Status: Slow But Sure

I'm Adopted: Vengeance Edition.


*Jackie's POV*

Phone calls. Texts. Emails. Letters slipped under my door. Matt wouldn't stop trying to apologize. Zack filled him in on the events and what he said, how he acted, and Matt couldn't recall anything.

I was still debating what to chose.

Two months later. Two months, I was still trying to figure this all out. Would life be better without Matt? Or with. The security part of me said with, the sensible part of me said without. Seven months along, my due date getting closer and closer, Matt was trying harder and harder to get to me.

"You have to come out sooner or later." He shouted through the door.

"Yeah? I Do! When you aren't here." I called back, I wasn't exactly sure on what I was going to say or do, but I was going to talk to him today. I looked in the mirror and laughed a little at myself. Pregnancy jeans, a dark blue t-shirt that clung to my belly and made it look better than it felt, and some slippers. I had washed and fixed up my hair, letting it hang around my shoulders. I opened the door and Matt stared back, his eyes going to my stomach "Hi. Move." I watched as he moved to the side.

"How... Hi." He began following me down the hall "Wow, you're huge." He mumbled. I turned and glared at him "I mean... I just.. The last time.."

"I know." I laughed lightly "Listen..." I dragged the word out "We need to talk."

Matt gulped "That's never good." He sighed as we walked into the empty kitchen. Zack was shopping with his girlfriend, the one he brought to the Halloween party, and Mom and Dad were, where else? At work.

"Yeah.. I know." I laughed and stood at the counter "Can I get you anything? Drink... food?" I asked.

"I'm fine." Matt nodded "I just want to let you know, if you're basing this decision off that night... I didn't sleep with Val again. Zack compeltely missheard me. I swear, Jackie, I didn't." He whispered.

I sat down and began building around my heart "That has nothing to do with this." Lie. Yes it did, it has everything to do with this.

"Oh." Matt closed his mouth "How are you doing though? Health wise?"

"Good, I actually just went for my seventh month yesterday. The doctor said everything was perfect." I smiled.

"Do you know the sex?" He asked.

"Zack got it in an envelope, we aren't loking unless someone cracks." I laughed a little "I think Mom already did though."

"Can I look?" Matt asked.

I sighed "Matt... I uhm.. I don't know what.." I Paused and started to collect my thoughts. How do you tell someone you're going back on your word? "I don't want.."

"Jackie?" Matt asked nervously "You said,"

"I know exactly what I said. If Val left on her own terms, that I'd let you be in the baby's life. I will." I sighed "But... I don't want you there when it happens."

Matt's jaw dropped "But I-"

"No." I took a breath "No, I Don't want you there. Mom and Dad are going to be there, Michelle, and maybe Zack, if he doesn't wimp out."

"Why can't I?" Matt asked "I'm your boyfriend, I'm this baby's father. I have the ri-" He kept going on about how he had every right to be there. I gulped.

"You aren't my boyfriend." I whispered. Matt stopped talking and stared at me.

"What?" He asked and placed his hand behind his ear "I didn't hear you right.. What did you say?"

I felt tears in my eyes "We're... I don't..." I grabbed a napkin and wiped my eyes before they started "I don't think it would be the best enviroment for the baby. We fight too much, I don't know if you're going to come home drunk and scare the baby, I'm just... I'm afraid of you not being faithfull. I'd rather not have to deal with that while the baby's around."

"So you're breaking up with me?" Matt asked.

"I think you did that two months ago when you accused me of cheating, Matt." I stood up "You can be in the baby's life all you want, but... until you show me you're serious about us."

"What has shown you differently?" Matt stood up "I love you, I'll do anything to keep you. I made a mistake, I'm sorry. I've tried to tell you that for two months now. I want this baby to have two parents as much as you do, I want things to be perfect. It's my baby as much as your's, Jaclyn."

"You have two months, Matt." I shrugged "Clean yourself up, get your act together... Then you can grovel at my feet." I smirked as he rolled his eyes "I'm serious, Matt. I don't want us to be dating for a few years with the baby, then all of a sudden you see some other chick and then leave me for her. I'm going to avoid that at all costs and... well... you aren't showing me anything good."

"I will. I promise." Matt smiled "I'll show you something so good you'll cry."

"I'll be waiting." I laughed as he walked out. I rubbed my hands against my stomach "Your daddy is crazy." I laughed and made my way to the livng room to watch TV.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one sucked ass, completely. I'm so sorry. I got off track for a second and then SHABAM the entire story kind of just crashed and I'm in the middle of the carnage going "WTF just happened?" So... I'm just as confused as you are lol.
