shrugged, “Alright, have it your way.”

Pushing from his desk I watch as he steps closer, walking to the open door, “Where are you going?”

He stopped at the doorway, glancing back at me over his shoulder, “To tell the crew you don’t belong to me.”

That all sounded fine and dandy, but I had a bad feeling I was misinterpreting what he was saying, “And what does that mean, exactly?”

He smirked, “That you’re free game.”

“Free game?” Yeah, I have a really bad feeling.

He nodded, “Once I make this announcement any of my crewmen can claim you. Of course, they’ll break out into fights until there’s a winner,” he leaned back against the door, crossing his arms, “I bet ol’ Ben’ll win. He’s our best fighter.”

I silently seethed, glaring at him as he watched me with amusement.

“I can offer you protection so it’s your choice, legs. It’s either me or them.”

I could barely hold back my anger as I gritted my teeth and swept out of his room, “This is just too much. I’m being held against my will by a stinky, dirty pirate from the 1700s who doesn’t have the decency to tell me his name and I still don’t have a room!

I screamed the last of my sentence, not noticing the Captain frown as he sniffed his shirt. Climbing a couple of wooden stairs I walk onto the deck, sighing.

Where am I going to sleep? I will not sleep with any of the men on this ship, but I can’t stay on the deck all night and be exposed to the elements. Turning to the right I walk across the ship, heading to the railing, when something caught my eyes. Stopping I look at the average sized looking door. It wasn’t anything special, just a slab of wood, but it piqued my interest.

“What’s that?” I asked the old pirate who was scrubbing the deck just to my left.

The man looked up and squinted, “That’s a door.”

I closed my eyes, silently counting to ten, “Yes, I know it’s a door, but a door to what?”

The man shrugged and resumed his scrubbing, “We just keep all our cleaning stuff in there.”

“So it’s a supply closet?” thoughtful, I walked forward, slowly opening the door. When I saw the small, sturdy room that only held a bucket and mop I smiled.



I smiled as I stepped back and examined my work. The little supply room no contained a homemade hammock, I had to steal one of the Captain’s sheets and tie the ends to opposite sides of the room, but I’ve already tried it out so I know it’ll hold my weight. The room still had the bucket and mop, but at least here I’ll be safe from the ocean storms.

I turned around when a knock sounded behind me, then glared when I saw the Captain leaning against the door.

He smiled, “Well, you sure did make this room nice.”

Wow, I’ve just been introduced to sarcasm in the 1700s.

The Captain stepped into the room, pushing the hammock so that the sheet moved, “And you think this is better than my bed?”

“Yeah,” I nodded, “it doesn’t have you in it.”

He smiled as if what I just said was a complement and walked to stand in front of me, “Just remember, Legs, if ya get cold all ya got to do is crawl into my bed. I’ll keep you warm.”

He lifted his hand and ran his fingers down my cheeks. His touch sent butterflies to dance in my stomach as the tips of his fingers moved from my cheek to trace my lips. He smiled, rubbing my bottom lip before he walked out of my new room. I don’t know how long I stood there, but one thing was for sure.

Those stupid butterflies needed to leave me alone.