Whale's Cove

The Necklace

I’ve been on this ship for hours, the light of day finaly turning into night. I was outside leaning against the wooden railing, watching as the dark ocean moved with the pull of the moon. It was beautiful, the landscape so clean and untouched by humans. I can’t believe I’ve actually time travelled back to when pirates ruled the seas. I gave a nervous laugh as I thought about everything that has happened.

“What’s so funny?”

I whipped around to see the Captain standing behind me, a smirk once again stretching his lips. Damn. I thought I’d gotten rid of all those butterflies, but here they are again.

“Oh, nothing.” I mutter as he walked over and mimicked my position against the rail.

We leaned against the ship in silence, both of us looking out across the sea.

Still, even after the day I’ve had, one thing has been bothering me the most, “What’s your name?”

He smiled, “Ah, curiosity has finally won out. My name’s John, but the men just call me Cap’an.”

I nodded, “Yup, I did notice that. I was starting to wonder if I’d ever know your name.”

He laughed as another silence stretched between us, but this time it was John who broke it.

“So where are you from?”

I thought about my answer. If my theory about time travel is right, how am I supposed to explain my world? A world that hasn’t existed yet?

“Somewhere far away from here, the world is a different place then what you know where I’m from.”

He frowned, “It couldn’t be that different. We speak the same language and our bodies are shaped in a similar way. Of course, the clothes are different, but other than that we seem the same.”

I nodded, “Our bodies don’t change much, but fashion defiantly does.”

We both glanced down at my legs, small goose bumps starting to show up. I could practically feel the intense stare John was giving them. I looked up to see him smile, his eyes still glued to my legs.

“Yeah, fashion has changed for the better.”

I lightly slapped his arm, “Well, it’s nice to know the male mind isn’t different in the past.”

I took me a second to realize what I said. When I did my eyes widened as John raised a brow.

“So you’re saying you’re from the future.”

I thought about it, what harm can happen from telling the truth?

“Yeah, I guess I am.”

He laughed, big booming sounds escaping his chest, “You’re crazy, aren’t you?”

I glared at him, “No! Of course not!”

“Yeah,” he chuckled, “that’s what all the crazy people say.”

I put my hands on my hips, “Oh, and you’d know this from personal experiences?”

He gave me a knowing smile, “Babe, I’m a pirate. I’ve seen and done things you couldn’t even conceive of. Not to mention the fact that we’re all a little crazy.”

I laughed, “Well, they do say ‘it takes one to know one’.”

John frowned, “Who’s they?”

I opened my mouth to reply, but then thought about what he asked, “You know what? I really don’t know.”

He looked back across the sea, “You should really know who you’re quotin’ before you quote ‘em.”

I sighed, “Yeah, well you should really invest in indoor plumbing.”

He frowned again, “What’s that?”

“Well, it’s a room that has a seat with an opened top and a bit of water in it. You use it to relieve yourself. Then, when you’re done, you push a lever and it flushes the mess away.”

He gave another booming laugh, “Lady, we men don’t need anything like that. We just lean over the railing and let it free.”

I jumped back from the wooden edge, “Ew, that’s gross.”

He smiled at me, “You know, women are supposed to be bad luck on a ship, but we’ve never had winnings like today before you showed up.”

“Well, glad to be of service, but don’t expect any luck coming from me next time.”

We entered another silence, the wind twirling with our clothing.

I looked over when he started searching through his coat, mumbling to himself, “I know it’s here some- ah, here it is.”

He pulled out a long, delicate chain that supported a very expensive looking diamond whale. When he extended the necklace toward me I gently cupped whale. On a closer look it was a replica of an Orca, black obsidian and white diamond shaped its body.

“It’s beautiful,” I whispered

“When I saw it, I thought of you.”

I couldn’t stop the smile from forming on my lips. That is until a thought hit me.

I looked at him with narrowed eyes, “You didn’t get this from that chest you stole, did you?”

He gave a self-satisfied smile, “Course not. I found it floatin’ on a piece of drift wood in the ocean.”

“Hmm, well if that’s the case then I think I’ll keep it.”

Smiling I turned so he could clasp it, my neck tingling when his fingers rubbed against my skin. I turn back to face him and lightly ran my fingers over the whale.

“It looks good on you.”

I look up to see him starring at my chest, a little lower then where the whale rested.

“Hey, eyes up here.” I said, snapping my fingers to get his attention.

He gave another cheesy smile, “You can’t blame me. Living on the dangerous sea for months on end. I can’t help, but to image what could happen when a pretty lady comes along out of the deep blue,” he leaned in closer, “like a beautiful mysterious mermaid, sent to ease my suffering heart.”

I smiled against his lips, “Suffering, huh? Too bad I didn’t study to be a doctor,” for some reason I couldn’t pull away, it was as if this moment was fated to happen.

He pulled me closer, “Oh, I think you have the right skills for the job.”

I wrapped my arms around his neck, closing the distance between us until there was nothing separating our bodies. Who was I to tempt fate? His lips descended on mine, gently caressing them until I responded back. Time seemed to stop, if felt like days until we separated for some air.

When I caught my breath I gave him a smile, “Well, goodnight.”

I turned and walked away, heading to my room.

“Hey, you can’t just leave!” I looked back to see him still at the railing, smiling, “I thought it was immoral to leave a man to fend for himself.”

“It might be immoral now, but you need to remember,” I sent him another smile, “I’m from the future.”

Then I walked into my makeshift room and shut the door.