Status: One shot - complete


Chapter 1 of 1

If there was one thing she resented her mother for it was for moving away from Huntington beach when she was about to start her senior year of high school. But then again bad luck had always seemed to follow her wherever she went, hence the nickname she had been known by since second grade.

She was able to live with the fact that she had to deal with a new school in her final year; she dealt with the fact that she had to make new friends. What she had trouble with was leaving her old friends behind, especially Zacky. They had been best friends since kindergarten and finally at their junior prom, Zacky had found the courage to tell her how he really felt about her.

That night had been the best night of her life, one that she would remember for the rest of her life. But it was what happened the following morning that would always stick out in her memory.

Sat at the breakfast table with a wide smile on her face Jinx ate her cereal with out a care in the world. She was happy and in love, in love with a boy who loved her back. This was the happiest she had been in a long time.

“Jinx honey, I need to talk to you.” her mother’s voice broke through her day dream. She looked up to see her mom sitting down on the chair opposite her, her face serious.

“What’s up mom?” she asked cheerfully, feeling that nothing could spoil her mood.

“Jinx, sweetie, there’s something I need to tell you, I would have told you sooner but I didn’t want to spoil your last few weeks of school or the prom.” She began nervously. Jinx looked at her with confused eyes. This sounded serious.

“Honey, I’ve finally been offered a job-“ she began. A smile reappeared on Jinx’s face.

“But mom, that’s brilliant news, I told you you’d find something soon.” She cheered wondering why her mother hadn’t told her this good news sooner, and why it she thought it was something that would ruin her prom.

“I know honey, but you see, this job, well um, it’s in…well it’s in Louisville.” She stuttered. Jinx stared at her mother for a moment, sure that she must have heard wrong.

“Louisville?” she said slowly. her mother nodded.

“As in Louisville in Kentucky Louisville?” she continued quietly, again her mother nodded.

“But mom, that’s like what two thousand miles away from here.” She said, her voice raising in volume.

“I know sweetie, but it’s a really good job, better than my last one.” She defended.

“But mom, we can’t move. What about my school, my friends…Zacky?” she protested, trailing off sadly.

“Sweetie, I’m sorry I really am, but there’s a really great school there, and I’m sure you’ll easily make new friends before school even starts.” She replied trying to sound cheerful.

“Before school start? Hang on, when are we moving?” Jinx asked anger making it self known in her tone.

Her mom averted her eyes, suddenly finding the edge of the table very interesting. “The moving van will be here the day after tomorrow.”

That had been almost eight years ago. Of course Jinx had thought about going back to Huntington a million times, but she’d always found an excuse to stay away. She’d never admit it to anyone, hell it had taken a lot for her to even admit it to herself, but she was kind of scared of going back. Everyone had moved on with their lives. They had stayed in touch to begin with but as the band that Zacky and a few of their friends had formed in high school became more successful, it had left him with less time to keep up with other friends.

Jinx had tried to move on as well. She’d graduated high school, studied photography, and got a job. She had a good network of friends and had had a few boyfriends. But there was something not quite right about any of them. No matter how brilliant her friends were, they were nothing compared to Jimmy, Matt, Brian, Val and Michelle. And no matter how loving and caring any of her boyfriends were, none of them held a torch to Zacky.

The thing that had scared her most about going back was the thought of none of them remembering her. It was stupid really, but the thought was there.

But now here she was in her 1970 yellow and black Barracuda, parked in the parking lot of Johnny’s bar with an invitation in her hand, staring between it and the doors of the bar. The invitation had arrived at her mom’s house three weeks previously. It was from Val and Matt inviting her to their engagement party, along with a letter full of apologies of not staying in touch over the years. Jinx had gone back and forth several times about whether she was actually going to go or not, but it was something her mother said that had made her get into her car two days ago and drive to Huntington.

“You’ll never know unless you go.” The words echoed through her mind as she tried to build up the courage to get out of her car and walk into the bar. She’d been sat there for an hour and had watched all of her old friends walk into the bar all looking happy.

“Come on now Jinx. When have you ever been afraid of anything?” she scolded herself loudly looking at herself in the rear view mirror. With a deep breath she stepped out of the car and locked it, straightening her outfit before walking across the parking lot towards the bar.

