Sequel: Creak.

The Sky.


Sunlight lay sprawled along my kitchen table, its fingers probing at the worn wood and emphasizing its obvious imperfections. I scowled at the sight of it, knowing that its source was well out of the reach of my gaze; knowing that its warm touch was well out of my grasp.

I was a prisoner of the darkness, held back by my unwilling willingness. Each ray of light was a punishment, a reminder of what I had lost. Each streak of it shone brightly like spun gold, like a tousle of blonde hair that I knew all too well. In each shaft of brilliance danced a hoard of dusty motes, their mote-y frollicking resembling too much another jubliant figure.

No, it wasn't the darkness that kept me hostage, it was my sorrow. It was the fucking nagging at the back of my mind that reminded me too much of Lily. Every breath, every step, every sight absorbed by my hating eyes screamed her name.


No more eyes that rivaled the sky, no more smiles that caused the sun itself to turn green from envy. No more dancing girl and swirling skirts.

Just no more.

I loved her and I didn't even know her.

And that was the worst part.