Team Gabby

are you picking up what i'm putting down?

Four silhouettes contrasted against the sunlight streaming down from the clouds, their hands settled on their hips in a dignified fashion.

The individuals consisted of three females and one male, two suspiciously seeming French-esque in their berets and striped shirts. The other two wore crimson caps, billowing in the evening breeze. All their faces were swollen with pride.

They stood on the crown of a towering building; unsuspecting citizens below them ambling down the sidewalk. Soon, they knew, soon they would become a part of them.

The four most outstanding persons to grace their presence on the earth, teaming up together to heighten their awesomeness to incredulous quantities.

They were amazing.

They were superb.

They were Team Gabby.
♠ ♠ ♠
Feel free to join our cult.

I mean group.

Yea, group.