With a hand on the handle she paused, taking another deep breath before pulling it open and stepping inside. She had only ever been in Johnny’s bar once before and it was exactly as she remembered it. Her eyes scanned the room that was decorated with banners and balloons. She failed to take another step further into the bar as her heart rate quickened with her eyes falling on the familiar faces of the friends she’d missed so much over the past eight years. A smile tugged at her lips as she found her feet moving again towards them, all her fears diminished at the sound of familiar laughter.

“Jinx? Oh my God is it really you?” a familiar voice echoed through the noisy bar, stopping her in her tracks to turn to face the source of the voice, a beautiful blonde who hadn’t changed very mush over the years.

“Hey Val!” she said with a beaming smile as one of her oldest friends wrapped her arms around her, pulling her into a bone crushing hug.

“God I’ve missed you and I’m so sorry for being such an awful friend and not managing to keep in touch.” She said finally letting go of her.

“I’ve missed you too, and I’m as much to blame with the not keeping in touch. I guess life just got busy.” She replied with a saddened smile.

“I know, but the important thing is that you’re here now, come on, everyone’s been hoping that you’d turn up, we’ve all missed you massively.” Val said taking hold of her hand and pulling her over to where she’d spotted the rest of the old group of friends.

“Guys, look who I’ve found!” Val cheered as they reached the table. Suddenly there were about ten sets of eyes on her causing her cheeks to flush slightly.

“Hey guys.” She muttered as they each in turn began to recognise her.

For the following five minutes she was swamped by hugs, kisses and apologies from them all for not keeping in touch. Then, as Jimmy was finally letting her out of his embrace so that she could breath again, her eyes caught the beautiful jade ones she’d missed seeing everyday for eight years.

“Hey.” he said quietly.

“Hey.” she replied simply suddenly lost for anything more to say. This moment had run through her head countless times and she’d always had a well rehearsed conversation planed in her head, but now that she was actually stood in front of him she had seemingly lost the ability to use words.

“Don’t I get a hug too?” he asked breaking the silence that hung between them.

“Of course you do.” She managed to say quietly as they both stepped forward towards each other. As their arms wrapped around each others’ waist Jinx closed her eyes and breathed in his scent. It was just how she remembered, but different somehow. There was now a mix of cigarettes and alcohol in with his own personal intoxicating scent. She tightened her grip on him, not wanting to let go and lose him again.

“I’ve missed you so much.” He breathed quietly against her neck.

“I’ve missed you too.” she replied clenching her teeth to hold back the tears that were building behind her eyelids.

They pulled away from each other and their eyes locked, her heart skipping a beat as she saw the same boy she’d been in love with as a seventeen year old staring back at her.

A familiar smile tugged at his plump lips and his eyes glinted as he reached down and took hold of her hand and led her over to where he’d been sitting, ordering Johnny to move over to give her room to sit down.

“Can we talk a little later, catch up properly and stuff?” he asked quietly in her ear. She nodded with a smile, wanting nothing more than to spend the entire evening talking to Zacky.

Being close to him again brought back all those old feelings she’d tried so hard to bury eight years ago. At the same time there was a small voice in her head that was yelling at her not to fall for him all over again. A voice that she knew would quiet easily be silenced with Vodka.

As the evening progressed and the group of friends celebrated the engagement of two of their friends and reminisced, telling some stories that Jinx knew all too well and others that were completely new to her.

Zack had barely left her side all evening, his hand resting on her knee or draped casually across her shoulder. Not that she minded one bit, she was enjoying being this close to him again and as his hand came to rest on her knee again she took a risk and slipped her hand under his. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him look at her briefly before moving his hand so that their fingers were laced together and she couldn’t stop the smile that worked its way quickly across her lips.

“Do you want to go for a walk somewhere, just the two of us?” he whispered into her ear, his hot breath sending a shiver down her spine. She nodded and before she knew what was happening she was leaving the bar, her hand still firmly within Zacky’s.

They walked hand in hand across the parking lot not saying a word until they came to a halt beside a black BMW where Zack turned to face her, his free hand reaching up to gently cup her cheek.

“Not a day’s gone by where I haven’t thought about you.” he said quietly, his green eyes staring lovingly into hers. “I’ve tried to forget you or at least my feelings for you, I’ve dated a few girls over the years, but it was never any use. I would always end up thinking about you. I still love you Jinx.” His words almost brought her heart to a complete stand still. She was speechless.

“I’m sorry; I’m too late aren’t I? I shouldn’t have given in so easy. I shouldn’t have tried to forget you and stopped keeping in touch. I’ve been so fucking stupid, I’ve fucked up every-“ Jinx couldn’t stand watching his heart break all over again, it had been hard enough eight years ago when she’d told him that she was moving. She took a step forward, cupped his cheeks in her hands and drew his gaze to hers.

