Status: Complete. Read the last chapters Author Note to understand why.

Dear God

December 28, 2009. (2)

Once reaching LAX airport, I yield another cab, and got in. I had cried the whole ride to California, my brother, my older brother (by like five minutes) was gone. And I hadn't even gotten to say goodbye, or see him in three years. I scratched the back of my head as I told the driver where to go. He looked confused as I said Huntington Beach, but shrugged nevertheless. The next forty five minutes, were spend with nervousness. Would my family open they're arms to me, or shoo me away, like they always have? I sighed as I saw the Huntington Beach. I looked down just waited. It would be a matter of minutes before I was in front of a hotel. I wasn't really planning on going to my father's or mother's house. They would tell me what to do, where to go, and who to talk to. Like they've always done. I pulled up to the little ass hotel that I use to stay in when I was younger and didn't want to be at home with my parents. I usually stayed for a night or two to scare them shit less and then go home to a bunch of hateful remarks. I got out of the car and grabbed my luggage after paying the guy. I sighed and walked into the hotel and up to the desk.

"Hello, Welcome to Best Western. My names Kayla, how may I help you?" The fake blond said behind the counter.

"Um, I'm going to need a room. For a while. Uh..Yeah."

The Kayla chick looked annoyed. "How long will you be staying?"

"I really don't know. My brother just died today. So... Um Yeah I'm going to need a room for about two weeks or so."

She rolled her ugly blue eyes and typed in the computer. "Sorry were all booked up." She said smiling at me. "well for the next two weeks. A celebrity died today. And everyone thinks they're going to be able to get into the funeral or something." I sighed and rolled my eyes, knowing she was talking about Jimmy.

"Uh, yeah, do you know any hotels that do have rooms?"

"I'd try the Hilton down the street. They always have rooms available." She said. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the place. "Have a nice day!" She called and I shrugged. I trudged down the street and looked at the huge building in front of me. Uh fucking Course they had rooms. And I bet they were expensive as hell. I sighed and walked threw the double doors and into the Waterfront Beach Resort. I sighed and walked up to the girl at the desk.

"Hello, And welcome to the Waterfront Beach Resort. I'm Amber, how may I help you?" This girl was beached. She had brown hair and green eyes and with a little color of tan on her. I smiled.

"I need a room for about two weeks or so." I looked down and grabbed my wallet. She smiled and typed away on her computer.

"We have a suite open is that okay?" I sighed.

"Is that all you have?" She looked back at the computer and nodded.

"It's a little pricey but it's got a beautiful few of the beach and your own private elevator." She said smiling. I chewed on my lip a little. "Um, well, I'm really not suppose to say anything. But the Avenged Sevenfold guys are in the building." I grunted. Of course. "But anyways, would you like to take it?"

I nodded slowly and sighed. "I guess. How much?"

"It runs about Seventy five dollars a night. So 1,040 dollars." She said smiling. I sighed and pulled out my card. The whole time I spent saving all the money, given away in one day. I handed it over. She swiped it and smiled. "I'm going to need to see your license so I can check the signatures and everything." I nodded and pulled out my license to give it to her. I thanked god that she didn't realize I was Jimmy's sister. She handed me a room key as I signed the receipt. "Thank you and have a wonderful stay at the Waterfront Beach Resort. If you need anything, remember my name is Amber." I nodded and walked over to the elevator, pulling my luggage with me. I got in and looked at the thing. My floor had a key next to the button. I looked at the key in my hand and put it in the lock and smiled when it went in. I turned the key and pressed the button as the elevator sprung to life. It carried me up to the top floor and opened at my room. The elevator went right into my room. I pulled my bags into the room and squealed. No fucking way was this my room. I looked around and saw three doors off of what looked like the living room. One on each wall of the room, and one wall was just a huge window with glass doors to a huge balcony. I opened the one closest to me and found a closet. I shrugged and left my luggage in the living room and found the swinging door lead to the kitchen. I shrugged and smiled at the black appliances. Damn my apartment wasn't this nice. I walked off to the other door and saw a huge bed with green sheets and black furniture. I smirked and ran and jumped on the bed. I squirmed around on the sheets. They were very silky. I looked to my right and saw a door that was open, leading to the bathroom. I sighed happily, until I realized I was in California, and was here for one reason. My brother.

