Status: Active :)



I gasped as I hit the water. It was colder then I thought it was going to be. I honestly thought it would be as warm as the pool out here but not at all. The iciness was probably rising from the deep?
My BC was filled with air and my reg was in my mouth. So far I wasn't drowning which was a good sign. Frank jumped in the water beside me probably a thousand times more graceful then I did it but whatever. He turned to me and gave me the okay sign. I returned it and then he gave me thumbs down. He was ready to go down below to join the others. I hesitantly gave him the okay sign again and he gave it back to reassure me. I pressed the button to release all the air from my BC and suddenly I found myself sinking and at the same time losing my balance to stay upright. I flailed my arms helplessly in an attempt not to flip upside down. Frank was there in seconds to come to my rescue but his eyes told me he was laughing. He shifted the weights around on the belt around my waist. He filled my BC with a bit of air and I felt a bit better. We then descended together.

I could see the group in the distance but Frank told me above that we were pretty much doing our own thing. That also meant Fiona wasn't going to bother us which pretty much made my day.
Frank checked my gage and compared it with his own. The he gave me the okay sign again and showed me. We pretty much had the same amount of air, and if I didn't randomly panic I might survive this dive. Then again we had another after this one. We were down fifty feet which apparently was deeper then I thought it was. I felt a little smug that was down so far. Suddenly a fish swam by. It was rainbow and looked like nothing I had ever seen before! I watched in awe as it flew by and disappeared behind some coral.

Frank nudged me to follow him and I did. I tried to copy his actions but it was so hard to stay balanced. That is until Frank stopped and pulled my legs out as if saying "Stop swimming upright".
We swam for a bit before Frank nudged me and pointed to the sand. I didn't notice anything but a flat rock. I shrugged at him and he pulled me closer and we rested on the sand which didn't even feel wet even though we were underwater. He then pointed to the rock again and my eyes got wide. It was a stingray! Even I knew that because one killed Steve Irwin! Didn't it stab him in the heart or something?
I wanted to scream and pulled Frank away when he reached out and touched it. Didn't he tell me never to touch the wildlife somewhere in one of his lessons? Yet here he was touching it! The stingray sat motionless but its tail would occasionally move. He looked over at me and held his hand out for me to take. He wanted me to touch that thing? It could kill me! Even though my mind was screaming at me to swim away and hide in a cave, I took his hand. He slowly turned his attention back to the stingray which I swear to God was eyeing us up. In no time my hand was rubbing up against something not quite slimy and not soft but something in between. It felt like a dolphin I once pet at Sea World when I was a kid.
I admit I was in complete wonder until the stingray seemed to awake from its trace and hover above the sand. It flapped its wings and glided off with Frank and I watching after it. Frank seemed also to snap out of his trance but he never let go of my hand, I noticed that.
We swam beside each other slowly with Frank pointing out different fish and other strange creatures. Occasionally we would see the group and only then Frank would let go of my hand but that's only because Fiona was there. As always she ruined the moment.

Frank pointed under a coral ledge and I looked. It was a shark and It was big!
I tightened my grip on Frank's hand and he squeezed back telling me everything was okay. He let go of my hand and went closer to the shark and tugged on its tail fin. The shark awoke and squirmed out from under the ledge and swam right past me without another glance. It didn't eat me? I turned and watched it swim off into the distance. Frank took my hand in his again and smiled with his eyes as if he was saying "I told you so". I smiled back and something happened that I didn't expect, with his free hand he cupped my cheek and took his reg out of his mouth but continued to blow small bubbles out because you can't hold your breath diving or your blood will boil or your lungs will explode. Then he took my reg out of my mouth and I mimicked him with the bubbles. Then he very slowly leaned in and kissed me. I almost stopped exhaling and almost choked from shock. He pulled away and pressed a button on his reg which expelled water from the hose. Bubbles rushed out as he put it back in his mouth. I did the same with mine and we were breathing again. I looked at him and he looked at me. I shared my first underwater kiss with Frank Iero. I shared my first kiss with Frank Iero underwater. Who could say that they did that?
Frank then checked our gages and looked up. I looked up to to see that the boat was right above us. I didn't even notice it there. Frank gave me the thumbs up sign and I fileld my BC with a bit more air and we began to float to the surface.

We stopped at fifteen feet because we had to. It was our safety stop and our computers told us we had to wait for three minutes to continue to the surface. So Frank and I held onto the mooring line of the boat just watching the time tick by. Finally time was up and we could continue to the boat. I took one last look at the ocean floor and wondered why I was ever so scared to be down there. It was beautiful in a blue and grey sort of way and I really liked it. Nothing ate me and Frank kissed me! I think that was my favorite part of the entire dive.
♠ ♠ ♠
I recommend listening to: I Go To The Barn- Band Of Horses, while reading this chapter :)


That rainbow fish would be a parrotfish :) :

Nurse Shark:

Any questions, just ask :)