Status: Complete ^_^

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Say it ain't so.

Madam Pomfrey was on them like wild fire as soon as they entered the room. Draco stood at the end of the bed with his hands in his pockets, watching as the healer hounded Fallon to take several different potions.

“You were gone far too long! Just look at you!” she fussed helping Fallon get comfortable on the bed. Madam Pomfrey was in a whirlwind of panic. Draco scuffed his feet attempting to hold back his smirk. He may have been crying not to long ago, but now he seemed pretty pleased with himself.

Once they were left alone, Draco migrated over. “I feel like shit,” she grumbled rolling onto her side, away from him.

“You know you liked spending all that time with me,” he stated, crawling on the bed and spooning with her.

“Are you kidding? You won’t leave me alone!” she exclaimed with a teasing tone.

“Many girls would just kill, to be in your place right now,” he drawled in her ear earning many shivers from her body.

“Don’t be so full of it!” she chided elbowing him in the gut. “Oh, and you can’t come tomorrow. I have my second treatment of the week.”

“No, I promised you, Aiden and myself that I would support you. Even if you don’t want me here I’m going to be,” he beseeched, hoping she would give him at least a pinch of approval.

“Just go find some girl to be with tomorrow, I promise I won’t get angry if you do.”

Draco breathed out angrily. “I don’t have time for stuff like that. Besides, I already have my eyes on something,” he muttered, turning away to hide his anger-stricken face. He rubbed his eyes to clear the fuzziness enveloping his thoughts.

Fallon sat up and leaned against the white wall behind her, and focused her eyes on him. She kissed two of her fingers and placed them on his lips. He peaked through his hands to glance at her, surprised at her sudden type of affection.

Fallon felt his small smile on her fingers and she smiled back shyly when he kissed them and carried on to kiss them all. She quickly pulled back once he finished, bringing her knees to hide her hot cheeks. She heard Draco chuckle and she growled in response.

“Don’t be embarrassed. You should be used to me by now,” he voiced, kneading her calf.

“It will always be the first time with you Draco, I’ll never be able to adapt to you,” she declared, lifting her head.

“Is there anyway we could change that?” he questioned scooting closer.

“No,” she said, barely above a whisper as Draco, once again, was mere inches away from her face. “If Madam Pomfrey sees you,” she warned, beginning to get breathless.

“She’d skin me alive, I know,” he said lowly staring at her lips. Fallon’s chest swelled with excitement, then again, how could it not? They were about to do something forbidden, something that could cost Fallon her life. “I’ll be quick, I promise,” he dulcified, leaning on one of his hands mirroring Fallon.

“You make it sound like a chore,” she frowned, but followed his movements nonetheless. Draco just smiled and captured her lips pulling back in a fraction of a second and stepped off the bed. Fallon glared at him.

“I need to go, I’ll be back,” he said holding his hands up in defence.

Fallon sulked. “When are you going to tell me?” she called after him.

“Later!” he called back rushing out before she could say anything else. Fallon snarled and laid back in her bed, letting sleep sweep over her.

It was now the next day and Fallon took her last potion forty-five minutes ago.

“You’re taking the treatment unbelievably well, dear,” Madam Pomfrey complimented while she wiped down Fallon's sweat-saturated skin. Fallon managed to crack a smiled, but it was soon replaced by a grimace. “There are people here to see you,” she announced covering her with the blanket. Fallon was too weak to decline their entrance, or even look in that direction.

“Fallon, how are you doing?”

Fallon immediately sprung her eyes open and looked over at her parents. “Mom, dad,” she said happily, trying to push herself up with her shaking arms.

“Whoa, take it easy Princess,” her dad spoke helping her up before engulfing her in a bear hug, only to have her mother join in moments later.

Colour dotted Fallon’s eyes as she pulled back to look her parents’. “Is it the weekend before Halloween already?” she asked amazed.

“Yes Fallon. Oh, look at you my poor baby. We were to come earlier but we’ve been advised to wait a while,” her mother spoke sitting with her on the bed, an arm wrapped around her shoulders. They sat and talked until Draco walked in, hands behind his back.

“Draco Malfoy! How are you son?” her father’s booming voice echoed in the room.

“Very good, Mr. Geneva,” Draco answered, inclining his head towards the dark-haired man.

“Please, call me Oberon. How many times have I told you that?” Draco gave a small smile as he received many pats on the back.

“Too many to count…..Oberon,” Draco said unsurely, not liking the way the name felt on his tongue.

“Atta boy!” he said loudly giving Draco one large slap on the back making him fall forward and grunt. However, Oberon laughed and kept on going.

Fallon’s mother sniffed in displeasure but kept a smile plastered on her face. Draco removed one hand from his back and charmingly kissed her mother’s hand. She flushed and giggled like a school girl.

“What a charming boy! Isn’t he Oberon?” she rambled patting her cheeks to keep them from getting any warmer.

“Of course Kassidy, of course. Well, we will leave you two kids alone. Princess, your mother and I will be back, we must speak with Albus,” he informed, placing a loving kiss on her forehead.

Once the door slammed, Draco smirked. Fallon rolled her eyes. “What do you want?” she whined, weakly pummelling him with her fists as he made his way into her bed.

“I got you a present,” he said smoothly, whipping a bouquet of orange roses out from behind his back. “And since you’re a Ravenclaw, you should know that every flower has a meaning,” he hinted handing her the roses and admiring the happy glint that flashed in her eyes.

“Oranges roses compete with red roses in messages of passion and love,” she sighed, inhaling their delicious scent and fiddling with the soft luscious pedals.

“Exactly,” his spoke, his smirk growing by the minute.

“Sorry to be a joy-kill, but you aren’t getting a reward today,” she replied sweetly batting her eyelashes innocently. “But this was very sweet of you. I guess you do know how to treat a woman.”

“What can a say, I’m a natural,” he said cockily while shrugging his shoulders.

“It only seems like that because you’ve had so much practise,” she fired, aiming right for his ego. Draco grabbed his chest in mock heartbreak.

“I see your body still holds the ice queen with-in,” he said dramatically. Fallon made a face and went back to marvelling at the flowers, making sure to ignore Draco the best she could.
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This one is a little longer than the others. Enjoy! :3