Status: Slow But Sure

I'm Adopted: Vengeance Edition.


*Matt's POV*

"I... I did find her.."

I dropped my phone to the ground as my hands grabbed Jackie's body from the ground, turning her over. Her eyes were closed shut, her hand was gripping a shattered bottle, blood dripped from her legs and arms where she had fallen on the glass. I could faintly hear Zack screaming from the phone, I picked it up.

"I'll call you right back." I hung up.

"Jackie!" I screamed, shaking her slightly. I could smell something familiar. I grabbe the neck of the bottle that was left in her hand. I threw it down and cried. Everclear. The only bottle we had were compeltely full. If she had mixed that with her medication... "Jackie please oh my god wake up.." I held her close, her hair still wet under my finger tips.

I felt her body shiver and I pulled away, her throat moved and I sat her up, holding her hair as vomit ejected from her mouth. Her body fell limp again as she leaned against me, her body wreeking of alcohol. I glanced down at one of the pills that had landed on the concrete and picked it up. It was a vitamin. I rolled my eyes at my stupidity and let it fall. But the alcohol..

Her body shook again as more vomit escaped her body. I picked her and my phone up at the same time and called Zack.

"Hey, she's just hammered. She didn't do anything else, she just drank a shit ton of booze, she's throwing it up now.." I sighed.

"Oh my god, I'm literally going to kill her." He groaned "Well, I mean, I'll see you two soon though so I can talk to her then..."

"Zack?" I laughed.

"I kind of booked the next flight to Miami while I was waiting for you to call.. I'll be there by ten our time... seven your time."

"Lovely, see you soon." I laughed and hung up. I walked in to the living room and immediatly regretted the decision until I realized Maddy was fast asleep on the couch. I brought Jackie in to the larger bathroom downstairs and sat her in the tub. I propped her against the side and used towels to keep her in place. I walked to the kitchen and looked in the top cabinets where I kept the alcohol and realized all three bottles of everclear and two bottles of Jack were gone. I shook my head and grabbed an entire bottle of Tylenol, a pitcher of water, and some crackers from the closet.

I walked back to the bathroom, stopping and putting a blanket over Maddy on the way. She'd be asleep until after Zack got here, kid slept for ever. I walked back in to the bathroom to where Jackie hadn't thrown up again yet. I sat down on the edge of the tub and waited. This was going to be one lovely hang over...

Three hours later

I might, maybe, possibly, ok probably fell asleep next to the bathtub within the three hours that had passed. I woke up to the front door opening and shot up, I had completely forgot it had been open in the middle of the night. I grabbed a pair of scissors from under the cabinet and walked to the front door as someone slammed the door.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house?" I asked before they could turn around.

"Considering you're my brother in law to be." Zack turned and laughed "Thankfully you're a psycho and leave your door open." He laughed and took his hood off "Nice home defense system, what are those, thinning shears?"

"Fuck, I forgot you were coming." I sighed "I woke up at four and the door was open, I think it's broken."

"Locks probably busted." He shrugged "So? Is she still-"

"Passed the fuck out?" They both are. Mads is on the couch, she should be up in about an hour or so."

"Nice. Where's princess drunky?" He laughed and dropped his backpack.

"Bathroom." I pointed at the door "She keep throwing up in her sleep. I just turn the faucet on and let it wash down, she can shower when she wakes up." I shrugged.

"Well, show me the fuck around this castle of a house." He looked aroud in awe "Different from the apartment?"

"Uhm, yah, it took me like half an hour to find her. Maddy actually saw her from the back yard while we were checking out there." I shrugged "Come on, I'll check on her first then show you around and your room. When's your flight back?" I asked.

"I haven't' booked it, I booked a one way, that was the fastest thing there."

"Cool, you should stay a few days, she'd love to have you... when she's not hung over." I laughed.

"How much?" He asked.

"Three bottles of everclear and two bottles of Jack." I laughed as she groaned "I don't know the aim of it, but she's a mess."

I walked in to the bathroom and pushed Jackie's hair from her face, putting a towel next to her. She moved a little and groaned.

"Oh, it's alive." Zack laughed "She can wake up on her own. Now lets go see this house."

Jackie's POV

If anyone wanted to know what it feels like to have nine million jackhammers going off at once, please I invite you in to my head. Also a perpetual spinning wheel of doom. I felt the water beneath me and looked around, I was in the downstairs tub. I groaned, Matt. He wasn't supposed to find me, I just wanted to drink myself out to oblivion, then I knew I'd wake up at some point.

I sat up and took a handfull of Tylenol, I could hear two voices talking outside the door and literally felt my stomach lurch into my throat. I spit the Tylenol in to my hand as I watched the contents of my stomach follow shortly. I turned the tub water on and washed it off my legs. I groaned.

"Oh, hey, princess is awake." Matt smirked as Zack followed him in.

"How and when did you show up?" I asked, wincing at my own voice.

"Plane and like an hour ago, we've been walking around the house and making breakfast." He smirked.

"Shut up, don't talk so loud." I gripped my head and finished taking the Tylenol. I leaned back against the cold tub.

"Well, we'll leave you alone. For now. You gots some 'splaining to do later Lucy." Zack smirked and walked out with Matt, who had an entirely different more concerned look on his face than Zack did. Great, that's lovely.
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uhmm.... yah... don't really know. I'll post more tomorrow.