Status: Active :)



I was a wreck. I didn't get much sleep the night before, partially because Fiona kept attempting to seduce me and also because I couldn't stop thinking about how i was going down the surface of the ocean today! I was going to die for sure and I was going to prove Frank wrong. I was getting more and more disgusted with Fiona by the day and I actually wanted to leave her. She was a nice girl and all but maybe my heart was with Frank Iero... that's weird, I've known him for almost a week and I wanted to leave my girlfriend for him. Before this trip I didn't even know I felt the same way about men!

"Gerard?" I looked up at Fiona's round face. "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." damn, I stopped chewing again so now she knows I wasn't listening to her again. Was she telling me something unimportant again?

"Gee Bear..." she cooed. "Are you nervous about the dive?" we were eating a quick breakfast at the resort which I knew would go over the side of the boat anyways.

"Yes." I admitted.

"Oh, it will be fine." she smiled. "Frank will take good care of you I'm sure." only if she knew...

"Are you ready?" Frank grinned. It felt as though time was going so quickly that this moment right now was the main focus. I didn't want to go down to the black depths of the sea. Then again, I wondered if I would see the little mermaid or a dolphin or something like that.


"Too bad." he laughed. "Come on, I set all your gear up for you except for... everything." he looked smug. "So before the boat leaves, put your gear together." I glared at him. He just shrugged and smiled. So with Frank's supervision, I put my dive equipment together with minimal mistakes.

"So, lets take attendance." the guy with the afro announced. Ray was it? He started calling names as people arrived to the boat. I didn't know most of these people at all. Then the engine revved to life and Frank untied the boat from the dock and we began driving towards two posts which Fiona told be were showing where the boat could go through without getting damaged or hurting the reef. I never really though the reef had feelings.

"This site is called Hammerheads Point." Ray said while everyone sat on the metal benches. Frank was in the process of drawing the site on the white board in colourful markers. "Why? Apparently someone saw a hammerhead here ten or so years ago and that was it. You guys will be so lucky if you saw one today... especially since we only have nurse sharks in these waters. Anyways, its a wall dive and it drops to about five thousand feet and the deepest you guys can go is one ten, so watch your computers. Bob is with us today... he's on the top deck doing God knows what."

"I'm tying the boat up!" he yelled from the front of the boat. I could see him through the window. People around me chuckled.

"Oh well... sorry Bob. So... you guys will probably see a Moray eel feeding on the wall, he's around. Also, lots of blue tangs on this site and watch for turtles in the blue. Any questions?"

"So no sharks?" a woman asked confused.

"Not this one, maybe the next site today." Ray sighed. Did she always ask this? "So, Frank and myself will be in the water and Bob will be up here. Everyone follows me and Gerard follows Frank."

"The pools open." Frank announced and people began to get up and put their wetsuits on. I stood up and began doing the same. All this stuff was what Frank was lending me from the rentals. Surprisingly it fit. "Okay Gee, are you ready?" he smiled at me.

"Sure?" he grinned and leaned closer. Was he going to dare kiss me with Fiona just meters away.

"You'll do just fine." he whispered. I smiled weakly at him. I felt a little sea sick. "Need a Gravol?" I nodded. He handed me one and took it dry. "Wait until everyone's in, then we can get in nice and calmly." I nodded. "This will be fun, wait and see."
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What's funny is that my cat's name is Reef so when I write about the reef, i think about her :P

Moray Eel: (quite harmless)

Hammerhead shark: (known to be dangerous)

Blue Tang: (Its Dory!!!)

Nurse Shark: (Harmless and pretty much like a giant sucker fish)

Have any questions? Feel free to ask :)