Status: Complete ^_^

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Fun only lasts for a little while.

After the ball, Fallon had episodes every night. Either it was fainting or it was a seizure, awful dreams or terrifying hallucinations. And then worse part, Madam Pomfrey couldn’t do anything about it. Fallon had to tough it out every night which was beginning to make her extremely feeble and exhausted.

The night of November 17, Draco walked in just as Fallon was bracing herself for what she knew was about to happen.

“Draco, get Madam Pomfrey then leave,” she ordered as she arched her back starting to feel tremors along her spine. It was a seizure just as she suspected. Madam Pomfrey rushed in just seconds after her seizure started and quickly hurried over to hold her down. Draco stood there shocked; how come he didn’t know about this?

Fallon felt the foul tasting salvia building in her mouth, her throat too constricted to swallow it or even breath properly. Everything around her started to loose shape and looked mostly like floating blobs. Fallon already had a vague idea about seizures, having read about them, but none of them seemed to describe how she felt.

Her head never hurt after, she wasn’t tired, her appendages weren’t sore or stiff, she was fully aware of what was happening before, during and after, and she couldn’t feel anything from the neck down until she was in the postictal state. She couldn’t explain it; she just knew that is was doing hell to her emotions.

“Fallon, what’s going on?” Draco enquired rubbing her forehead to rid it of the worried wrinkles engraved into her skin.

“I don’t know. Madam Pomfrey says it has nothing to do with my cancer though.” Fallon sighed in relief once her muscles showed no more signs of seizing again.

“She said I could leave sometime today,” she said happily as she sat up stiffly.

“After that?” he asked incredulously. Fallon thought it was weird too, but there wasn’t anything that could be done about it, and it didn’t even effect her physically. She only got tired because of her fear of the dreams that haunted her every night. As long as Fallon could keep her emotions in check and not get so frustrated once she was among the student body once again.

“It’s really not as bad as it seems so you don’t have to get your knickers in a twist,” she assured him as she crawled off the bed and into his lap.

“The bawdy hand of the dial is now upon the prick of noon,” he stated and then gently bit the exposed flesh of her shoulder.

“You’re quoting Shakespeare? You do know what that means, don’t you?”

“It’s referring to an erection,” he said bluntly and raised his eyebrows suggestively. Fallon scoffed at his vulgar attitude and clambered off of him and towards the healer’s office.

“Madam Pomfrey, am I allowed to leave?” she asked poking head her through the door.

The old woman snapped her head and looked confused for a second before she said, “Of course, of course. However, if anything goes wrong you are to see me immediately, understood?” Fallon nodded her head, excited to finally be leaving.

Fallon happily skipped back to her bed and packed up her stuff. “You look really weak you know. I don’t think you should leave quite yet,” Draco said, raining on her parade.

“Excuse me. Are you a healer?” she questioned angrily.

“No,” he stated simply, taking her bag away from her.

“Then shut your mouth,” she demanded ripping her bag from his hands and continued her business. “You’ve been doing so well,” she murmured to herself but since Draco was being nosey lately, he heard what she said.

“What have I been doing so well with?” Draco slipped in front of her, blocking her from getting the rest of her possessions.

“Not pissing me off, like you’re starting to now. Did you decide not to be annoying while I was suffering but now that I’m pretty much cured you act like before?” Draco just blinked. Fallon snarled and turned to leave.

“What about your other stuff?” he asked pointing behind him as he followed her.

“It won’t disappear, I’ll come back later to get it,” she yelled back to him, not sure as to how far away he was.

“You’re being a bitch again; I liked it better when you were sick.”

“And so did I. Just leave me alone for a little bit,” she told him as she put a hand to his chest and stopped him. “You’re turning back to your old self. How does that happen in three minutes?” she asked looking into his eyes and searching. They didn't seem to sparkle anymore. “What’s up with you?”

“Nothing,” he said blankly and walked away from her. Something was up with Draco, but Fallon couldn’t quite put her finger on it. He was acting like the asshole he usually was, the stubborn little boy he sometimes was, and the boy that never seemed to show emotion. Time for Fallon to say things she knew would get a reaction out of him.

“Let’s break up Draco, you’re nothing but a spoiled pretty boy and a pussy,” she called after him. Draco’s hands flinched and curled into fists before he shoved them violently into his robe pockets.

Fallon smiled at his movements. “I was thinking that…Harry’s gotten pretty sexy this year, so I might ask him out.” Draco cracked both sides of his neck as if to silently warn her to stop but he walked on. “I banged your dad this summer,” she threw out there, hoping to get a real spoken reaction.

Draco turned around, stalked towards her, grabbed her arm, and dragged her to the nearest empty classroom. He pushed her onto the big teacher’s desk, climbed on top of her, and kissed her many times. Fallon completely forgot everything that happened previously and hooked her thigh on his hip kissing his cold marble lips.

“Snape said I had to focus more on my task than waste my time with you,” he breathed on her cheek before pressing his cheek against hers. “It’s harder than I thought, you caught on too quickly.”

“You made it a little too obvious,” she told him as she blew into his ear.

“Stop that,” he advised and pinched her cheeks. They fell into silence moments later.

“What are you going to do about us?”

“Whatever the fuck I want,” he growled and pushed himself off of her and swaggered out the door.

“God, are you ever pissy today,” she groaned and walked after him. If boys had their own time of the month, they would act similar to how Draco was acting today.

“You should be happy I was released today. But seeing as you’re not, I’m going to go back to my dorm and settle back in,” she huffed and walked away, half expecting him to chase after her, half expecting him not to. Draco being the real man he is, walked determinedly in the other direction when she looked back. Fallon pursed her lips, oh well; at least she’s not sick for the time being.
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I'm very busy but I managed to squeak a chapter out. I hope you guys enjoy!