
Chapter Three.

I've grown up to believe dreams could come true. My dad was a big factor on why I still believe. Before he died, he'd always tell me the stories at night before I went to sleep. He said he'd always have this dream with this little girl in it. He had no idea who it was, who she belonged to, until the night I was born.

He said, as soon as he saw me come out of my mother's womb he knew who I was. He had no doubt in his mind. That's when he first experienced a dream come true. He'd tell me how he'd talk to my mom about his dreams and just wondering who that little girl was. My dad said once they found out that mom was pregnant, that I came into his dreams more and more. Also there was a stronger connection between us.

"I knew you." He said, while he stroked my bangs out of my eyes. I used to lay there in my daddy's arm, listening to him tell this story over and over. It was my favorite one to hear, because I knew somewhere in my heart I would experience something just like it.

"So Crystal, when you can feel something in you're heart, and if you just believe.. Anything can come true. Anything can become real.. apart of your life." Then like every other night before he'd kiss my forehead and tuck me in. "Goodnight my beautiful Angel of my dreams. I love you." Then he'd leave.

When he died, I starting believing nightmares where real. Somehow, even if they weren't exactly what you dreamed at night, they were real. I was living in the worst nightmare in my life. I started to believe everything around me, on this earth was real.

I'd cry at night, because I was afraid of the monsters in my closet and my dad wasn't there to protect me. I used to think that fairies where watching over our family, I'd try talking to them - tell me how my dad was.Then I started having dreams where he'd visit me in it. Not for long, but long enough for me to have hope and to keep believing.

I remember, when I was around nine years old, I started think he'd show up again. Why? No it wasn't because I didn't understand death, it was because I had dream - and he came back it. For weeks, I would sit by my front door, just waiting.. waiting for that door to swing open and his normal muddy black boots would stump onto the floor.

My mom began to worry about me, since I was the one who was so effected from his death. My brother was too young to even noticed he died, and my mom thought of herself as in an influence to us - she refused to cry in front of us.

The night my dad died, I sat up that night and day dreamed of him being alive. I kept repeating the words "Anything can come true..". I had that idea of him coming back for years. That used to be what I only did at night was repeat those words over and over again. I did that for years. Until I finally came to peace with my dad's death.

But I never gave up one those words. I still say them from time to time. All I really want is to prove to my dad that his great words of wisdom are true. I mean, if a dream came true for him then couldn't a dream come true for anyone?

I was determined to prove this. Prove that dreams were real in some way or another.

Think of me whatever you'd like to, but I'm telling you if just believe.. things will come true.

And what I believe is that Kaden was real.