Status: Active, when I get round to it. ;)

Times Can Be so Hard

You went too far!

I walked into drama with my head held high; I loved drama class, because I thought I was pretty good at it.
“Everyone get into two’s!” ordered Mrs. Lane, our drama teacher, she was pretty cool, and she always praised me for my good work.
“Ugh” I groaned, I didn’t really have anyone to go with, because my ‘friends’ Lucy and Erica always went together, because they were ‘best of friends’, until one of them talked about the other behind their back and things got blown out of proportion. I didn’t really do stuff like that. I didn’t see the point. Erica wasn’t in today, so Lucy went with me.
Then my brother walked into the classroom, late.
“David Best! Why are you late?” asked Mrs. Lane
“Why can’t you act more like your sister; Emma?”
“Miss, I was just having a drink from the water fountain” answered David
“Well” She scanned the room for a single person but there was none, then her finger pointed at Lucy and me. Oh no, Miss would put us in a three!!
“David, go into a three with Emma and Lucy”
“But, Mrs. Lane…”
“Go!” she yelled
David parked himself down by my side and groaned, I don’t know what he was so grumpy about, and I was a great actress and would probably help him improve.
“Right, now you are in partners, or a group of three…” Miss glared at David, but she had a humorous smirk on her face.
“I want you to make freeze scenes, do you all know what they mean?” pause…
“They’re a certain part that you think represents what you want to show well, and you stay still”
“So, I am going to select a scene for each group”
“Emma, David, Lucy, you’re going to do a freeze frame on running away from a monster, I want good facial expression, girls… oh and boy” Mrs. Lane chuckled and winked at me, I smiled back.
“So we know who’s going to be the monster” I chuckled, my hand on David’s shoulder.
“Okay, okay, joke all you want, but I’m going to make a great monster” David shrugged off my hand.
“So, David, you can like grab onto my waist or something, like you’re trying to get me” suggested Lucy. Lucy had had a crush on David since I don’t know when, and she was trying to flirt, which was depressingly embarrassing.
David’s face went pink and he suggested something else.
“Or maybe I could be quite far away from you both and you could just look really scared” he said, trying to keep his distance from Lucy. Of course he wasn’t used to being flirted with. I chuckled to myself.
“Right, David you can stand by…here” I marched David over to a spot and put my shoe there so he knew where to stand.
“Lucy and I can be in front, by here, and pull scared looking faces, like this…” I pulled a scared face and held my position.
“Okay, class, 10 seconds before you have to show the class your freeze scene”
“Quick, quick, get into places” Lucy ordered, placing her hands on David’s strong frame and guided him to his spot.
“Oh, David, you’re boiling hot” Lucy commented
“Am I, I didn’t notice, I guess this room is hot” Said David, looking embarrassed.
“Okay, all sit down, and I’ll pick who’s going first,” Mrs. Lane informed us.
We all sat down and Miss stood up.
“How about Emma’s group, would you like to go first?”
“No not really, we…” David started, but I cut in.
“Yeah, we’ll go first” I smiled
“Emma Dilemma’s going first” Chortled Jessica, I just rolled my eyes.
David stood in his spot, gritted his teeth, and made his hands into claw shapes. Lucy grabbed onto my arm and we both turned our heads back and made scared expressions.
“Good, use of expressions, would anyone like to comment?” Mrs. Lane said
Jessica’s hand shot up and an evil smile spread across her face.
“Jessica Clark”
“I think Emma looks constipated,” laughed Jessica. Lucinda, Natalie, and Brita; Jessica’s followers laughed along. I hinted a look of sorrow in Lucinda’s eyes, like she felt sorry for me, must have been my imagination.
“Jessica, that’s not nice, I think she looks a lot like a monster is chasing her, I mean she doesn’t have to pretend much, does she” Giggled Will from the back of the classroom, David glared at him. I smiled at Will, and chuckled.
Everyone did their freeze scenes and we all left when the bell went, the day went by, and it was time to go home.
I walked up to my bus and got on, the bus was packed, and there was one seat left, next to Jessica and her followers, including David, Will, Lucinda, Natalie, Brita and some other boys. I walked up the isle and sat down.
“And what do you think you’re doing?” Hissed Jessica.
“Yeah, you’re not wanted over here” Added David
I just ignored them and stuck my headphones on.
“What’s she listening to today?” whispered Jessica.
“I guess there’s only one way to find out” laughed David, and with that, he yanked my head phones off me, but he wasn’t careful and he elbowed be in the eye and I whacked my head on the seat, which was made of hard plastic. He also accidentally hit my in the nose, quite hard, and before I knew it, I was unconscious with my nose bleeding.
“Oh crap, I knocked her out,” yelled David in panic
“Don’t worry she’s probably faking it” said Jessica, and she slouched down in her chair.
“She’s not, I didn’t mean to knock her out!!” roared David
“You shouldn’t have been so careless and mean to her then!” yelled Will in anger. He took me out of the chair and yelled at the bus driver to stop.
“You don’t have to be so mean to her all the time, don’t you have anything better to do in your sorry little lives!” said Will
“I’m sorry, it was just a bit of fun,” said David, in shame.
“Yeah, she should learn to be more tough,” added Jessica
“Shut up” said Lucinda
“What did you say?” Jessica asked
“I said shut up, I think that was really mean, what you did”
“Since when does anyone care what you think, you only do things as I say, and you can’t do otherwise”
“Since when do you have that sort of power over people” yelled Will
“She doesn’t have a mind of her own, she only knows to follow me, she’d be nothing without me” answered Jessica
“Oh yeah, of course” mocked Will
“What’s happening?” I asked, just regaining consciousness
“Oh, Emma, you’re okay” sighed David, hugging me really tight. And then he realized the ‘popular’ people were staring at him, and he let go of me.
“Yes, I’m fine, but just leave me alone now, and don’t do it again” I slumped into my seat, and stuck my headphones on.
The bus stopped at my stop and I got off, David behind me. He usually walked behind me, pretending he didn’t know me, but today was different, he walked by my side.
“I’m really sorry about on the bus, I was acting stupid” he apologized
“Oh, well, it just shows how far you’d go just to impress your bitchy friends” I said back, coldly.
“I wasn’t trying to impress them, I was just sort of being clumsy when I ‘was’ trying to impress them, and my arm slipped”
“Okay, but I really don’t want you to even think about doing it again,” I laughed
“Okay, I won’t”
We both walked into our house, into our rooms and didn’t come out until tea was ready.
♠ ♠ ♠
hope you like this chapter. please people, you must comment and stuff. i will try and update as much as possible :)