
About Me


I’m 16, my number one passion is singing, my second is writing. My favorite bands are Simple Plan, Shinedown, and Avenged Sevenfold. My favorite singer is P!nk.

I’m adopted, and yeah I do know my birth parents. Thanks to Myspace for aiding me in finding them cause I’m a creeper haha.

My parents divorced when I was 4, my dad got full custody of me when I was 9-10. It was joint custody up until then. My mom is an unfit mother, but shes still my mom, I still talk to her every once in awhile, we fight alot, she hangs up on me a lot, but you know, as long as I get to hear her voice I’m okay. I haven’t seen her since mothers day, and I haven’t talked to her in about 2 months.

My dad is my everything. He’s gone through so much just to keep me with him. He’s the most amazing person in my eyes. I’m a daddys girl, if you haven’t noticed. Sometimes we have our fights, but other times we get along great.

My stepmom and I don’t get along very well. We fight constantly. I don’t care much about her to say anything else. She’s not worth my tumblr time.

My best friend is Emily Baker, best friendship established 2006. She’s really the only person I can talk to about ANYTHING. She’s always there for me, and I’m there for her. I love her to death. Yeah we have our stupid little arguments but that doesn’t stop us from being friends, sometimes we just need to cool off after a fight so we don’t talk for a day or two. Other then that we usually forget what we fought about.

I have two older step brothers, Josh and Caleb. Caleb is in the army and served overseas for one year. He’s married to my sister in law Esther and they have two sons named Gabriel (3) and Gideon (6 months). Josh and I get along well, even though he irritates the fuck outta me. Caleb and I get along great, even though I’m taller than him and he’s 26 lol. Esther is the big sister I’ve always wanted. I love her so much. She’s a great mom to my nephews, and when i need it, she gives me motherly advice. I really don’t know what I’d do without her. She’s a huge part of my life.

I’m currently in love with a boy named Cameron. We’ve been on and off for a year and a half. It’s this stupid cycle we have, we date, break up, date other people, and get back together. But he’s the only boy I’ve ever loved, and I don’t want to lose him ever again. He brings out the best and worst in me, but isn’t that what boys do? My friends think he’s an outright idiot, but he’s MY idiot:] I love him, he loves me, and that’s all that matters.

I get irritated easily, but that’s because I have a short patience. I like to say curse words :3

I’m tall-ish. My hair is naturally dark brown, but I’ve put in blind highlights for a few years, and I’ve tried going back to brown this summer, but since I bleached it blonde before the summer, its back to a dirty blind and it pisses me off lol. I have light blue eyes, I get complements on them all the damn time (not that I’m complaining, I love my eyes but it’s a weird complement you know?). I also have freckles, and long eyelashes that I like to make as long as possible with my mascara. Sometimes I think I could kill someone with my eyelashes :3 (like my stepmom could carve someones face off with her wedding ring -.-)

I have an obession with Boston. I want to move there someday, get an apartment of my own and start a writing and/or performing career.

I have mixed feelings about marriage. And children. My stepmom says if I ever have kids they will starve to death since I can’t cook. And I also think it might not be such a great idea if I reproduce.

I have problems, I see a therapist every two weeks.

I’m a cutter, although the evidence isn’t on my arms. I haven’t cut for a few months, but every once in awhile I have that slip up.

Every once in awhile I have that bulimia problem. But I also have a strong stomach, which I think is good and it saves me.

I have a small pill popping problem.

I love to make people laugh, because I love to see people smile. I like being sarcastic too.

I love WWE. Judge me if you want, I don’t care. I’ve gone to 3 WWE events and I love it. I would like to be apart of that someday, if you can believe that…

I’m in Drama class at school, Drama 2 to be exact. I want to go all the way to Drama 4. Sometimes it’s hard for me, because I can’t memorize lines and I miss my ques a lot, but I love it. That class is like my family, I look forward to seeing them everyday, because that class and the people in it start my day off right, with laughter.

My other best friend would be Stephen Owens. I met him at art camp when we were 11. He’s been my best friend ever since, along with Emily. They used to hate eachother but now somehow get along. It’s weird. I believe Stephen has saved my life. I love him to death. He knows what irritates me, what makes me laugh, and everything about me. He helps me through a lot of shit and I don’t know how I could ever repay him.

I have a trust problem with a lot of people. I don’t open up to just anyone. The only people who know EVERYTHING about me would be Emily, Stephen, and JT. That’s it. (Emily and JT used to date, btw :3) I’ve lost friends, and I feel like I shouldn’t have opened up to them, I didn’t tell them everything, but still. I told them what I thought they should know and then BOOM. They left. So, you have to be around awhile to know everything about me, to say you really KNOW me.
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