Status: Complete ^_^

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Are you really here?

The next day, Fallon waited patiently for Draco to awake. As she waited, Madam Pomfrey brought her a potion and motioned her to drink it.

“Is this a treatment?” she asked as she eyed it sceptically.

“Something like that,” the healer said, and began to prep a bed.

“It‘s one of those?” she asked sadly. Madam Pomfrey nodded and gave her a comforting smile.

“It‘s just to make sure it‘s all gone for good. If I timed it right you should be just finishing as Mr. Malfoy awakes,” she informed her as she walked Fallon to the bed. Fallon gave an odd look when she came across restraints.

“What is this?” Fallon was genuinely nervous.

“Unfortunately, this is a little more painful than the others. You’ll be thrashing around too much to control, so it has to be done. Sorry, dear.” Fallon groaned loudly and stomped her foot but she climbed into the bed and prepped herself.

After Madam Pomfrey finished, she poured the potion into Fallon’s awaiting mouth. Instantly Fallon felt the pain take over her body and her mind could only think of one thing. “Let me out!” she screamed at the healer. Madam Pomfrey smiled sadly at her and backed out of the room and into her office.

Fallon burned. She didn’t know if it was from pain or from the huge sweat she worked up from trying to free herself. She just wanted out. Out of pain and out of the hospital wing for good.

She started to take notice to the little things happening to her body and the things around her, trying to get her mind of the excruciating pain. Something was moving beside her, but she couldn’t focus enough to tell what it was. She could feel the sweat dribble down every part of her body and her muscles overexerting themselves while trying to break free.

She caught another glimpse of something beside her, and it wasn’t Draco. Draco was out cold and would be for a while, until the draught wore off. Fallon could feel something encircle her neck, was she puking or was it a lot of sweat, she couldn’t tell.

As another surge of pain overcame her, she screamed yet again, arching her back to release herself from the bed. There was laughing. Was she laughing? Laughing at the fact that the pain was unbearable and she was actually experiencing it. But did her laugh get deep when she was morbid with pain?

“Hey Fallon,” Revel laughed craning over her. Fallon thrashed against the restraints and screamed loudly. Was this normal? Will Madam Pomfrey really just sit in the office while she screamed her face off and could quite possibly be in danger?

“Are you in pain?” he asked in a babyish tone while he mock pouted over her. Fallon barked, hissed and growled, as if she were an animal. He laughed again, the sound almost made her ears bleed, if they weren’t already bleeding from the treatment.

“This is payback for not obeying me,” he spat as he choked her.

“Y-you th-think you c-can cho-choke me an-and ex-ex-expect it to hurt?” she sputtered, wasting the precious air in her lungs. Revel started to turn red in the face.

“Your boyfriend won’t be able to help you. You’re useless, you know that? Nothing but a bother, but Malfoy is too much of a wimp to admit it. He’s afraid you’ll ruin him,” he told her before he finally released her throat.

Fallon seized for a moment, from lack of air and the ripping pain scorching through her muscles.

“Fuck you!” she raged and shook violently on the bed, desperate for a release of some kind.

“You’re a crazy bitch. No wonder Draco beat you for a bit.” Fallon was officially distracted from the pain.

“You’re the reason he beat me and threw me around. You fucked his mind up with that potion. Do you even know how bad it is?” Fallon was ready to kill. If she wasn’t restrained, she would be on him like wild fire and would tear him limb for limb and feed him to the wolves. Then again, maybe he would like that.

“You‘re nothing but a dirty fucking whore. Leave Draco alone. He wants that, trust me,” he said lowly grabbing the back of her hair and pulling sharply.

“What‘s wrong with you?” she cried as her shirt started to ride up. “You call me all these things and then you try to rape me! What the hell are you playing at?”

Revel smirked wickedly. “You don‘t even want to know, darling.” Fallon snarled, and then yelped as she began to notice the pain again. “You‘re pathetic, but I can do lots with you.”

“You won‘t do a thing to her,” a deep voice drawled. Fallon‘s eyes flickered to the side before she convulsed. If she didn‘t know better, that was Snape‘s voice they were hearing.

“Mr. Turner, it would be best if you leave,” Snape informed Revel as he came up behind him and roughly took hold of his neck.

“Do you know who I am?” Revel snapped as he tried to wriggle free from the older man‘s grasp.

“I know full well who you are Turner, and it would be better for all of us if you leave. Now.” Revel glared heavily in Snape‘s direction before he stormed out of the room, leaving Fallon writhing on the bed and Snape staring at the teenagers who laid in the beds.

Draco was peaceful and Fallon was chaotic. Snape slowly walked over to Fallon who was lost in the depths of pain once again, and he brushed the globs of hair off of her face. Fallon seemed to be calming down as she descended from the heights of torture that happened inside of her body. She weakly pulled against the restraints and her ear-piercing screams were reduced to dull moans.

Draco stirred beside her, Snape instantly gravitated towards him.

“Draco, are you alright?” Snape asked with a hint of desperation in his tone of voice.

Draco grumbled as he squinted his eyes as the bright lights seared his retinas. He groaned loudly as he sat himself up and he scanned his eyes across the room. His eyes stopped at the sight of a squirming Fallon who was drenched in sweat and panting lightly.

“Why are you strapped down?” he asked softly as he went to reach for her but was stopped as Madam Pomfrey appeared out of no where and was already forcing potions down his throat.

Professor Snape took the initiative to release Fallon and he patted the top of her head lightly. Fallon was exhausted and didn’t noticed his unusually kind and gentle gesture. He backed away from her and whispered something to his fellow staff member, who immediately apologized many times. He hushed her and exited hastily, as if he had business to do, which he probably did.

“Fallon,” Draco called, starting to regain his strength quickly as he stepped down off the bed and limped the whole two steps over to her.

“Don’t worry about me,” she breathed, as she lay motionless.

“Will you tell me why?” he asked as he struggled to climb into the bed with her.

“Let’s just say we don’t have to worry about me being sick anymore, hopefully. I just know that there is no way in hell that I’m ever going to go through that again,” she explained. Draco puckered his lips, wanting a kiss. Fallon gladly agreed and snuggled up to him.

“Ah,” he inhaled sharply. “Careful, now,” he advised as he pulled his shirt up. Fallon frowned as thin, faint scars ran across his stomach. They may have not been noticeable, but they would no doubt be there for a while.

Fallon brushed her fingers over them as Draco gazed at her. “All of this better be over soon,” she whispered as she finished tracing the scars.

“I can’t even imagine what it’s going to be like in a few weeks from now,” Draco stated distantly before he leaned back on the pillow and closed his eyes. Fallon copied and to her delight, she fell into a dreamless sleep for the first time in a long time.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took a little long. I've been distracted. By work that I just started on Saturday, and a boy. Hahah, it's always though damn boys! Within the next fews days I will get my two, new stories out. One will be Draco, and maybe rated a little higher, just so I can do whatever I want with it and not feel....guilty I guess. I ask that you give them at least a little try. Please, please, please. It would make me the happiest person in the world! Well, enjoy!