Status: Chugging Along :D

Even Heroes Have the Right to Dream

Cliff Diving Part One

Wave's POV

A ray of sunshine broke through the curtains and hit me in the face, waking me up. I rolled over to face the wall.
I heard my door fling open and then I felt a huge amount of weight on me.

“Wake up Wave! Wake up Wave!” Embry laughed and jumped lightly on me.

I groaned loudly. “Get the fuck off me Embry!”

I heard three booming laughs and Embry chuckled.

“I’m serious get off!” I grunted. He was so fucking heavy!

“Not until you get up!” he was like an annoying little kid. The weight was getting too much to handle and I was finding it hard to breathe.

“Embry I can’t breathe,” I choked out.

The weight was then gone and someone’s arms were around my shoulders, lifting me up. I looked around. Jacob had Embry pinned on the floor under him, he looked pretty pissed off and Seth was the one with his arm around my shoulders. Quil was smiling goofily at me.
I gulped in huge amounts of air and my breathing quickly became back to normal.

“Thanks,” I grinned at Jacob and Seth.

Jacob nodded, still angry and Seth smiled.

“You all good Wave?” Quil asked.

“Yeh.” I smiled at him.

Jacob was still sitting on Embry. Embry’s face was red and he looked upset.

“Jake you know you can get off Embry now, unless he’s a comfortable chair.” I joked lightly.

Jacob grunted, grinned and got off him.

“I still haven’t gotten a hug yet!” I exclaimed and the boys, one by one engulfed me in tight bear hugs.

“So anyway,” I said after that was over, “why are you guys here anyway?”

Embry put on a look of mock hurt, “Can’t we just come see our fave squirt?”

“One I hate being called squirt, I’m not short, just fun sized. Two why are you really here?” I narrowed my eyes at them.

“We are going cliff diving remember?” Seth filled in.

“Oh! OH! I NEED TO GET READY!” I shrieked.

The boys busted out laughing so hard that they were rolling on the floor.

“NOT FUNNY!” I shrieked again and this just made them laugh harder.

Seth was laughing so hard he was crying and Jacob was hitting Quil on the back cos he was choking.

“Get out, get out! I need get changed!” I motioned with my hand for them to get out my door.

“Actually I think I’ll like the view. Mind if I stay?” Embry said cheekily.

Jacob hit him upside the head and dragged him out while Seth, Quil and I laughed. I nodded to the remaining boys and they left as well.

I took off my pyjamas and put on my red and white stripped bikini, chucked some shorts and a tank top on and got out my Roxy bag. I put in my wolf beach towel, lime green camera and my phone. I then did my hair in a messy ponytail, put on my sunnies, sunscreen and my flip flops.

I then sprinted to the kitchen where I knew everyone would be. I found Jacob, Seth, Quil, Embry, Jared, Kim and Sophie eating while Jacquie cooked.
I went up to my aunty and gave her a kiss on the cheek and she handed me blueberry waffles. There were no chairs left so I went and sat on Seth’s lap, which I have to say is very, very comfortable.

“So I see you met the boys,” I directed at Sophie.

She nodded and looked at the boys dreamily. Urhh.

We quickly ate our breakfast and headed out. I got in to Jake’s rabbit with him, Quil, Embry and Seth. My little gang. I sat in between Quil and Embry- who kept nudging and poking me-, my bag in my lap, while Jacob drove and Seth talked to him.

“So Jake, where is this Tom?” I asked curiously.

“Oh he’s gonna meet us there, he has... something to do first.” Jake was definitely keeping something from me.

“Yeh he’s, um at work.” Seth said lamely. I looked at all the boys in the car the best I could.

They were all in on the secret!
I narrowed my eyes at them. They all avoided eye contact. I made a humph noise and leaned in to Quil-it was either lean in to him or Embry since there wasn’t much room and after Embry sitting on me, I’d rather Quil-, who put an arm around me.

“What’s up Wave?” he asked slightly concerned.

“I hate it when people lie to me.” I huffed.

Quil and Embry visibly stiffened.

“What makes you think we are lying to you?” Embry tried to say it casually, but he failed.

His jaw clenched. Any normal person would not have picked it up, but I guess I’m not normal.

“I can tell.” I answered through gritted teeth.

Asses probably think I’m dumb.

“So Wave, tell me about your bikini.” Embry said suggestively waggling his eyebrows. Change of topic much!

“You’re gonna have to wait and see Embry.” I smiled seductively at him.

“But babe, I wanna see now!” he whined.

I leaned in close to his ear, “You sure you wanna see now, Em?” I breathed.
Embry nodded furiously.

“Okay then.”

I hooked my thumb under one of the straps of my tank top like I was gonna pull it down. Embry’s eyes went huge.

“Jeez keep it in your pants Em!” Quil broke the silence and everyone except Embry laughed. He was just red faced.

“You shouldn’t tease me.” He huffed.

“Aww poor baby,” I hugged him round the waist and he sighed, leaning in to me.

“How long till we get there?” I questioned.

“About a minute,” Jacob replied and grinned at me through the rear vision mirror, showing off his pearly whites.

