



I have so much anger in my heart. I don’t forgive and I don’t forget.

I hold grudges for a long, long time.

I try to move on from things but I can’t.

Everything hurts me emotionally and I hold it in until I explode.

I hate everyone and everything and a lot of the time I want to be left alone, I don’t want contact with anyone.

I isolate myself as a punishment for holding all these grudges.

I hate myself for being stupid and falling for everyone’s lies they’ve told me.

I don’t believe anything because so many people broken my trust; have broken me.

The two people most important to me broke my trust, the person who I thought I “loved” broke my trust.

I can’t stand it, I don’t like all this hate in my heart.

It hurts so much, I want to be able to trust people, but I can’t.

It’s hard for me, and a part of me doesn’t want to let all this hate go.

It’s kind of like the only thing I really know, and I don’t want to let it go.

I have to, it’s not good to hold it all in.

I’ll never be able to trust anyone or live a happy life if I don’t let it go.

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