


For some reason all this anger flowing through me feels so good.

And guess what?

It’s all directed towards you!

Why did you tell people what we “did”?

Why would you do something like that?

Oh yeah, ‘cause you’re a stupid boy!

And the things you’ve said to him about me?

Really, is that necessary?


Why are you doing this to me?

You’ve already hurt me enough, just leave me alone!

I’ haven’t talked to you since the day we ended, so why are you still trying to ruin things for me?

Just leave me alone, that’s all I want is for you to just let it go!

I’ve been trying to let it go, but since you keep doing this kind of shit it’s kind of impossible to!

You have no idea how angry I am with you!

It hurts me to know that you’ve been saying things and telling him things.

What happened to that one night when we were still together and you called me?

You said that no matter what happens to us you’d always be there for me, even if we broke up you’d put on your best friend face and help me out.

It still hurts me when I replay that conversation in my head.

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