Status: In progress

Brawnly and the Bet

Chapter One

‘She stood there in the cold downpour as the one man she ever truly loved but never fully respected walked out of her life forever. In retrospect she couldn’t even blame him; after all he was following his heart and that just meant she would be left to pick up the pieces of hers. Maybe someday she would – ‘

“Brawnly! Get your ass down here mom says suppers ready!”
A sigh escaped the young man’s lips as he reluctantly pushed save on his word document, he’d be lucky to ever get that damn manuscript finished in time for the screen writers competition next month what with all the interruptions he’s had to endure since he’d decided to enter the contest.

Exiting his bedroom and descending the spiral staircase from his secluded attic haven the18 year old boy known as Brawnly Stewart made his way into the dining room where his stepmother Megan and newly acquired older brother Cain were seated at the table.
“No dad tonight I’m assuming?” he inquired noticing the vacant seat which his father Steven Stewart normally occupied during the meal hours.

“I’m afraid not my dear, your dad had to stop by the office for an impromptu to meeting with some of the other partners about some big case they have coming up at the end of the week. Hopefully he won’t be too late tonight.” Megan replied with a polite smile at her new son. While she helped herself to some potatoes Brawnly took the time to observe her. A very feminine looking woman; she was aesthetically pleasing that much was obvious. She was short compared to the three men she now lived with only reaching about 5’5 while the rest of them easily cleared 6 feet, her black hair was peppered with silver but in a way that seemed to give her an air of maturity instead of simply implying she was getting old, and of course what his father called her best feature; her big blue eyes that held some sort of never ending youthfulness to them. He could understand the appeal that his father found in the woman, and her personality was refreshing compared to the past women his father had dated over the few years before her. She was charm itself it seemed and very down to earth, Brawnly greatly approved when his father had asked him if he would be comfortable with
calling this woman his new mother.

Her son on the other hand had once made him slightly uncomfortable. Now that he’d known Cain for nearly 2 years and the two boys had come to be close friends and confidantes. There had once been a sort of hostility between them, and no it wasn’t the butting heads of two males suddenly being forced to coexist with each other in fact it was the exact opposite. Cain was every woman’s definition of a man. Tall and confident, dark brown hair which he inherited from his father and sharp blue eyes like his mothers, the epitome of masculinity with popularity and muscles to back him up in every endeavor. No, it was the fact that Cain was the type of person Brawnly feared and with good reason. With a name like Brawnly one would come to the conclusion that he had some sort of physical stature to back it up, well he didn’t. At 6’4 Brawnly was 160lbs of skin and bones, he wore glasses and could be found either in the library or guidance councilor’s office being interrogated on his appearance in yet another school yard scuffle. Plain brown hair and green eyes masked beneath his designer frames. All he wanted was to get through this last year of high school without the ridicule of his peers. And that was exactly the topic that brought him out of his stupor.

“Sorry Cain what was that? I spaced.” He said looking up at his older brother, who scoffed amusingly at the younger boy opposite him at the table.

“I figured as much when you kept chewing the same piece of food for the last few minutes” Cain playfully ribbed.

Brawnly rolled his eyes and gestured for him to get to the point.

“Anyways, I was saying since dads letting me stay in the pool house this year instead of making go back to that shit hole dorm like last semester-“

“Language at the table Cain” interrupted his mother in a bored tone; he rolled his eyes and gave her a dismissive wave of his hand before continuing

“Like I was saying, since I’m in the pool house instead of the dorms I was going to throw a bit of a house warming party with some of the guys from the football team and people from class and stuff like that. What do you think?” he asked of the younger man.

“Sounds good to me, it’s not like it’ll be in my way the guest house in at the other end of the property.”

“True but you’re going to help me throw it; I’ll drop some flyers off at the high school, now don’t give me that look Brawn this is your last year of high school man and its nearly over. You have to live a little.”

“I think it’s a great idea, Brawnly dear.”

“What’s a great idea?” Came a new voice from the front parlor, as the last male in the newly finalized Stewarts clan entered the room.

Megan was up out of her seat so fast Brawnly wasn’t sure if he’d even had time to blink before she was giving his father a chaste kiss and asking him about his meeting as they made their way to the table together.

“Cain wants to have a bunch of drunken co-eds come over for a party before semester starts up again. Wants me to ‘live a little’ and invite some of the losers from my school to come too”

That was the blunt response Brawnly gave as he shoveled more food into his mouth with vigor.

“I’m fine with it on the conditions that the co-eds aren’t too drunk or underage” his father said as he prepared himself a plate of dinner.

Brawnly wasn’t surprised; his father and mother were both very open minded so long as some ground rules were established and respected, he could live with it, hell he admired his parents for it. Often he’s thought of writing a screen play loosely based on his family but decided against it, having to throw in some sort of dysfunctional quality only upset him.

Cain didn’t bother to hide his triumphant smirk from the other residences in the house hold as he reached over to clap Brawnly on his shoulder. The other young man in question simply rolled his eyes and gave his brother the one finger salute.

“Brawnly Jacob Stewart, not at the table please! I swear you boys have picked up such atrocious manners.” Megan chastised

Brawnly rolled his eyes in good humor before getting up from the table to clear his plate. He walked over to her and gave her a quick pat on the head.

“Jeez Megan you’ve only been officially been my mom for 7 months and you’re already pulling out the middle name? Don’t you think your rushing a bit?” he called from the other side of the room where the kitchen was.

“I’m rushing nothing, I may have only been made your mother by law a few months ago but I’ve been your mother for the last 2 odd year’s young man and don’t you forget it.” She called back just as light heartedly.

At the time the two adults had gotten engaged they decided that they would do the family thing 100% by official adoption. Steven was legally Cains’ father and Megan was officially
Brawnlys’ mother and both boys couldn’t have been more thrilled to finally have a real family.
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So this is my first story that I've posted on Mibba I have some one-shots on Fictionpress that I'm not sure I'm gunna post here just because they really old and I need to edit them and I'm kinda lazy to do that right now. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, this story's been floating around in my head for ages and it feels great to get it up.

I'd love comments to hear about what you guys think.
