Status: Complete ^_^

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Make me believe, please.

Twenty minutes into Charms, and Fallon found herself laughing along with Luna as they effortlessly cast the pillows across the room. Soon, they stood metres apart attempting to cast the pillows to each other; or simply playing catch with magic. Fallon felt so at ease in the reassuring atmosphere she forgot that Draco was standing a mere two metres away from her, staring intensely in her direction.

“That was fun,” Fallon smiled brightly sitting back in her seat. Luna may be weird, but man she was a good person.

“Fallon, Draco Malfoy hasn’t stopped looking at you since he got here. Look, he’s even letting your brother hit him with the pillows,” Luna pointed out, turning to look beside them.

“My brother can cast the spell?” Fallon asked surprised as she tried to find her twin. Luna just nodded and dropped the subject. Thank god she was clever, because Fallon didn’t want to talk about Draco with anyone.

At the end of class, Fallon took her time getting to Defence Against the Dark Arts. She strolled along skipping, running her hands on the walls as she passed them, dancing, singing, pretending to be a spy and then just walking like a normal person. Normally Fallon would never do this in the corridor. But since no one was around….. Where is everyone? Many paranoid thoughts raced through Fallon’s mind as she spun around looking for a sign of anyone.

“Fallon?” a deep voice asked as they stepped out from around the corner.

Fallon’s lip turned up, “I should’ve known it was you,” she snarled at Draco, as she walk up to him and socked him in the stomach. “I hope you had your daily dose of calcium today Draco, because when I’m done with you you’d be lucky not to have a broken bone.” Fallon full on charged at Draco, but he just smirked at this action.

As her proximity to him shrunk he grabbed her waist and threw her over his shoulder.

Fallon squirmed, kicked and punched him trying to get him to loosen his grip just slightly so she could slip away. But his already vice hold seemed to get tighter and tighter.

“People are going to see up my skirt! Put me down you freak!” she shrieked, grabbing at his hands.

“I don’t think so.” Fallon squeaked as his hand crept up her skirt.

“Draco Malfoy, you stop that right now!” she said hysterically, ripping his blonde locks out. He dropped her only to push her up against the wall. “Don’t you dare,” she whispered dangerously low, as his hand still crept.

“What if I don’t?” he challenged, going further yet. “If you don’t like it that much you would’ve stopped me by now, yeah?” Fallon didn’t know what to do. There was a boy’s hand up her skirt, she was trapped up against a wall and she was a fair bit weaker than him too.

“You have nice legs Fallon,” he gleamed caressing the skin beneath his fingers. Fallon successfully slapped his hand away; but then he had her hands pinned up by her head and his face inched closer. Though Fallon knew she would fail, she still tried to twist out of his grip.

“So now you’re going to rape me. That’s rich of you Draco, I thought you were going to treat me like a woman instead of a whore,” she reminded him pressing her forehead to his. “What exactly goes through that brain of yours?” she queried, squinting her eyes and searching for a glimpse of anything that may tell her what’s happening.

Draco let his head drop as he exhaled rather loudly. “I need a hug,” he said breathlessly while releasing her.

A shocked expression jumped onto Fallon’s face as she staggered from the wall. “What? You have a weird way of asking for one. Get Pansy to give you one, I’m sure she’d be all for it.” Fallon was going to keep going but she couldn’t turn away from him. He was pacing and running his fingers through his hair countless times in the last minute. Then he leaned on the wall and slid down until he hit the floor.

Fallon slowly approached him; slight concern creased in her eyebrows. “Draco… Are you alright?” she interrogated, her fingers ghosting under his chin to get him to look her in the eye. He just dropped his head into his hands, his body quaking. “Draco, Draco. C’mere,” she spoke, barely above a whisper. She gathered him up in her arms and rocked him back and forth, getting him into a tranquil state.

“Fallon…….” he trailed off capturing one of her hands and bringing it to his cheek. Fallon did want to pull away, but the state he was in right now made her heart ache and she just couldn’t deny him at the moment.

They stayed embraced for a little bit until Fallon broke the almost everlasting silence. “We’re late for class.”

“I know,” Draco breathed burying his head into the crook of her neck.

“You may be Snape’s favourite student but I’m not, he’s going to give me a detention,” she said resting her hand on the crown of his head.

“Let’s skip. I’ll talk to him tonight and everything will be fine,” he explained trying to shut her up.

“No Draco, I can’t just skip. I’m going now.” Fallon was breathing heavily now, with bits of anger swirling about her body.

“Don’t,” he pleaded, “Just don’t leave, please. I need something to distract me.”

“So now I’m a distraction?” she asked haughtily, her voice trembling.

“Why must you always get so bloody angry? I just want to have a civilized conversation with you without fighting an entire two minutes later. Why do you always pick a fight with me?” he raged standing up and craning over her.

“Me? It’s you. You always tip me off, I can’t help but want to talk back to you. You’re a drama queen, worse than a girl could ever be,” she talked back, standing as tall as she could in front of him.

“Well, I guess you don’t consider yourself a girl then, because among every human being your vile attitude stands out the most.”

Fallon laughed, “You’re describing yourself Malfoy. I would stop now if I were you.” Fallon made haste and walked away.

“So I’m Malfoy again?” he shouted walking after her.

“That’s all you’ll ever be,” she called back icily. Draco took a step back as if he had been struck. But he had been. The words Fallon constantly kept throwing at him pierced his heart more than once. How could she be so cold? Draco tossed his thoughts away and walked to the Slytherin common room where he fell asleep.

Fallon jumped around the astronomy tower screaming many profanities about anything that bothered her. She had to let off steam, so she wouldn’t slaughter Draco that night when they had astronomy together.

Fallon stopped for a second. “Things get crazy pretty fast here,” she sighed and then continued her rampage from before.
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