I picked up my cell phone and called my father. "Jaide?"

"Yes dad. I'm in California. An-"

"Do you need me to pick you up at the airport?"

"Naw. I'm at the Hilton hotel. You know the one on Pacific Coast Highway?" I said picking at my nails, as I knew he was going to be disappointed in me.

"Why didn't you want to stay in the comfort of your family home?" I huffed. 'Comfort' of my 'family' home.

"I just couldn't bare to see memories. You know. 'Cause of Jimmy." I said lying threw my teeth. Well it was a partical lie. I didn't want to see them, and remember Jimmy, even though I know everywhere I go, I would remember him. I sighed and listen to my dad ramble on and on about Jimmy and how he would be hurt right now if I didn't come to visit my own parents. "I'll be over, but I'm not staying. Maybe we can go to lunch tomorrow?" I said with a sigh.

"Sure! Um, just call me later or something." I said a quick agreement and then with a good bye, hung up. I sighed and got up to take a shower. I felt icky. I mean come on I just got off a plane and everything. I stood in the shower even after I was done showering. I just sniffled and cried a little. He was my big brother, even if it was only by five minutes. I couldn't believe that my twin was gone. I sighed and figured out should probably get out. I wrapped a comfy white towel around me and one in my hair. I opened one of my suitcases that had the clothes I would wear for the next two weeks. I sighed and settled on a pair of black skinny and a purple 'A day to remember' shirt. I pulled my brown hair into a pony and brushed my side fringe down. I clipped them back with a purple heart clip. I walked out to the living room with my Marlboro reds and onto the balcony. I lent against the railing and looked out over the beach. It was a beautiful sight. I light up a cigarette and looked at the balcony next to me and sighed. There was a man with a beer in his hand and a cigarette hanging from his lips. He was peering out the beach, looking mighty upset. I sighed and knew how he felt. He probably didn't know how I felt, but I definitely knew how much sadness was killing me right now. I sighed and took another puff of my cigarette. I looked down at the beach and watched everyone happy and cheerful, and I honestly thought, I would never be happy again. Yes I haven't really talked or seen him in the past three years, but still, he was my brother. I grew up with him. He was my big twin brother.

I let out a shaky sigh and felt a tear drop fall from my face. I heard someone clear his throat from the left, the same place that guy had been sitting in a chair drinking a beer. I looked over and sighed. "Are you okay?" I looked away and back at the beach. I shook my head slowly. "What's wrong?"

"I don't really share what's going on, to a stranger on a balcony." I said biting my lip. I saw the guy sigh and lean against his rail. He had black hair and wore really tight fitting clothes.

"You're troubled by something." He said suddenly.

I laughed mockingly. "Naw, I just sit out here and cry for no reason, all the time."

I heard him mutter under his breath, "Well you don't have to snap at me." I sighed. I stood up straight. I stubbed out my cigarette and looked over at him. "What?" He asked noticed me looking.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" I asked as I saw something that reminded me of someone I once knew. Those eyes. They were green and piercing.

He dodged my look "I don't think so?"

I raised an eyebrow at him and shrugged. "Uh, okay then. What's your name?"

"What's your name?" He challenged. I bit down on my lip.

"Uh, Jaide." I said smiling.

He was the one to raise his eyebrow now. "Jaide? That's an odd name."

"Pff, a lot of people have the name Jaide, jerk." I said with a smile on my face.

"Yeah, I use to know a Jaide..but.." He looked down sadly. I bit my lip, looking down slightly and sighed. "Hey would you like to possible go to a bar with me?"

I looked up at him, and he was now facing me again. I stared into those captivating green eyes and smiles. "Sure." I really didn't know what I was doing, I mean I love to drink don't get me wrong, but with a stranger. Oh how wrong I was.....