
Letter Eleven - The One Who Broke Your Heart The Worse


Dear Nate,

I don’t really know if you broke my heart, but I know you did hurt me a lot. It’s been about 4 months since we broke up. You were my first REAL boyfriend, and I loved you. I thought we’d be together for a long time like you kept saying but apparently a long time is only 6 weeks. You were the longest relationship I’ve yet to have. Pathetic, right? When we broke up, I wanted it to be at least over the phone so we could have talked it out a bit more. But no, it had to be over text and you didn’t give a shit that I was in the ER. I just want to get this out real quick: FUCK YOU. Anyway, I was so scared for you before we broke up when you texted me saying you were going 90 mph. All I asked was for you to slow down and you called me “dumb” for freaking out. I heard you got a ticket a couple weeks after we broke up, and remember when I said I hope you think of me when you get a ticket one day? I bet you did. Karma’s a bitch. Now I’m trying to be friends with you but I’m not sure how it’s going. Sounds like you’re going through a rough time right now. I’m sorry. I wish there was something I could do, but why bother?
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