Status: Complete ^_^

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Save yourself.

Today is the day of the results. Everything was going pretty good, except for the little episode Fallon had two days before. Fallon was fidgety, although she knew she was pretty much in the clear. Madam Pomfrey said she might’ve blacked-out from being overexcited, but she wasn’t too sure. Draco was sprawled on the bed nodding off now and then, the almost black circles beneath his eyes alerting Fallon that he wasn’t sleeping much.

Madam Pomfrey floated in with a grace that Fallon never thought the busy woman could ever pull off, but it calmed her nonetheless. “Good news, my dear, you may go to the ball! However, you must take some potions with you that I will have prepared. It is exactly like your treatment without the pain,” Madam Pomfrey reported handing the girl her lunch.

“Why can’t I take that instead? Without the pain would be fantastic!” Fallon exclaimed while she shoved a fork full of potatoes in her mouth.

“Unfortunately it doesn’t get the job done as well as your treatment. This will make you be able to handle everything the night of the ball,” she explained bustling around as per usual.

Fallon choked on bits of carrots as she felt two arms loop around her hips and a face snuggle into her quad. “Have you found out yet?” Draco rumbled his voice thick with sleep.

“Yeah, I can’t go,” she sighed slouching, trying her best to convince Draco of her little lie.

“What?” Draco was now up, alert, on all fours, and right up in Fallon’s face. “I thought you were doing well with your treatments and….stuff.” Draco looked like he was about to cry. Fallon hasn’t seen anyone look so distressed or disappointed in her entire life.

“I thought I was too,” she dragged on, playing with loose threads on the sheets to stop herself from having to look at Draco, because then she would completely lose it.

Draco then bolted out of the bed. “Where are you going?”

Draco looked beyond pissed. His face was beet red and that vein in his neck could’ve poked someone’s eye out if it got any bigger. Even from three feet away, Fallon saw his knuckles on the verge of becoming bone white and the slight perspiration on his temples.

“I’m going to speak with Madam Pomfrey,” he proclaimed, his eyes wide with rage as he unbuttoned the first two buttons on his shirt.

“Oh shit,” Fallon muttered under her breath. Without having any other alternative Fallon promptly yelled, “I can go to the ball! I was just joking ar-around, so there’s no, no need to go and talk to Madam Pomfrey.”

Draco hovered over Fallon before she could even finish her sentence. “That wasn’t funny,” he stated, his voice quivering.

“I know it wasn’t, I don’t know what I was think-”

“You weren’t thinking!” he quickly cut her off, kicking a chair across the room while doing so. “You’re a Ravenclaw, you should always be thinking.”

The two teenagers were now nose-to-nose. Fallon couldn’t help but feel sparse bit of fear starting to build up in her stomach as they both stayed silent.

“Being a Ravenclaw has nothing to do with this,” Fallon finally spoke, breaking the nerve-wracking silence that almost engulfed them.

“You’re right,” he said lightly, backing off. He picked up the chair he kicked and flopped down in it, leaning back and placing his hands behind his head. “You just made me so mad. Why did you say that?”

“I didn’t think the ball meant that much to you,” she reasoned, still a little bit scared. “You acted like your father.”

Draco quickly looked over at her. “Are you serious?” She nodded, crawling under the covers and pulling them up under her chin. “I don’t want to be like my father,” he groaned palming his face.

Fallon reached over and brushed the hair out of his eyes. The eyes that always seemed to sparkle when she looked at them. Whether they sparkled with mischief or affection she didn’t care, she just loved the way she was the only one to truly see them in that state.

“You’re Draco, so you don’t have to worry,” she soothed, motioning for him in crawl in beside her.

“But Madam Pomfr-”

“Shhh, that’s my line,” she hushed, propping her head up with her hand so she could get a better look at him.

Draco stayed lying on his back as he searched around for her free hand and then intertwined it with his. He brought it to his lips and gave the back of her hand one big smooch. Fallon laughed and did the same to his, kissing it more than once and then gently taking his thumb between her teeth. She giggled when he looked at her as he pried his thumb loose from her pearly whites.

“No biting,” he scolded as he gathered her to his hard chest.

“Why not,” she whined, pressing her ear above his heart to listen to its steady beating.

“We’ll save that for when we get further in our relationship,” he hinted waggling his eyebrows. Fallon gasped and smacked his arm. “I’m looking forward to that,” he smirked, running his hand down her back to grab behind her knee and bring it over his hip.

“Try to take this relationship a step further right now, and you’re history won’t be able to repeat itself,” she warned as she pinched the smallest amount of skin she could.

“Ow! You’re so mean,” he brushed her off. “Kiss it better.”

“No” Draco stuck his bottom lip out inches further than a girl could even attempt to do. “Fine. Where does it hurt?”

Draco tapped his lips. Fallon scoffed. “I should’ve seen that one coming,” she rolled her eyes and she sat perched on his stomach.

“I’m waiting….”

“For what?” Draco pointed to his mouth as if it was the most obvious thing. Fallon scrunched her nose but gave in, planning to only give him a small, innocent kiss. Just as she was about to pull away, Draco forced her to stay by encaging her in his arms, and almost immediately causing her to melt into his touch.

Once she felt the wetness of his tongue, her head snapped back to reality and she sat up.

“Is that better,” she breathed heavily placing her hands on his pectorals.

“Not quite,” he teased, attempting to pull her back down.

“No no no no no. If we were official maybe, but otherwise, no.”

“What would make us official?” Draco asked perplexed, thinking he did everything perfectly.

“Oh I don’t know, asking for starters,” she suggested as she slipped off of him. Just as Draco finally got it and was about to speak Fallon said, “I don’t have anything to wear to the ball.” A close to horror-stricken face now carved into her features.

“Already got that covered,” Draco said smoothly, grabbing at her toes.

“Really? It had better not be green. I’ll be like walking Christmas,” she panicked looking over at him.

Draco chuckled. “No it’s not green,” he assured her. Fallon sat crossed-legged her knees poking into his side as she drew random shapes on his hand with the tip of her finger.

“Don’t forget about your promise,” she reminded him as she saw him staring off into space.

“I’ll never forget it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I stayed up late to update, so this better be a good one. I'm sure you all know what's coming up in the next chapter though :P Enjoy!