

No, I'm not really typing Nick's work report up for him, I'm not that nice. I just said that so I could get away and type this up. Oh! And, when you asked me if I just randomly look through your photobucket album when I'm bored, I do, but this time it was for something special. The background. Haha.
The background probably doesn't look good but it'll be good enough. You don't have to pay attention to that because well..the writing is more important.

You're right. You are here for me always, you always have been and I don't know how I could have coped with out you. James wouldn't be able to cope with me, he works too much. But Joe, he is a problem right now in my life and you're helping me make that better. You're taking my mind off him and I'm smiling.

Hell is afraid you'll take over dear, but Heaven will always be ready with open arms. Just as I will be. You don't seem to have boy problems,lucky shit lucky girl. It aches and it pains but you still manage to comfort me in my hour/s of need.

Alot of the time I don't want to listen to you, but I'm glad I do, and I'm glad we're friends. Well, you're not my friend you're more of a un-biological sister I couldn't live without. We've done so much and gotten so far in the nearly five years that we've known each other. Which, is nothing compared to the amount of time other friendships have been developed in. And I'm proud of ours, we have more good times then bad times. Which is great and you're one of those friends I don't plan on losing.

The last one of these did was a letter, which got deleted but you saved it because it meant alot. I don't know if you'll save this one but you're right and you don't chat bullshit. Although I think I've found my Bam many times, I haven't. I think. I mean, I am young, but I'm getting no where in life fast. There are so many tracks for me to take and some are too late for me to take now my education is finished.

Anyway, you're always there, you always have been. And I hope you always will be. Because I love you, and although I think I love other people with all my heart, you'll always be my number one in my life. I think.

Because, frankly, chances are I'll die before you. And, I am frightened of death, I'm not gonna be tough, I'm gonna tell you;
I'm scared of dying because I don't want to lose you. I've seen people go and I've seen people mourn, I don't want to hurt you like that. Now, I know I'm sounding Edward-y but its true. If I die before you, and you are hurt by that, always remember I'll be in limbo haunting you. Because, to be honest, I don't believe in God.

So, with that, I think I'll end this. I'm always going to be with you, even when you think I'm gone, because you've been there for me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Er..yeah. n_n