Status: Complete ^_^

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Nothing but a rebel.

“Draco, why do we have to sneak out?” Fallon asked her boyfriend as she tried to resist his pull.

“Why don’t we have to?” Fallon rolled her eyes and sighed loudly every few minutes. “Shhhh, we’ll get caught if you don’t be quiet,” he scolded covering her mouth with his hand and pushing her into the wall in case someone passed. She glared angrily and bit the meaty flesh of his palm. He cursed loudly as he retreated his hand back to his body.

“Shhh, we’ll get caught if you don’t be quiet,” she mocked while she copied his previous actions. Draco fingered her only to earn a pinch on his under arm. He just shook his head as he nursed his arm and took hold of her hand once again as he successfully got them out of the castle.

“At least tell me where we’re going,” she begged as she dragged her feet on the ground. Draco ignored her, too focussed on his route to the destination.

They stopped in front of a tall run down house. “The shrieking shack? You forced me out of my warm bed just past midnight to see the shrieking shack?” she asked incredulously back tracking their footprints.

“I need to let off some steam,” he voiced as he reached into his pocket and pulled out an egg.

“Really? You’re going to egg that dump? You’re an idiot,” she told him, clearly pissed off with the whole situation as she watched him throw egg after egg with a satisfied smirk playing on his lips.

“You’re turn,” he told her passing her an egg. Fallon just stared at it as if it was a foreign object before shaking her head. “It’s fun, honestly.”

“No, it’s not. Besides, I won’t even be able to throw it that far. I’m surprised you even made it,” she informed him as she leaned on a fence post and calculated the distance in her head.

“I have prior experience, that’s why. I still have about six or seven eggs left. Just try once, for me?” he pleaded while he massaged her neck with his skilled fingers.

“Will you stop bugging me?”

“Yes. And you can throw more if you like it.” Draco whispered in her ear, trying to make her believe in his every word that snaked past his lips.

“I highly doubt that, Malfoy,” she snarled, throwing the oval item up and catching it in her hand.

“Just throw the damn egg. And don’t you dare start calling me Malfoy,” he warned. Fallon stuck out her tongue only to have it grabbed by Draco.

“Ewww, get your dirty fingers off my tongue!!!!” she lisped as she tried not to gag.

“It’s punishment,” he stated. Fallon swatted him away and then threw the egg with all her might, and watched it as it dropped into the snow not even half way to the building.

“See I can’t do it,” she whined punching him in the chest.

“I didn’t think can’t was in your vocabulary,” he said as he handed her another egg and stood behind her, helping her set up for the throw. “You need to have your arm up in the air when you follow through,” he educated her, “And, you need to use your whole body to throw like this.” Draco demonstrated but Fallon was to busy checking him out. Lucky for her, he never noticed.

“Do I start like this?” she questioned purposely making her stance incorrect. Oh god, I’m acting like a whore, she thought as contentment burst in her stomach as he walked over, grabbed a hold of her hips, and repositioned her. Fallon subconscientiously leaned back into his warmth and closed her eyes.

“Have your body perpendicular to where you want to throw,” he instructed manuevering her hips in his big hands. “You do know what that means right?” he asked craning his neck to see her face and smile.

“Duh,” she said as she smiled back at him. “Now throw…” she said uneasily as she snuck a peak at Draco, but he just stood still. Fallon made a face when she looked at the distance she was expected to throw. She took a gallop and lobbed it as high and far as she could, just hitting the side of the house.

“Yes!” she squealed with excitement as she did a small victory dance. She jumped over to Draco and grabbed his hands trying to get him to join. “I did it, I did it, I did it,” she chanted.

Draco cleared his throat to get her attention and nodded in the direction of a tree. “Let’s go up there,” he said as he took a running start so he could jump up and grab the branch.

“You’re kidding. Why are you making me do all this stupid stuff? I’m tired,” she mewled while she stomped her foot like she used to when she was a little girl.

“You pull many all-nighters to study, so don’t give me that 'I’m tired' shit,” he told her as he climbed the tree skilfully.

“You’re soooo inconsiderate! What if I can’t get up there?” she argued as she looked up at him from the base of the tree.

“There you go again with the can’t. Is it can’t or won’t?” He eyed her suspiciously, as she rustled the leaves beneath her feet.

“Won’t,” she stated flatly as she twitched one side of her nose up in irritation. “Why can’t you get Aiden, or Blaise to do this with you?” she complained but started to analyze the tree to look for the easiest way up.

“Sue me for wanting to spend time with you. You freaked me out yesterday when you did that whole ‘let’s break thing’ and I just wanted to make sure you weren’t still thinking about it,” he informed her while he watched her to make sure she didn’t fall.

“I didn’t mean to say that. It was like word vomit, it just spilled out and I couldn’t stop it,” she explained as she reached his place in the tree.

“Riiiiiiiight. Well, let’s get down,” he said abruptly, beginning his descent. Fallon growled loudly to show how much she was upset with him. If it were any other time of day, Fallon would be all for it, but at half past midnight, that was pushing it.

She slithered down the tree getting many slivers in her hands and scrapes elsewhere on her body. Once her feet touched the ground she was off like a bullet trudging back to the castle. She wanted to be with Draco no doubt, but sometimes he just drove her crazy. He always acts on impulse and not with a good mind set.

“Next time, choose a better time. You don’t know how pissed I am right now,” she ground through her teeth and poked his chest during every word in her last sentence.

“Stop being a bitch,” he accused trying to intimidate her. Fallon just flared her nostrils and stood on her toes, closing in on him.

“Sure I’m the bitch. Shouldn’t you be working on your task,” she spat shoving him away from her so she could advance forward.

“Don’t talk about that, I told you not to get involved,” he reminded her walking back in her direction and taking hold of her upper arms.

“Don’t be ridiculous! How can I not get involved? It’s in my nature,” she said as she grabbed fistfuls of his sweater between her nimble fingers and twisted the soft material back and forth.

“Just be my girlfriend, that’s all I ask,” he spoke softly but firmly and he looked her straight in the eye.

“I don’t know if I want to be,” she said quietly as she slipped away from him before she ran straight to the Ravenclaw tower.

Fallon was starting to freak out, they weren’t even into the month of December and so much has happened that Fallon was starting to question her own sanity. She liked Draco, or so she thought. After what she just spouted out, she wasn’t even sure anymore, about anything.

She didn’t want to get involved because she knew it would just cause trouble. Nonetheless, being so close to danger almost made Fallon hungry for it. What’s changing inside of her?
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Yay new chapter! I stayed up late and I'm dead tired. I'm not sure how this one is, but I tried. If it's not good now it'll definately get better. Enjoy!!!