Status: Complete ^_^

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Letter from my enemy.

Fallon and Draco have been going through a rough patch. Even since that night they snuck out, it’s been nothing but non-stop bickering.

“Did you take my quill?” Fallon asked angrily as she looked through her bag.

“No,” Draco said simply as he scribbled down the notes. Fallon searched around the desk and saw no signs of it until her eyes scanned over Draco’s hand.

“You liar! It’s in your hand. Give it back to me!” she yelled as she grabbed at his hand but he just turned away ignoring her. “Where’s your quill?” she demanded as she gave up trying to steal her writing utensil back.

“It broke, or I lost it. I’m not really sure, I just remember taking yours,” he mumbled not once looking her in the eye, or even at any other part of her body.

“Give it back,” she growled slightly under on her breath as she took his ear between her fingers and twisted it as far as it would go.

“Ouch!” he cried slipping from her grip and covered his now red ear before turning back to his work and said something along the lines of, “Crazy bitch.”

Fallon annoyingly tapped her fingers loudly on the table and aimlessly glanced around the room unsure of what she should do. An idea almost instantly popped into her head and she turned around and talked to Pansy behind her.

“Pansy, on a scale of one to ten, how much do you hate Draco?” she asked feigning kindness, knowing full well that Pansy was beginning to hate Draco with a passion.

“I’d say eight,” Pansy's annoying voice squeaked out, not caring at all that Draco could hear every word. Fallon smiled in satisfaction.

“Mmmm,” she hummed as she casually looked back at Draco to see him writing fiercely and his facial features seemed to harden and stiffen with anger. “For me, I think it’d be a ten,” she said matter-of-factly and she fakely laughed along with Pansy’s high-pitched giggles.

Fallon spun so she was forwards and she flipped her hair conceitedly while she waited to be dismissed for next class.

Finally after several minutes of just pure torture, Fallon quickly stood up and ripped her quill from Draco’s clutches, sticking out her tongue and pulling down her eye in the process. He stood up quickly after being triggered by Fallon’s motions, starting to get very riled up as he chased after her.

She was sauntering along happily until she felt her chest tightened and she looked behind her and came face-to-face with Draco. “Run,” he suggested, slowly advancing forward, a killer glint shining in his eyes.

“With pleasure,” she said sweetly as she curtsied before bolting down the hall screaming at the top of her lungs. Everyone in the halls stared after them in confusion; a girl was running away from Draco Malfoy?

Once Fallon reached the bottom of the Grand Staircase, she was beyond breathless and her calves were on the verge of becoming unmovable. Even though she was a fair distance up the stairs before Draco had even dreamed of being on them, he effortlessly reached her as he jumped two steps at a time catching up with in a matter of heartbeats.

He lunged at her only just gripping her cloak that she easily slipped off, leaving Draco laying on the usually crowded steps. He grunted in frustration as he balled up her expensive clothes and threw them at her ghost.

Now Fallon was creeping around the dungeons. She was trying to do some sort of reverse psychology where Draco will think she might be in the dungeons, but then thinking last minute she wasn‘t. It seemed to be a confusing plan but in Fallon’s mind, it made a whole world sense.

Just as she turned the corner, she ran in to Aiden.

“What are you doing?” he questioned with absolutely no emotion.

“Hiding. You never even saw me,” she tried to hypnotize him before she disappeared back around the corner she came from.

“Wait,” he said suddenly as if he remembered something. “Here, mom and dad want us to go over to the Malfoy’s over Christmas break. They’re coming with us too,” he informed her while he handed over a neatly trimmed piece of parchment.

“Well, I’m staying here over the break. I have a bunch of projects that my Professors want me to do and they want me to do it then. So, no can do,” she lied quickly and easily. She was quite surprised she managed to fib like that without giggling uncontrollably after she finished speaking.

“Explain that to mom and dad and see how they take it.”

“I will,” she said snidely as she made to leave once again.

“Miss Geneva,” a deep voice bellowed stopping her from running to safety within her Ravenclaw tower.

“Yes Professor Snape?” she asked sweetly as she turned to face him slowly.

“Mr. Malfoy was looking for you,” he stated as he stepped to the side and revealed Draco in all his angry glory. Fallon’s face fell as he started towards her and he pushed back, treating her as if she was a guy. She growled and did the same thing back.

They continued until they were pretty much fighting full throttle.

“I fucking hate you,” she screamed as she kicked him in the chest, and then backed up to repeat.

“Well I fucking hate you too,” he screamed back pushing her against the wall. Fallon clutched his neck and choked him, Draco copying seconds later. Professor Snape just stood and watched, finding their squabble a bit amusing at first, but once they began to choke each other he ripped them apart.

“Miss Geneva, Mr. Malfoy! Care to explain as to why you are acting so violent with each other?” he drawled holding them both by the collars.

“He’s an asshole,” she accused trying to reach for him.

“Mr. Geneva, would you control your twin?” Aiden smirked as he gave Fallon a big bear hug from behind and held her as tight as possible.

Draco, being stubborn as always, stood with his arms crossed and scowled staying silent.

“Draco, I hope you aren’t dawdling around and wasting your time on such trivial things. Time is of the essence. Don’t let me catch you doing something like this again,” he breathed furiously closing in on Draco.

Draco scoffed. “I thought you were supposed to be helping me,” Draco said snootily.

“Not with that attitude,” the Professor warned as he walked away, waving his hand to get them to disperse.

“See you around Malfoy,” she laughed and made a face before she scurried away. He went to run after her but crashed into Aiden.

“Sort it out over winter break,” he said in a calm way that frightened Draco, but he nodded in acknowledgement. Everything will be fixed, hopefully.

Draco punched the wall only to whimper after seeing the blood escape from his wounded knuckles.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took a little long. I was going to update yesterday and then I started reading and then I typed a bit and then I drew. Before I knew it was bedtime! Enjoy!