“Jeez Jake, you’re going to blind me!” I grunted, pretending to block out his teeth with my hands.

He chuckled and the car stopped.

“We are here!” Quil exclaimed.

“No shit Sherlock.” I said sarcastically and followed Embry out of the car.

Quil grinned and Jared’s car pulled up next to us. Sophie, Kim and Jared all stepped out, not before Jared opened the door for Kim though.

“Ready?” Sophie asked impatiently flicking her long, blonde hair over her shoulder.

We all nodded and started walking up a steep hill. Seth took my bag off me, smiling. Kim soon looked tired, I didn’t blame her. Her legs were tiny and the hill was fucking steep! Jared picked her up bridal style and kept walking.

“What the hell. I want to be picked up! My legs ache.” I whined.

“Alright then,” Jacob grinned and grabbed me around the waist and lifted me and continued walking which in turn slightly lifted my shirt up at the front. His bare arm touched my stomach and it felt like it was scalding my skin.

“MOTHER FUCKER!” I screamed.

Jacob quickly, but gently set me down and turned me around so I was facing him. Everyone was looking at me.

“What’s wrong?” he asked urgently.

“You’re skin is fucking hot!” I scolded him.

Everyone but Sophie and me burst out laughing, even Kim was giggling.

“What?” I asked confused.

“Never mind,” Seth grinned at me.

Jacob then picked me up lightly and swung me around so that I was on his back, careful not to touch my skin too much. It wasn’t necessary; I was already used to it.
I laughed around with Seth who was walking next to Jacob and me.

I was just starting to get comfortable when we stopped. I looked away from Seth’s face to over Jacob’s shoulder. The view was breath taking. We stood on the edge of a huge cliff, at least 15 metres high. There were trees a bit further back. The clouds had cleared a little and there was a bit of blue shining down at us. The water was a little murky, but beautiful and mysterious.

“I’m guessing you like it?” Jacob grinned.

“Like it? I LOVE IT!” I squealed and jumped off his back, took my bag from Seth and ran around.

Kim and Sophie joined in and we ended up giggling on the floor. The boys just laughed at us.

Sophie was the first to take off her top and shorts. Of course she looked like a goddess in her black bikini. All of the boys except Jacob, Quil and Jared –who glared at Embry and Seth for staring at his sister- stared, at my sister, eyes popping out of their heads. Kim was next, her cute yellow bikini with white spots had a cute little skirt thing attached to it. Needless to say Jared was drooling. I laughed at him and put an arm around Kim’s waist since she was next to me, teasing him.

“You still haven’t taken off yours yet and let me remind you that you promised you would,” Embry smirked.

I had to admit I was really hesitant. I know I didn’t have the best body and I couldn’t compete with my blonde hair, crystal blue eyed sister.

“Please,” Embry’s eyes were huge, innocent.

I sighed and took off my short shorts and tank top to reveal my white and red bikini. I looked up at Embry.

He smirked. “Yum.”

Jared growled and walked over to him and punched him on the shoulder.

“You do not say that about my little sister,” he sneered.

“Jazza it’s harmless, easy.” I soothed.

“Yeh harmless,” Embry grinned. That boy was in for a world of hurt.
Jared growled again and I could tell he was about to punch him on the face when Kim spoke up.

“Jared sweetie, calm down.”

And with that Jared was instantly calm. He went back to Kim and kissed her on the top of her head.

“WHIPPED!” I screamed.

Jared grinned and kissed her again, this time on the lips. That was when a guy came out of the trees behind us. He just had green board shorts on which complemented his forest green eyes. His muscles were formed nicely and his hair was slightly curly and short. His face had a stressed, uptight look on it, but that just made it look better. All in all he was good looking. But I didn’t like him, I don’t know why, but I didn’t.
But that didn’t stop Sophie; she stared at him wide eyed.

“Hey guys,” The guys voice was low, gruff.

“Hey Tom,” Seth grinned and punched him lightly on the shoulder. All the guys greeted him.

“Tom, this is Wave and Sophie.” Jacob introduced us.

Tom barely acknowledged me and straight away moved on to my sister. What an ass! Sophie and he stared in to each other’s eyes. Tom’s face relaxed and a surprised/angry/awestruck/happy look went over it.

“No way,” Seth whispered.

I looked at him questioningly, but he was turned to Jared.

Let me describe Jared’s face for you in one word. Pissed.
Kim squeezed his hand and he relaxed. All the boys were staring at Sophie and Tom.

“Hey I’m Sophie,” She said shyly. Now that was a sight I had never seen before!
Tom’s face was hilarious! He looked bewildered, like Sophie’s voice surprised him.

“I-I’m Tom.” He stuttered.

Sophie smiled flirtatiously and then grabbed his hand and pulled him away from everyone.

Oh god.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeh I know, I know, I suck. Its been over a couple months, nearly three right? Its just schools been so crazy n boy troubles n im sorta over writing. But I wrote this for you guys so sorry if it sucks.
Thank you to all you greeaatttt commentors; Fighting.An.Eclipse, TechnicolorFaze and lbgrizzley
Love you guys.
Xx Emily <3