
Cancun Diaries


Friday, June 4th 1:15 pm

“Did You Know Where I Was?”

A part of me wants to go home, but the other part wants to stay in Cancun. I got the chance to escape from everything for a week and it’s been great. We leave for home tomorrow and I’m excited because my 16th birthday is Wednesday and my party is on Friday. I’m also sad because I love that none of my friends or a certain someone know where exactly I am. On Wednesday we went on our annual yacht trip for the whole day to go deep-sea fishing.
My dad and stepbrother caught two Blue Marlon, Red Snapper, and other fish. I always sit up top with the captain Hugo and listen to my iPod and laugh when I get sprayed with salt water and when I bounce from the huge waves. I had my iPod on shuffle and “Time to Pretend” by MGMT came on and it was just like the perfect song. The sun was shining down on me, on a yacht, in the Gulf of Mexico…it was perfect.

I didn’t know exactly where I was, and neither did anyone else. I loved that. I want that feeling more often, like someone who has hurt me (in general) would be thinking “I wonder where Sara is, what she’s doing now…?” Well, Sara doesn’t know where she is. “I wonder how she is?” Enjoying life without you, in Mexico, on a yacht, in the ocean, catching fish.
After we caught the fish, we went to an island called Isla Mujeres (Isle of Women) and had our fish cooked and we ate with the crew. It was fun. I love that tiny island, we also go there every year. It’s still trying to rebuild after a hurricane (I’m not sure which one) hit it, but it’s still beautiful. The water is so clear!

I had fun on that island with my family despite my stomach ache (which I’ve had all week). Anyway, the rest of the trip was filled with days by the pool and on the beach, massages, tans, and sunburns. Also, I ordered a lot of room service since I’m a picky eater. I always lose weight on this tripe ‘cause I don’t like a lot of the foods they serve here. I’m so glad I got to get away and clear my head, but now I kind of dread going home because I’ll have to deal with everything again.

9:20 pm, same day

“Chef Oscar”

At dinner, my stepmom kept picking on me like she always does. She always does this when my dad’s not around (he was in the bathroom). I asked him when he got back if I could have the room key to our hotel room and he said no. I made an excuse and said I had to go to the restroom. I went outside on the bridge and stood there looking at the pond for awhile. I saw the chef come out of the restaurant (it was a chef dinner thing and we got to eat in the kitchen). I thought he was going somewhere else, but he headed straight for me.

“Why did you run away from the kitchen?” He asked.

“I dunno.” I replied.

“How was your day?”

“Okay, I guess.”

“No activities?”

“Just laid around.”

“Are you going to come back?”

“I guess, I don’t know.”

“Can I get you something to drink?”

“No thanks.”

“Okay.” He patted my shoulder, smiled at me, and walked away.

My eyes welled up. He cared enough to know something was wrong with me to come find me, and he was a total stranger. I stood there for awhile longer, then walked over to one of the small resting areas and took off my shoes. I put my feet in the sand, one more memory of it before I left. I sat there in thought for a bit. Eventually I would have to go back to the kitchen, so I did.

I sat there in silence while my parents and stepbrother talked for the rest of the time. After dinner, everyone shook hands and thanked Chef Oscar. I shook his hand and he smiled and winked at me. I don’t care if he was just being polite or if that wink was just for me, it made me feel better to know that someone actually has a caring heart.

Thank you, Chef Oscar.

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