Status: Active, when I get round to it. ;)

Times Can Be so Hard

Paint, Slushy, and a Broken Heart

I woke up in the morning and stretched, I opened my eyes and looked around the room. Everything was dark, but one thing caught my eye; someone was sitting on my chair that went under the desk! I was quite scared but I got out of bed and walked over. It was David, for some reason he was in my room and sitting on my chair.
“What the hell are you doing in my room? And sitting on my chair?” I whispered
“Um, I was lonely”
“That doesn’t make sense, you’ve never done this before” then, David guided me to a spot, and all of a sudden a bucket of paint slopped all over my head, I was furious.
“What do you thing you’re doing, you retard!” I screamed
“I swear I didn’t do that!!”
“Whatever, moron, I find that quite hard to believe!”
“I didn’t, I think it was Matthew”
Matthew is our younger brother, he’s thirteen years old, and he’s just as annoying as David.
I stomped out of the room and shoved Matthew’s door open; I took his quilt off him, and yanked him out of bed.
“Did you do this!!” I yelled, pointing to my hair
“Ha, so it worked” he chuckled
“How dare you, this is going to cost me a long shower to get this out of my hair, and we only have two hours before school!”
“What are you, a tortoise, two hours before school is ample?” Matthew joked, this wasn’t a wise move, and I hit him across the head, David laughed and marched me away from him.
I turned on the shower and threw all of my clothes into the wash bag. I opened the door and got in. I spent twenty-five minutes in the shower and then I got out.
I toweled my hair dry and threw on some clean clothes, as I was drying my hair with the hair dryer, the door flung open, and Matthew stood there.
“And what do you want?”
“Dad told me to say sorry”
“Dad told you to… so you wouldn’t have, anyway?”
“Well it was a pretty mean thing I did”
“Yeah, well don’t do it again, jerk” I playfully punched him in the arm and pushed him out through the door.
David and I walked into school together, and to our lockers, which happened to be next to each other, ugh. Jessica strutted down the corridor, wearing her new Marc Jacobs jacket, and new skirt, she had shiny high heels on and she tossed her naturally blond hair.
“Hey, Emma” she laughed; following behind her were Lucinda, Natalie and Brita, they were all wearing their cheerleading outfits, Jessica was head cheerleader, but she wore designer clothes to school, and not her cheerleading outfit.
“So, what’s up with you today?” asked Jessica
“What? There’s nothing up”
“I mean with your hair” she pulled out a mirror and showed me my reflection, my hair was fine, it was completely in place.
“What’s wrong with my hair?” I asked
“This!” she laughed, and she poured slushy all over my head, I just stood there helplessly. Everyone was laughing their heads off! It was so embarrassing. Jessica is pure evil. Cold slushy ran down my face, and I was starting to get severe brain freeze. My brother looked a bit upset, but he didn’t want to do anything, incase he looked un-cool, typical David.
I don’t know what came over me, but I just jumped onto Jessica and threw her to the floor.
“Woo, Girl fight!” yelled some of the guys. This wasn’t going to be some rough girl fight; I just needed to throw her so I would feel better.
“No, I’m not fighting, I just had to throw her, because it would make me feel better” I walked off through the corridor, and I could feel everyone staring at me as I walked into the girl’s bathroom. I turned the tap on and splashed my face and hair, the slushy spattered into the sink and down the drain.
I walked out of the girls bathroom, and round the corner, but I was horribly surprised by what I was seeing…the really nice guy called Will was kissing Lucy, I couldn’t believe this, I thought he sort of liked me, and he was kissing her! They both saw me and looked shocked, Will looked sorry, but it was too late!!! I ran back into the girls’ bathroom and locked myself in the cubicle; I wasn’t going to talk to either of them again!!!
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aww, poor Emma. will she forgive Will?!
I thought he was really nice aswell!! ;)