Status: Active, when I get round to it. ;)

Times Can Be so Hard

What's so funny?

I walked into school, with my headphones on, and I was playing some of the greatest songs ever, shame no one else thought so. I shook my fringe out of my eyes, and I came to a dead stop, I looked down and there was a dainty food with a pink stiletto worn on it, stopping me from walking forward any more.
“And what music are you listening to, today. Emma?” mocked Jessica; Miss popularity.
“Just some stuff” I answered quietly, girls like this don’t boost my self-confidence any higher than it is already.
“Some weird old stuff, hey?” Jessica sniggered
“Yeah, what’s it to you?” As I said that, she snatched my mobile phone out of my hands and scrolled through my songs.
“The Police… Pulp… Simon and… Garfunkel…Glee soundtracks…” She paused
“Yeah, I don’t listen to 12 year old girls, cough cough Justin Bieber” I whispered
“What did you say?”
“I said you had a bad taste in music” at that very moment my brother swooped in, If you thought he was here to save the day, you were wrong.
“Hey leave Jessica alone, Emma, you’re the one with bad taste” gloated my brother
“Thank you so much David, it’s so weird how you look so much alike, and were born minutes apart, and can… act so DIFFERENTLY” She spat
“’Kay, whatever you think” I said
I slowly turned on my heel and plodded off, I could hear bounding footsteps behind me and I quickly turned around to see what was lurking behind me. It was this boy called Will, he hung around Jessica’s lot, I didn’t want him to waste my time, so I gave it to him short and sweet.
“Look, if you’re stalking me, so you can make fun of my music, or my clothes, or the way I breathe, just don’t, because I don’t have time for people like that.”
“No, I just wanted to say… um” I could see I had made him uncomfortable, good job, Emma.
“What?” I said
“You look really nice today…and don’t listen to Jessica, or your silly brother” and then he ran off the other way, his shoes squeaking on the shiny floor, he turned his head and smiled, and then he was gone. Well, that was a surprise; I never thought that such a popular boy would say that to me, ever. I mean, I’d had nerdy boys tell me I looked nice, but never someone so nice, wow…
I traipsed into math class, and sat myself down on a spare chair, it happened to be next to my…brother, ugh.
“Why do you have to sit here? It’s bad enough me having to live with you, can’t you find somewhere else to dump your junk?”
I scanned the room for a chair.
“If there were another chair in this room, I’d be more than happy to move, but there isn’t, so I guess I’m stuck by you, David.” I sulked
“Ugh, fine” he groaned.
We both got our books out, and I pulled out my pencil case. I could see my brother looking at it, and then looking behind him and in front and side to side.
“What’s with you?” I asked
“I forgot my pencil case, can I borrow a pen?” He asked, of course, I couldn’t say no, even if he was mean to me, he was my brother after all, and I’m a nice person.
“Here, but don’t chew it” I chuckled
“Thanks, and what do you think I am, a chinchilla?” He joked back, I thought to myself. Whatever happened to the good old times, when we had secret languages, and made mud pies, and had a best friends hand shake and vowed to be best friends forever? A tear pricked my eye, and slowly ran down my cheek. I put my head down and got to work
My brother looked at me wistfully, it seemed as though he had just been thinking the exact same thing, and then he turned his head away, and started scribbling math equations onto the paper.
David nudged me in the side, his masculine arm dug into my hip.
“Ouch” I hissed in a hushed tone
“Emma…” He said
“Yeah, what?”
“I’m stuck,” He wined, he knew I always whizzed through my work, and I was already finished, with my arms crossed and slouched down into the hard chair.
“With what? This is like pre-school work” I sniggered
“Emma, David, is there something you’d like to share with the class?” Interrupted our teacher, Mr. Whittle.
“No sir, sorry” David and I said in unison, we giggled, and then saw Mr. Whittle giving us a stern eye.
“Please help me.” David pleaded
“What are you stuck on?”
“All you have to do is some long multiplication” David looked at me, I knew that look too well, he wanted me to ‘show’ him how.
“You just times this by this, and this by this, and then add this to this, and there’s your answer.” I smiled and then slouched back into my chair, David looked grateful, and then scrawled some more numbers down.
Everyone had finished their work, and so they were chatting. I just sat there and put on my headphones, and let the music run through me. ‘Temptation, frustration, so bad it makes him…cry’ it sounded into my ears.
Then, suddenly there was a sharp feeling in the back of my head; someone had catapulted a sharp pencil into my head. There were sniggers behind me and I turned around to see who it was. Of course… it was Jessica, and Lucinda, her follower, who was such a wannabe, she practically kissed the floor that Jessica walked on.
“And what do you want?” I sighed
“We’re best friends aren’t we” Jessica mocked; she linked her arm onto mine and was laughing and tossing her hair.
“We’re such good friends, you’re my new best friend, we don’t need anyone else,” she giggled; obviously she was making fun of me.
“Hey, lay off, Jessica, that’s not very funny” said a strong voice, it was Will, the guy who had complimented me earlier.
“Ha, it is funny, actually” chuckled David. I was confused, this boy confused me, I helped him earlier, wouldn’t he naturally feel obliged to help me back!
“Huh, David, I thought we were cool, I mean, I helped you earlier.”
“Yeah, thanks for that, but you don’t need me to hold your hand through everything!” David said. I was totally gob smacked, this is it, and I was never going to help him again!
The bell rung, and I grabbed my stuff and stomped out of the room, a tear streaking down my face. Someone grabbed hold of my backpack, and yanked me backwards.
“What’s wrong?” asked Will
“Well, My brother used to be really nice, but now he’s completely idiotic, and stupid Jessica thinks she’s it!” I yelled. He pulled me into his strong chest and smiled down at me. I looked up at him like I was a lost puppy cuddling into the little boy who had found me.
“You’re so kind, why can’t David go back to his normal ways again, he was kind, like you”
“Thanks, but he might be too far into Jessica’s grip to get out” he sighed.
So we walked together until we had to separate for different classes, what would await me in next class? Drama class, I'm sure they'd think of something to humiliate me.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this is my new story I'm starting, hope you like, comment and stuff :) it's quite long, because i wanted to explain stuff in the first chapter.