
She Holds Me Together.

It was pretty much obvious at this point. I, Matthew Jacob Meraz, had imprinted on the half-human, half-vampire daughter of Edward and Bella Cullen, Renesmee. All it took was one look, one simple glance, for gravity to move. You may be asking what "imprinting" is. I'll tell you. It's not exactly love at first sight. At least, not in the case of Nessie and I. It feels like gravity doesn't hold you down on this Earth anymore - she does. From that point, I'd be anything she needed me to be, be it a shoulder to cry on or someone to love.

By now, you've probably guessed what I am. I am a werewolf. My father is Paul, the hot-headed dude who got slapped by Bella Cullen (back when she was still Bella Swan), and my mother is Rachel Black, who you may know as one of Jacob Black's older twin sisters. Again, you've guessed correctly. Jacob Black is my uncle. Jacob Black had imprinted on Renesmee Cullen before I was born.

Luckily, the beta of the wolf pack, Leah Clearwater, imprinted on Uncle Jake and they ended up together. Of course, you can't stop an imprint, but Jake and Leah are happy, which is all that matters. At least Edward and Bella won't be mad with Jake anymore, now that Nessie has me. She comes to Jake's house a lot, and I try to make the most of it. It's the only time I get to see her.

Unfortunately, she always has to go home at some point. That's when the pain kicks in. It doesn't feel like my heart had been ripped out of my chest, or that there's a hole in my stomach that someone is putting their fingers into and pulling at the edges. It feels like a piece of old fabric who's threads were unravelling. I was that piece of fabric, and with each unravelled thread, I was losing myself bit by bit, going insane with endless worry.
Right now, I was losing myself faster than ever before. I hadn't seen Nessie for ages, and I was too busy worrying about her to notice anyone else. I didn't want to care about anyone else but her. She was what held me together. My mom and dad were beginning to notice that I wasn't spending as much time outside anymore. Most of my time was now dedicated to sleep, food and perpetual anxiety. Without her, I just couldn't function normally.

Then, one day I just snapped. I was sick of being worried, and I was sick of waiting for her. Glancing at the clock, I watched the seconds pass by. Those precious, valuable seconds that I could've spent with her. I picked up my coat and walked outside, squinting as my eyes adjusted to the change of lighting from the brightness of my house to the dark night. It wasn't that far to the Cullen's house, and my parents didn't mind me going there as long as I come back at some point. I put my coat on the floor, so it wouldn't rip up when I phased. As I ran, my problems seemed to disappear - for a while, that is.

I walked up the road to Nessie's house and sighed with relief as Edward's parked car came into view. I phased back into my normal, human form and walked round the back of the house so I was in front of Nessie's window, picking up pebbles along the way. The light in her room was on, giving me the permission to start throwing the pebbles at her window. Finally, as the fifth pebble hit her window, Nessie showed her beauty and smiled at me from her room.

"Mattie, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see you."

Nessie grinned and fulled opened her window, allowing me to get in. I climbed up the side of her house and slipped through the window. We stood there for a minute, letting the tension subside before she pulled me into a hug. That's how we remained for the next five minutes, just enjoying each other's company.

"Mattie?" Nessie mumbled, her soft voice was almost a whisper against my chest.


"It's past my bedtime, I need to go to bed."

I looked at her and frowned. She smiled and looked me in the eyes.

"You can stay here. If you want."

I nodded. I wanted to spend as much time as possible with her. Nessie grinned happily then frowned. "But there isn't a place for you to sleep." She mumbled. I reassured her that I was fine on the floor - I was used to sleeping on floor anyway, it was a thing that came with being a wolf - and she handed me a blanket and a pillow. As she climbed into her bed, she quietly apologized again for the lack of sleeping space and waited for me to get comfortable on the floor. I watched her as she leaned for the switch on her lamp and smiled.

"Good night, Matt."

"Good night, Nessie."

I laid there, listening to her breathing until I was sure she was asleep. As I turned to face her, I realised that I needed to tell her. I needed to get it out, even if she couldn't hear me. My eyes looked over every part of her peaceful face, and I couldn't help but smile to myself. I took a deep breath and whispered.

"I love you, Nessie."