“I love you too you fool!” she said with a smile before leaning up and placing her lips on his.

“It’s always been you Zacky.” She added as they parted briefly before they kissed again, Jinx parting her lips to allow his tongue to sweep into her mouth and entwine with her own.

“Come back to my place.” He breathed against her lips. She nodded silently, briefly pecking at his lips again as he pulled a set of car keys out of his pocket and unlocked the BMW they were stood next to.

The drive back to Zack’s was quiet with Zack concentrating hard on the road as Jinx concentrated hard on keeping her heart rate steady. He let them into the house, finding himself being pushed up against the door as he closed it behind it. Jinx’s lips forging with his as she began to unbutton the shirt he was wearing. His hands came to rest on her hips keeping them steady as she pushed the shirt over his shoulders and threw it to the floor.

She kicked off her heels as he began to walk her backwards towards the stairs, their lips parting as he took hold of her hand and led her up the large staircase and into a large bedroom. Slamming the door shut, Zack eyed Jinx, his eyes wondering over her body as he gently pulled her over to the large four-poster bed in the middle of the room.

With a lustful sigh he cupped her cheeks again, drawing her into a passionate, fiery, almost desperate kiss. Feeling that they’d waited long enough for this moment they began to strip each other of their clothes.

With only their underwear left on, Zack ushered her back so that she was sat on the edge of the bed, keeping eye contact as she pulled him into her lap. they fell backwards onto the bed, Jinx moaning as she felt his hardening member rub her through the material of their underwear. He kissed her lightly, tracing his lips down her body until he was knelt on the floor between her legs slowly removing her red lace panties that had matched the bra he’d removed from her previously.

With a gasp she felt his lips kiss their way over the soft toned skin of her inner thighs, his hands slipping under her ass cheeks to raise her to his lips, the cold metal of his snakebites feeling beyond wonderful on her moist opening. His tongue flickered across her opening and over her clit, causing moans to escape freely from her mouth as her fingers entwined with his thick black hair, her eyes closed, her hips raising to meet more of his tongue as it plunged deeper into her wet opening.

As she felt herself about to come, she tugged at his hair, causing him to growl against her, the vibration sending her over the edge, coming with a scream as she tightened around his face. He kept her orgasm going as his tongue slowly licked her spilt juices off her sensitive skin.

He then slowly climbed back onto the bed, his lips dancing up her toned stomach and torso, to her neck and finally back to her mouth. Her loud moan lost in his mouth as she tasted her self on his tongue, her legs coming up to his waist, using her toes to push his boxers down his hips, a growl filling her mouth as they slipped over his erection.

She squirmed with pleasure again as the tip of his cock rubbed over her swollen, sensitive clit before he guided it slowly into her. Again the moans came freely from her lips as he began to thrust deeply into her, reaching deep inside of her.

His thrusts quickly gained power and speed, their hips colliding as he hit her spot each time. Her legs tightened around his waist, forcing him even deeper into her as she dragged her fingernails down his back.

Her moans became quicker and louder as she felt herself once again near her peak. Her eyes shut tight as her body prepared itself for the impending orgasm.

Her grip on his waist and back tightened as her walls tightened around his thick shaft, the sensation pushing him over the edge with a growl as he shuddered inside her. He kissed her with all the force he could muster before collapsing next to her.

“I love you Jinx.” He whispered as he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. She lifted her head up at him and smiled.

“I love you too.” she whispered back. He kissed her again and began to play with her vibrant dyed red hair.

“Stay. Don’t go back to Louisville. Stay here in Huntington with me.” he said quietly as he continued to run his fingers through her hair. Again she looked up at him, her face completely serious.

“I’m not going anywhere. I’m not being separated from you again. Eight years is far too long.” She replied gazing up into his eyes. With a smile, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers again.

“That has made me so unbelievably happy.” he cheered.

“Of course I will have to go back to Louisville at some point, I’ll need to get all my stuff.” She said her eyes not leaving his.

“Not just yet though, you and me have got eight years to catch up on first.” He replied with a smirk as he rolled on top of her again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so there you go Jinxy, I hope you liked it :)
This actually wasn't what I had in mind for the one shot but I woke up this morning with this idea in my head and had to go with it and had to get it down before I lost it!
