


No, you may not have broken my heart but you really hurt my feelings.

I'm not going to let myself miss you. I'm not going to let myself cry over you.

I know you did care at one point, but along the way you stopped.

I don't know when that was, and I don't want to know.

I'm not going to let you hurt me anymore.

You got "bored" with me and you wanted "something different" well go out there and find something different because I'm not your type apparently.

Its okay, I can deal with that.

I think I'm much better off without you.

Everything we did, every laugh, joke, and story we had; I'm burning it away.

I'm locking those memories we made away and throwing out the key and burning the box.

All I want to do is forget about you, and that's my way of closure.

We had some pretty good times but that's all over.

You hurt me and I won't be forgiving you for awhile.

In time I will forgive you, but I won't forget.

Everything you told me I believed and I thought we'd be together for a long time like you kept saying.

But I guess we were both wrong.

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